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Topics - NoteWorthy Online

Announcements / Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
We will be upgrading the server over the next 24 hours. Some down time will be necessary. The move involves a new IP address, so DNS propagation time will also be involved.

If all goes well, things will be back to normal during the day of 18-December-2024 now.
Announcements / Forum Upgrade (January 2023)
This forum has been upgraded to the latest cutting edge Elkarte code. This is in preparation for additional server upgrades, and for the enhanced security.
Announcements / Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
This forum has been upgraded to the latest generally available Elkarte release. We have also upgraded the actual server, including its provider and underlying OS and web server software.

Efforts have been made to migrate all of the prior forum version customization. Due to the complexity of this process, there could be issues that will need to be fixed. Please report them here.
Object Plugins / TimeSigScaler.nw
This object can be used to draw a scaled version of a prior, usually hidden, time signature. This object should always be placed after the real time signature.

Code: [Select · Download]

This object is derived from existing discussion excerpted below:

Occasionally the scores I play for musicals have a time signature that is significantly larger than you would normally expect.  They extend from the centre line the same way that a normal time signature does, but instead of being completely enclosed in the staff (I.E. each number is 2 spaces high), they extend above and below by approximately an additional space to space and a half.  Think scaled by 150% to 175%.  This can be really, really helpful.  Especially if the score is busy.
User Tools / Attach Objects To Next Note.nw
A support incident with the object type led to the attached user tool. This user tool can be run in Clip or File Text modes. When run in file mode, it returns file text.

This tool attaches all instances of the designated user object type to the target note that follows it, skipping any rests or bar lines that separate the object from its target note. This has been designed to work with objects, but would work for other objects that specifically target notes, and not rests or bar lines.

In version 2.75a, you can install this tool directly from Tools, User Tools, Download by entering its name at the prompt:

Code: (txt) [Select · Download]
Attach Objects To Next Note.nw


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
User Tools / Retrieve NWC File Version, Font, and Play Time Information
NWC 2.75 has a builtin INFO method that can be accessed from the command line. It shows you some summary stats about a file, including NWC version used to create it, play time, and fonts used. You can access this facility from the User Tool mechanism using the attached Windows batch file. The recommended user tool settings are also shown.

Additional Details: A file's path name is sent to user tools that handle File Text. The file path is only provided for existing non-sample files. If you want to retrieve the version info for an old file, you must make sure that you do not save it prior to invoking this tool. Once you save a file in a new version of NWC, the old information is lost.

Additionally, user tools receive input encoded as utf-8. If your files are named with characters beyond simple ASCII, you will likely experience issues with this tool.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
General Discussion / Smart Insertion Point?
We are reviewing the need for the Smart Insertion Point setting in Tools, Options, Editor. It would help us to know how you currently use this setting. Your answer will greatly help in this process.
Object Plugins / LineSpan.nw
This object can be used to add special lines that span across a selection of notes. An optional text instruction can accompany the line.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
User Tools / Test Release: nwc2musicxml
Posted a binary update/release of Nicolas Froment's ( @lasconic ) nwc2musicxml that can be run locally as a NWC User Tool:

In order to use this release, you must have installed Java SE (Java run-time environment).

If you download the included *.jar file, you can then configure it as a user tool from Tools, User Tool, New...

A screenshot of the configuration is attached.

Note: Updated to version test_0.3 on 02-Jun-2016
Object Plugins / BlockLetter.demo
This object can be used to light single block letters on a Novation Launchpad.

Demo Video:

Special Instructions:
This object requires a Novation Launchpad. The staff that contains this object should be mapped to channel 1 of the Launchpad device.

Repeats should not be used with this object.

  • Char:
    This is a single ASCII character that will be sent to the Launchpad.


Announcements / NWC Version 2.75 Released
NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75 is now available.

  • If you are currently using version 2.51a (or an older version 2 release), you should use

    Help, Access

    in the program. You will automatically be redirected to the appropriate upgrade program.

  • If you are interested in trying out the new NoteWorthy Composer release, there is also a new demo available:

    NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75 Demo

  • If you just want to play and print existing *.nwc files created by others, a new NWC Viewer is also available.

See also:

Version 2.75 Released | NoteWorthy Composer Blog
Object Plugins / PageTxtMaestro.nw
PageTxtMaestro makes it easy to add a variety of page text elements to the printed page in two simple steps:

  • Add an object of type PageTxtMaestro.nw into the front of your top staff. This object does all of the printing work, so you need to add it first. Note that your top staff must contain at least one note before PageTxtMaestro can do its job.

  • Add PageTxt.nw objects as needed into the top staff. You can start with the predefined styles, then add custom styles for special situations.

Each PageTxt object can be defined such that it displays information found in the current file. This is done by using variables, which are enclosed in % characters. For example, %Author% will show the author text set from File, Info. The following variables can be used inside a PageTxt object:

brThis is adds a line break in the text
TitleThis is the title from File, Info
AuthorThis is the author from File, Info
LyricistThis is the lyricist from File, Info
Copyright1This is the first copyright line from File, Info
Copyright2This is the second copyright line from File, Info
StaffNameThis is the staff name from Staff Properties
StaffLabelThis is the staff label from Staff Properties
StaffLabelAbbrThis is the abbreviated staff label from Staff Properties
StaffGroupThis is the staff group from Staff Properties
This is a special case variable. You can use %PageNum% by itself, or add a comma and starting page number, such as %PageNum,7%, which starts numbering from 7.
This is a special case variable. It is used to access custom variables set in the comments section of File, Info.
Object Plugins / BarCounter.nw
This object can be used to create a custom bar counter. It can be useful when embedding multiple songs into a single file.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]


  • turn off the built-in bar counter from File, Page Setup
  • add this object at the start of your file
  • add new instances of this object whenever you want to reset the bar count
General Discussion / Antivirus/Firewall and NWC 2.75
If you have experienced any Antivirus or Firewall issues while using NWC Version 2.75, please reply here with details.

We are working on a significant change to the way NWC 2.75 accesses online content, which should help matters. These changes will appear in Beta Preview 50. However, I am interested in any issues that have come up thus far.
Object Plugins / TabStaff.nw and TabFret.nw
This is an object plugin approach for guitar tablature. This approach uses two object types:

  • TabStaff.nw

    TabStaff is used to add a guitar tab staff under an existing staff. You can add this object into the current staff, or create a new staff that has no staff lines. This object draws the TAB identifier, the guitar strings, and the bar lines that comprise the guitar tablature.

  • TabFret.nw

    TabFret is used to add a guitar fret numbers to a TabStaff. You should add the TabStaff object prior to using this object.

2.75a Beta Enhancement
If you are using the NWC 2.75a beta, you can use the TabStaff.nw: Create Tablature user tool command. It uses a simplistic scheme to convert notes into fretted strings, but can be helpful in the initial generation of tablature in an existing staff. It does not flag any errors that occur, so you will have to manually review the results (for accuracy and play-ability).
Announcements / Upgrading to Windows 10
For the most part, NoteWorthy Composer and its companion NWC Viewer, will work fine on Windows 10. However, there is a problem with using the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth for play back. In Windows 10, there are problems with the verification methods used by NoteWorthy Composer in Tools, Options, Midi while getting access to the requested MIDI devices. The issue and a work around is described further in our blog:

Windows 10: Configuring Play in Version 2.51a (and older)

See also:

Topic: Beta Preview 43 (the MIDI Mapper)
Object Plugins / MIDIParm.nw
This object allows you to send MIDI RPN and NRPN changes. If you do not want these to show when printing, then you will need to hide the object. You can change the text that is displayed for the object by adding a ShowAs property.

The following clip uses MIDIParm.nw to temporarily change the pitch bend range to 12 semitones:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|MPC|Controller:pitch|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:32|Pt1:0,8192|Pt2:2,16383|Pt3:1,8192|Pos:8|Wide:Y
|MPC|Controller:pitch|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:32|Pt1:0,8192|Pt2:2,16383|Pt3:1,8192|Pos:8|Wide:Y
Object Plugins / Melismatic.nw
Melismatic.nw will detect melismas in a staff and automatically draw an extender line that spans the notes contained within the melisma. Only a single Melismatic.nw object is required. Simply add it to the start of any staff with lyrics, and the rest is automatic.

You can turn off Melismatic.nw at any point in a staff by adding a Melismatic.nw object, then assigning its Visibility to Never.

This object was inspired by the original work of Rick G on his rg_LyrEx object. The Melimatic object would not have been
possible without his original effort.

To get started, copy and paste the following object into a staff:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

To turn off the Melismatic.nw process, simply copy and paste the following into the staff at the point where the processing is no longer required:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Object Plugins / ChordPlay.nw
ChordPlay enables show and play of a named chord. For play back, the duration of the chord is determined by the indicated Span value, which defines the number of notes/rests for which the chord will play.

The Font, Size, and Style can be set within any instance of ChordPlay, but only the first instance in a staff generally needs to define the font details. By default, all subsequent ChordPlay objects will use the font details specified in the first instance in the staff. If the first instance is being used only for setting default display options, then it will show as a special object.

The following clip will get you started:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Instrument|Name:"Acoustic Guitar (nylon)"|Patch:24|Bank:0,112|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:-9
Object Plugins / CustomKey.nw
This object allows a list of accidental strings to be defined such that they form a custom key signature. The following sample will get you started:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

A list of accidentals are defined by a series of comma separated strings. Each string in the sequence gets displayed at the next position in the circle of fifths. An empty string can be used to skip a position in the circle of fifths. By default, the circle of fifths position starts at position 0, and cycles through the standard flat circle of fifth positions. If the list continues, the traditional sharp circle of fifth positions are used. If the list continues, then the process wraps and starts over again with position 0.

The starting position in the flat to sharp circle of fifths can be defined. This can be used to start with the first sharp position. The exact location for each position is relative to the user object's position, which allows additional flexibility.

This object is best used with the Accidentals font, by Ertuğrul İnanç. It can be found at:

See also:

Object Plugins / About Object Plugins
Object plugins allow a variety of custom functionality to be added to your NoteWorthy Composer file. Each Object can be subclassed using specially crafted scripts that can establish new behavior for each object type. An introductory video is available on our YouTube channel:

Introduction to Manage Objects Video


Objects are a new feature in NoteWorthy Composer 2.75.

Installing a New Object Plugin

Objects are automatically loaded by NoteWorthy Composer when they are placed into the Object Plugins folder. This folder is set from Tools, Options, Folders, and by default uses a standard Windows location.

You can automatically download and install new object plugins published here by using the Tools, Manage Objects command, which opens with Ctrl+J. For new objects, you should generally open the sample's object clip first. Click the Options button, then Check online sources. This will identify any plugin source code that can be downloaded or upgraded from the forum. You can right click, or double click, any object types that you would like to install.

If you are using Windows Vista or later, you can also copy and paste the following URL into an Explorer or Open/Save window to go straight into the default location for these plugins:

Code: [Select · Download]
%ProgramData%\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins


If you want to share an object plugin that you have created, then you can request post access to this area. Each object plugin must include a unique author designation, which is called its NWC Plugin-ID. Please indicate your preferred Plugin-ID with any request for posting access to this forum.

This forum board is intended to be used exclusively for posting new object plugins. The following rules apply:

  • All topics must publish at least one object plugin
  • Object plugins may only be attached in the primary/top message of each topic
  • All object types must be named with an official Plugin-ID, or .test if you are still in the development phase
  • The object's Plugin-ID must match your profile's Plugin-ID or .test
  • The title of a topic should indicate the object name
  • You should provide a sample nwctxt clip or file that includes your object

Any topic that is found to not follow these rules will be moved or deleted.
Announcements / Web site/server changes
We are in the process of migrating our online systems over to a new system. As a part of this process, we are moving NWC specific web resources over to the domain. During this process, you may experience occasional failures, unusual navigation results, and changes to the look and feel of some pages/areas.
Announcements / Forum Crashed
Yesterday, we experienced a server crash, and subsequent forum corruption. During the recovery process, the "currently read posts" tracking mechanism was reset. This means that you will see all existing topics as "New Posts" regardless of whether you have read them or not. Frequent visitors might want to "MARK ALL MESSAGES AS READ" in the lower right of the main forum index. The forum should resume normal message read tracking from this point.
Announcements / Forum converted to utf-8 encoding
The forum has officially been converted to use utf-8 encoding. This should make the exchange of new NWC 2.75 notation clips via the BBC CODE tags work correctly and consistently for all.

Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.75 Beta Developments
NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.75 has been released. You can upgrade your version 2.51a install to version 2.75 by going to:

Help->Access Noteworthy

from within the program.

You can get the latest NWC Viewer from here:

The beta preview series included the following description:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Major changes include:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Announcements / Version 2.51a Released for NWC and the Viewer
Both NWC and the NWC Viewer have been updated to Version 2.51a. Full details of this upgrade can be found in the NWC Blog. A basic explanation of how to upgrade to this new version is summarized below:

  • You can upgrade your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2.51 by opening it, then selecting the Access command in the Help menu.  You will automatically be directed to the page where you can download and install the NoteWorthy Composer 2.51a upgrade.

  • The latest Viewer can be downloaded from the NoteWorthy Composer Viewer page.

Announcements / NWC Viewer 2.51 [Testing Concluded, Release Available]
NoteWorthy Composer Viewer Version 2.51 includes all of the improvements found in NWC 2.51 that also apply to the viewing experience.

Operating System Requirements:
Windows 2000/Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (x86 or x64)

Release Candidate 1 is attached.
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.51 [Testing Concluded, Release Available]
NoteWorthy Composer 2.51 has been released (change history). Licensed users of NoteWorthy Composer 2.5 can update everything to version 2.51 using the following procedure:

  • If you have been participating in the 2.51 test releases, then you should probably uninstall the test version. Open the NWC Test Edition, then use the Uninstall command in the Help menu.

  • You can upgrade your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2.5 by opening it, then from within NoteWorthy Composer 2.5, select the Access command in the Help menu.  You will automatically be directed to the page where you can download and install the NoteWorthy Composer 2.51 upgrade.

  • Next, you can install the latest NWC User Tool Starter Kit.

  • Next, you can install the NWC 2.51 Viewer.

The remainder of this topic tracks the development and test history for NWC Version 2.51.
Announcements / NWC Viewer 2.5.5 Beta [Concluded, Release Available]
NoteWorthy Composer Viewer Version 2.5.5 includes Lawrie Pardy's Font Pack and several other legacy user fonts.

A mechanism for dynamically loading various user fonts, as well as the main notation font, is now included in the Viewer program. The fonts are not added to the main system font catalog, but rather are loaded only when used by the target song file. This allows the NWC Viewer to provide access to many fonts with minimal impact on the overall system.

The following fonts will be available for all users of NWC Viewer 2.5.5: NWC2STDA, NWCV15, Boxmark2, Hairpin Dynamics, NWC Extra Ornaments v3, MusikChordSans, MusikChordSerif, MusikDingsSans, MusikDingsSerif, MusikTextEuroSans, MusikTextEuroSerif, MusikTextSans, MusikTextSerif, NWC2MusikDingsSans, NWC2MusikDingsSerif, NWC2SwingDings, SwingChord, SwingDings, SwingText, and SwingTextEuro. In addition, Crescendo and Boxmarks will be automatically converted to suitable alternates if they are not found on the user system.

Operating System Requirements:
Windows 2000/Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8

The beta installer is attached.
The latest NWC Viewer download is available here:

Announcements / NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]
NoteWorthy Composer Viewer Version 2.5.4 includes a browser plugin that can be used to view NoteWorthy Composer files directly within your Netscape compatible browser (Internet Explorer is not supported).

Officially supported browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (32-bit) on Microsoft Windows XP or later.

** Notice ***
If you have an old NWC Browser Plugin installed in your browser's program area, it should be removed before installing this edition of the Viewer. If old copies are not removed, then your browser will continue to use your old copy of the browser plugin.

** Notice 2***
You should close your browser before installing the Viewer. The plugin will automatically be detected when it is restarted after the Viewer setup is completed.

The latest NWC Viewer download is available here:

Announcements / NWC2 User Tool Starter Kit 2.11 (Beta 2)
System Requirements: Windows XP SP2 or later (Windows 2000, Me, 98, and 95 are not supported)

Prerequisites: You must install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) prior to using this version of the starter kit. The installer checks for this and should warn you if it is not detected.

What's New: This new version includes
  • an updated nwc-conv.exe for command line conversion of *.nwc to and from *.nwctxt
  • a new custom edition of PHP 5.3 that includes support for the COM class interface
  • an updated php.ini environment for easier access to the starter kit's include library from a user development folder outside of the NWC2 program files
  • a new nwc2config lib module for developers to access NWC2 user config data
  • the Pitch Mod tool

Version 2.11 Beta 2 is attached.
User Tools / nwc-conv.exe: Command line tool for converting *.nwc files (Version 2.1b)
Licensed users of NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.1 can use the attached tool to automate *.nwc file conversions. This new version of the nwc-conv.exe program will automatically find a properly installed copy of NWC2 and use it to complete the requested file conversion.

Quote from: "nwc-conv.exe -h"
nwc-conv: version 2.1b
This program is a front end command to the file convert options
available in the main NoteWorthy Composer 2 program.

Usage: nwc-conv IN_FMT OUT_FMT [-h|-v|-0|-1]

    This specifies the input file or format that will be used.
    This can be the name of a *.nwc or *.nwctxt file, or if
    STDIN is used, it should indicate "NWC" or "NWCTXT".

    This specifies the output file or format that will be used.
    The format can be one of NWC, NWCTXT, MID, or INFO, but may
    not be the same as the IN_FMT. This can be the name of the
    intended output file, or just the the format name if STDOUT
    is used.

-h  Shows this help message
-v  Shows the program name and version
-0  Use type 0 when converting to MIDI
-1  Use type 1 when converting to MIDI

Example: nwc-conv NWCTXT "out\test.mid" -1
    This creates a Type 1 MIDI file using the NWCTXT text
    provided on standard input (STDIN)

Example: nwc-conv "in\test.nwc" NWCTXT > "out\test.nwctxt"
    This converts the test.nwc file into NWCTXT which is sent
    via standard output (STDOUT) to a test.nwctxt file
User Tools / Pitch Mod (nwsw) User Tool
Inspired by Andrew Purdam's Global Mod script, this script allows you to conditionally modify note pitch/position information. After installing this script Version 2.1 or later of the NWC2 User Tool Starter Kit, the following command will be available from the User Tool command (Alt+F8):

Pitch Mod (nwsw)

Upon invoking this tool, you will be prompted for a pitch mod expression. You can use the pitch mod expression to match against note name, accidental, octave, or duration, and then set the note's accidental, position, and/or notehead style or color. For a detailed explanation of the pitch mod expression, please see below in the first replies of this topic.
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Now Available
NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the general availability of NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.1.

Version 2.1 features a new on-screen piano, color highlighting for noteheads, productivity enhancements in the editor, version save history via a new backup mechanism,  context information for user tools, and more.

If you are a currently licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2.0, you may upgrade your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2.0 at no additional charge. From within NoteWorthy Composer 2.0, select the Access command in the Help menu. You will automatically be directed to the page where you can download and install the NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 upgrade.

See also:

Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 RC 6
NoteWorthy Composer Version 2.1 has gone to RTM status. Upgrade information will be announced in the coming days.

NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 RC 6 is attached to this topic. This installs a NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Release Candidate into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Just as with the beta releases, your existing copy of the NoteWorthy Composer 2 program (NWC2.EXE) will not be altered by installing this test edition. However, files related to the online help will be updated to reflect the new version. You can still run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2, but the online help will reflect the new features in version 2.1. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

If you customize your toolbars within version 2.1, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 29
WARNING: This beta has been replaced by NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 RC 1.

NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new beta test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 Beta 29 is attached to this topic. This installs the latest NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta test edition into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Your existing copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 will not be altered by installing this test edition. You can, and should, run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

What's New in Version 2.1
  • New interactive piano bar, with significant editor integration
  • New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work
  • New cross hair for quickly finding your current location/insertion point
  • Improved active staff boundary lines when in edit mode
  • Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette
  • New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save
  • New staff label taskbar in the editor, with tooltip for current clef, key, and time signature
  • New persistent selection when changing the active staff
  • New multiple document selector in the status bar
  • New Layering Tool for quickly combining visible staves into layers
  • Play/record indicator in the document selector
  • Current clef, time signature, bar and MIDI channel are shown in the status bar
  • A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector
  • An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources
  • Support for opening a file as "read-only"
  • The undo facility now recognizes when the editor matches the originally opened version of your work
  • New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections
  • Expand editor background color control to support full RGB palette
  • New active staff background color while in edit mode
  • A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats
  • New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects
  • New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers
  • Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista
  • MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos
  • Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary
  • Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines
  • Improved default folder for "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" file locations when not set by the user
  • Improved tempo variance handling for adjacent grace notes
  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords
  • Allow larger notation from File, Page Setup, Fonts
  • Slurs ignore hidden rests in a RestChord
  • Accept MIDI notes down to C-1
  • Use standard notation octave indicators (C-1 to G9) in MIDI import instructions
  • Play/record tool show status after being clicked, and support click off
  • Improve editor handing of Page Setup, Contents changes so that the currently active staff and editor location are retained when they remain in view
  • Improve Score Review to better support editing parts not currently shown in the editor

Upon successfully installing this beta test edition, you will see an additional desktop icon titled "NWC Test Edition." You can use this icon to start up the new program. Any files that you save in this new version are backward compatible with the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 program, but you will not see any additional features that you enable from the test edition if you go back to using the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 release.

If you customize your toolbars in the beta release, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 19
WARNING: This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 23.

NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new beta test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 Beta 19 is attached to this topic. This installs the latest NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta test edition into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Your existing copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 will not be altered by installing this test edition. You can, and should, run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

New Additions/Changes
  • New staff label panel in the editor, with tooltip for current clef, key, and time signature
    This area supports "click to select/double click to select all" functionality. When a group of staves are layered, you are prompted to select the intended new active staff.
  • New persistent selection when changing the active staff
    You can Page Up/Down and the selection will be preserved in the new staff, if possible. If you use the new staff label panel to activate a staff, the current selection will be maintained, and no automatic scroll will be done, even when the insertion point is currently out of view.
  • Expand editor background color control to support full RGB palette
    You can now use any color as the editor background. White is the current default, but you might find a softer color to be more pleasant to use. You can change this from Tools, Options, Color, Editor Background.
  • Show Staff Labels option moved from Tools, Options to the View menu and the Right Click menu of the new staff label panel
  • Fixed mouse click functions for active, lower layered staff (broken in beta 18)
  • Remove the focus rectangle mechanism, replaced by the new staff label panel
  • Fix the piano's focus key octave wrap around in the lower octaves

What's New in Version 2.1
  • New interactive piano bar, with significant editor integration
  • New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work
  • Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette
  • New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save
  • New staff label taskbar in the editor, with tooltip for current clef, key, and time signature
  • New persistent selection when changing the active staff
  • New multiple document selector in the status bar
  • Play/record indicator in the document selector
  • New current bar/measure shown in the status bar
  • A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector
  • An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources
  • The undo facility now recognizes when the editor matches the originally opened version of your work
  • New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections
  • A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats
  • New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects
  • New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers
  • Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista
  • MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos
  • Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary
  • Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines
  • Improved default folder for "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" file locations when not set by the user
  • Improved tempo variance handling for adjacent grace notes
  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords
  • Allow larger notation from File, Page Setup, Fonts
  • Slurs ignore hidden rests in a RestChord
  • Accept MIDI notes down to C-1
  • Use standard notation octave indicators (C-1 to G9) in MIDI import instructions
  • Play/record tool show status after being clicked, and support click off
  • Expand editor background color control to support full RGB palette

Upon successfully installing this beta test edition, you will see an additional desktop icon titled "NWC Test Edition." You can use this icon to start up the new program. Any files that you save in this new version are backward compatible with the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 program, but you will not see any additional features that you enable from the test edition if you go back to using the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 release.

If you customize your toolbars in the beta release, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).

WARNING: This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 23.
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 18
WARNING: This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 19.

NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new beta test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 Beta 18 is attached to this topic. This installs the latest NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta test edition into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Your existing copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 will not be altered by installing this test edition. You can, and should, run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

New Additions/Changes
  • Improve the editor handling of insertion point near the end of the staff
  • Improve the editor handling of the insertion point clicks and caret/selection drawing near window bondaries
  • Show current MIDI channel in the status bar
  • Reduce the size of the folder icon in the status bar
  • Darker default color for note selection shown in piano control
  • User override of play highlight and selection color via the piano.ini file
  • Move the piano style control to View, Toolbars
  • Renovate the status bar to reduce flicker and improve its appearance
  • Do not add a beta icon to desktop if an earlier beta already exists

What's New in Version 2.1
  • New interactive piano bar, with significant editor integration
  • New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work
  • Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette
  • New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save
  • New multiple document selector in the status bar
  • Play/record indicator in the document selector
  • New current bar/measure shown in the status bar
  • A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector
  • An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources
  • The undo facility now recognizes when the editor matches the originally opened version of your work
  • New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections
  • A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats
  • New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects
  • New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers
  • Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista
  • MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos
  • Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary
  • Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines
  • Improved default folder for "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" file locations when not set by the user
  • Improved tempo variance handling for adjacent grace notes
  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords
  • Allow larger notation from File, Page Setup, Fonts
  • Slurs ignore hidden rests in a RestChord
  • Accept MIDI notes down to C-1
  • Use standard notation octave indicators (C-1 to G9) in MIDI import instructions
  • Play/record tool show status after being clicked, and support click off

Upon successfully installing this beta test edition, you will see an additional desktop icon titled "NWC Test Edition." You can use this icon to start up the new program. Any files that you save in this new version are backward compatible with the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 program, but you will not see any additional features that you enable from the test edition if you go back to using the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 release.

If you customize your toolbars in the beta release, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).

WARNING: This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 19.
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 17
NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new beta test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 Beta 17 is attached to this topic. This installs the latest NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta test edition into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Your existing copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 will not be altered by installing this test edition. You can, and should, run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

What's New
  • New interactive piano bar, with significant editor integration
  • New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work
  • Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette
  • New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save
  • New multiple document selector in the status bar
  • Play/record indicator in the document selector
  • New current bar/measure shown in the status bar
  • A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector
  • An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources
  • The undo facility now recognizes when the editor matches the originally opened version of your work
  • New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections
  • A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats
  • New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects
  • New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers
  • Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista
  • MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos
  • Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary
  • Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines
  • Improved default folder for "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" file locations when not set by the user
  • Improved tempo variance handling for adjacent grace notes
  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords
  • Allow larger notation from File, Page Setup, Fonts
  • Slurs ignore hidden rests in a RestChord
  • Accept MIDI notes down to C-1
  • Use standard notation octave indicators (C-1 to G9) in MIDI import instructions
  • Play/record tool show status after being clicked, and support click off

Upon successfully installing this beta test edition, you will see an additional desktop icon titled "NWC Test Edition." You can use this icon to start up the new program. Any files that you save in this new version are backward compatible with the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 program, but you will not see any additional features that you enable from the test edition if you go back to using the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 release.

If you customize your toolbars in the beta release, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Recently added features are shown in dark red.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).

This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 18.
Announcements / NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 16
NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new beta test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 Beta 16 is attached to this topic. This installs the latest NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta test edition into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Your existing copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 will not be altered by installing this test edition. You can, and should, run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

What's New
  • New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work
  • Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette
  • New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save
  • New multiple document selector in the status bar
  • A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector
  • An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources
  • The undo facility now recognizes when the editor matches the originally opened version of your work
  • New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections
  • A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats
  • New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects
  • New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers
  • Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista
  • MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos
  • Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary
  • Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines
  • Improved default folder for "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" file locations when not set by the user
  • Improved tempo variance handling for adjacent grace notes
  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords

Upon successfully installing this beta test edition, you will see an additional desktop icon titled "NWC Test Edition." You can use this icon to start up the new program. Any files that you save in this new version are backward compatible with the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 program, but you will not see any additional features that you enable from the test edition if you go back to using the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 release.

If you customize your toolbars in the beta release, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).

This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 17.
Announcements / NWC2 User Tool Starter Kit 1.5 (Beta 3)
WARNING: This beta has been replaced by NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Release Candidate.

System Requirements: Windows XP SP2 or later (Windows 2000, Me, 98, and 95 are not supported)

Prerequisites: You must install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) prior to using this version of the starter kit. The installer checks for this and will warn you if it is not installed.

What's New: This new version includes
  • a note names tool
  • a new NWC2PlayContext object that can be used to simulate NWC2 performance and play back
  • a custom edition of PHP 5.3

Version 1.50 Beta 3 is attached.
User Tools / nwctxt Python Module - Version 0.1.0 (Alpha quality)
A Python library for processing NoteWorthy Composer clip text is attached. This library is suitable for those that are comfortable with scripting in Python.

Background: All notation objects in NWC have a text based description that can be copied, pasted, and processed from the built-in NWC2 user tool mechanism. The definitions in the nwctxt module provide a standard method for drilling into the NWC clip text, analyizing it, changing it, and then reconstructing the clip in order to send it back to NWC.

This initial alpha version of is based on the PHP version of the NWC user tool start kit. The naming conventions are based on the PHP version of the NWC clip text library. We are considering altering this approach in order to make these definitions more consistent with Python standards, so things may change after this initial alpha release.

Announcements / Poll: Do you use an old version of Windows?
You must be registered on the forum in order to respond to this poll.

In the above poll, please pick the oldest version of Windows that you still use. For example, if you use both a Windows XP machine and a Windows 98 machine, you would select Windows 98 as your answer.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. Hopefully, we get a reasonable number of responses.
Version 1.75 Discussion / About the Version 1.75 Forum Area
This forum area is intended for posts that pertain to NoteWorthy Composer Version 1.75 or earlier, and are no longer relevant in the context of using NoteWorthy Composer 2. This board will become read-only in the year 2010 after support for the NoteWorthy Composer 1.* product line is officially discontinued.

The final version in the NoteWorthy Composer 1.* line is version 1.75c (32-bit).