Announcements / Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
If all goes well, things will be back to normal
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Occasionally the scores I play for musicals have a time signature that is significantly larger than you would normally expect. They extend from the centre line the same way that a normal time signature does, but instead of being completely enclosed in the staff (I.E. each number is 2 spaces high), they extend above and below by approximately an additional space to space and a half. Think scaled by 150% to 175%. This can be really, really helpful. Especially if the score is busy.
Attach Objects To Next Note.nw
br | This is adds a line break in the text |
Title | This is the title from File, Info |
Author | This is the author from File, Info |
Lyricist | This is the lyricist from File, Info |
Copyright1 | This is the first copyright line from File, Info |
Copyright2 | This is the second copyright line from File, Info |
StaffName | This is the staff name from Staff Properties |
StaffLabel | This is the staff label from Staff Properties |
StaffLabelAbbr | This is the abbreviated staff label from Staff Properties |
StaffGroup | This is the staff group from Staff Properties |
PageNum PageNum,1 | This is a special case variable. You can use %PageNum% by itself, or add a comma and starting page number, such as %PageNum,7%, which starts numbering from 7. |
Comment,Label | This is a special case variable. It is used to access custom variables set in the comments section of File, Info. |
|MPC|Controller:pitch|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:32|Pt1:0,8192|Pt2:2,16383|Pt3:1,8192|Pos:8|Wide:Y
|MPC|Controller:pitch|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:32|Pt1:0,8192|Pt2:2,16383|Pt3:1,8192|Pos:8|Wide:Y
|Instrument|Name:"Acoustic Guitar (nylon)"|Patch:24|Bank:0,112|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:-9
%ProgramData%\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins
nwc-conv: version 2.1b
This program is a front end command to the file convert options
available in the main NoteWorthy Composer 2 program.
Usage: nwc-conv IN_FMT OUT_FMT [-h|-v|-0|-1]
This specifies the input file or format that will be used.
This can be the name of a *.nwc or *.nwctxt file, or if
STDIN is used, it should indicate "NWC" or "NWCTXT".
This specifies the output file or format that will be used.
The format can be one of NWC, NWCTXT, MID, or INFO, but may
not be the same as the IN_FMT. This can be the name of the
intended output file, or just the the format name if STDOUT
is used.
-h Shows this help message
-v Shows the program name and version
-0 Use type 0 when converting to MIDI
-1 Use type 1 when converting to MIDI
Example: nwc-conv NWCTXT "out\test.mid" -1
This creates a Type 1 MIDI file using the NWCTXT text
provided on standard input (STDIN)
Example: nwc-conv "in\test.nwc" NWCTXT > "out\test.nwctxt"
This converts the test.nwc file into NWCTXT which is sent
via standard output (STDOUT) to a test.nwctxt file