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Attachments - NoteWorthy Online

Filename   Downloads Message Posted
10f.nwc 1,225 Re: MIDIParm.nw
AABBAABB_t7409.nwc 1,016 Re: How do I make a special last bar ending ? Celtic Fiddle Special Case 1,366 Re: nwctxt Python Module - Version 0.1.0 (Alpha quality)
Attach Objects To Next Note.nw.nwcut.lua 1,191 Attach Objects To Next Note.nw
BarCounter.nw.nwcuser.lua 1,428 BarCounter.nw
BeamGrps.png 1,577 Re: Beam Direction
BlockLetter.demo.nwcuser.lua 1,002 BlockLetter.demo
BlockLetters.nwc 1,052 BlockLetter.demo
breve.png 1,155 Re: Breve
Bug_nwc2p1z_RestChordNoteSpacing.nwc 917 Re: Does Extra Note Space mean Extra Accidental Space, too?
ChordPlay.nw.nwcuser.lua 1,540 ChordPlay.nw
ChordPlayRightClick.png 1,991 Re: ChordPlay.nw
Chrome-NWC-Plugin.png 1,281 Re: browser plugin
CustomKey.nw.nwcuser.lua 1,001 CustomKey.nw
customKey.png 1,679 CustomKey.nw
DisableUseWideTextForSymbols.reg 2,023 Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 8
EnableDLSSynth.trak 1,013 Enabling Web MIDI DLSSynth on Mac OS X
GM1Alphabetical.nwcitree 2,342 General Midi.nwcitree
GSDrumKits.nwc 892 Re: Sound of slow brushes
KeyMappings.png 1,781 CustomKey.nw
LineSpan.nw.nwcuser.lua 1,348 LineSpan.nw
Melismatic.nw.nwcuser.lua 1,266 Melismatic.nw
MIDIParm.nw.nwcuser.lua 1,296 MIDIParm.nw
mynwsw_icon.gif 1,600 Re: New icon for this forum
NortonUpgFailure.png 1,691 Popularity Contest as Anti-virus
noteheadAlignmentBeta2x14.nwc 968 Re: NWC2 Beta 2.20 is now available
NRPN_Sample.nwc 1,229 Re: MIDIParm.nw
NumberingLyricLines_v21.nwc 924 Re: Aligning rest symbols
nwc21b17-intro.png 3,530 How to enable the Piano Control in NWC 2.1
nwc2musicxml_ut.png 2,490 Test Release: nwc2musicxml
nwc2musicxml_utsave.png 2,364 Test Release: nwc2musicxml
nwc2ut_PromptDemo_1.exe 2,724 Using prompts when invoking a User Tool
nwc2_UserToolStarter_v2_11_beta2.exe 2,238 NWC2 User Tool Starter Kit 2.11 (Beta 2)
nwcInfo-usertool.png 1,837 Retrieve NWC File Version, Font, and Play Time Information
nwcInfo.cmd 1,250 Retrieve NWC File Version, Font, and Play Time Information
nwctxt.nwctxt 4,433 Working with *.nwctxt files 1,422 nwctxt Python Module - Version 0.1.0 (Alpha quality)
NWCViewerPortable_2.51_RC_1_English.paf.exe 1,209 NWC Viewer Portable - Version 2.51 RC 1
nwsw-sample-5807.nwc 915 Re: Note Spacing
OctaveDoubling.nw.nwcut.lua 2,267 OctaveDoubling.nw: Octave Doubling Chord Creator (Version 0.1)
PageTxt.nw.nwcuser.lua 932 PageTxtMaestro.nw
PageTxtMaestro.nw.nwcuser.lua 986 PageTxtMaestro.nw
PageTxtMaestro.nwc 1,210 PageTxtMaestro.nw
PlayBackDelay.nwctxt 970 Re: Duration error when using pitch bend
SplitStemHackAvoidsLayering.nwc 1,031 Re: Help for the Cyber Hymnal
system.gif 2,660 Re: What's a system?
t7250_WithLayering2.nwc 884 Re: Dotted Note Discrepancies
TabFret.nw.nwcuser.lua 936 TabStaff.nw and TabFret.nw
TabStaff.nw.nwcuser.lua 943 TabStaff.nw and TabFret.nw
TabStaff.nwc 1,061 TabStaff.nw and TabFret.nw