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Messages - NoteWorthy Online
Announcements / Re: Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
Announcements / Re: Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
Announcements / Re: Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
Announcements / Re: Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
Announcements / Re: Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
Announcements / Server Upgrade (Dec 2024)
If all goes well, things will be back to normal
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
See also:
Announcements / Forum Upgrade (January 2023)
Object Plugins / Re: MIDIcontroller
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Object Plugins / Re: MIDIcontroller
Announcements / Re: Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
Nah, that can't be it or you wouldn't be able to browse...
Lawrie really covered this issue. One addition, though: a browser can include its own SSL engine. NWC does not do this. It relies on the OS. The browser might connect, but NWC can fail with SSL security issues. This is a constantly moving target, and at the moment, you really need a modern OS to handle it.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Code: [Select · Download]{id='Size',label='Font Size',type='float',default=nil,min=0.1,max=50,step=0.1},Max 50? False. (Luckily) I can even use 100 or more... just to reach the same size of a 18 point text.
There's something wrong with the metric...
I think I should try to adjust it to my needs.
Not clear on your point. The size 50 max is clearly a thing. These two clips give the same result:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Announcements / Re: Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
As I recall, the original Simple Machines Forum didn't use a popup dialog for links. I have historical aversion to the WYSIWYG mode, as it was troublesome.
Announcements / Re: Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
The trick is to use the tools before you have written anything. They are not useful for converting existing text.
Announcements / Re: Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
- reversed the message counter when viewing newest first
- removed the RSS feed link
- simplified the credits to minimize confusion
If anyone is still using RSS feeds, I would be interested to hear how you utilize them.
Announcements / Re: Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
Announcements / Forum/Server Upgraded (August 2020)
Efforts have been made to migrate all of the prior forum version customization. Due to the complexity of this process, there could be issues that will need to be fixed. Please report them here.
User Tools / Re: Bug (or unfortunate behavior) in nwcItem:Get()?
Since cd.opt_Text/nwcOptText uses a .Text member for access, I'll have to do some testing. It seems as though changing it now would break existing tools that work with user data.
User Tools / OctaveDoubling.nw: Octave Doubling Chord Creator (Version 0.1)
This tool will double all individual notes in the selection, converting them into a chord with a second note that is one octave lower.
General Discussion / Re: NWC Viewer Soundfont Crash
General Discussion / Re: Windows Media Player: no sound when playing midi files
Feel free to post a crash report on the soundfont issue.
General Discussion / Re: Wish-list item: opaque backgrounds
Standard object:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
And as a Span object:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: Wish-list item: opaque backgrounds
But I am wondering how the objects are rendered relative to other standard items that surround them.
Standard objects are treated just like anything else. This text wheel shows it pretty well:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
If the wheel were drawn as a Span object, it would cover notes on either side of it.
General Discussion / Re: Windows Media Player: no sound when playing midi files
In my experience, Windows has a bad habit of losing its GS Wavetable Synth. Is it still present on your system? If not, you have to reinstall it, which usually involves some kind of triggering of a sound setup reinstall: Settings -> Search for Sound
General Discussion / Re: notes and lyrics are not visible
General Discussion / Re: Wish-list item: opaque backgrounds
I believe that Standard and Span objects are rendered last, while StaffSig objects are rendered first, for a given staff.
Standard and StaffSig objects are rendered in the order that they appear. Span objects are rendered after the other items on a staff.
General Discussion / Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today
General Discussion / Re: History does no longer work on Win10 / 2.75a
General Discussion / Re: History does no longer work on Win10 / 2.75a
General Discussion / Re: History does no longer work on Win10 / 2.75a
General Discussion / Re: History does no longer work on Win10 / 2.75a
The file history is maintained in a file called FileMRU.dat
It is possible that you were using a default config folder in some other default location, and that has been inadvertently changed by the upgrade, as the core logic was simplified in 2.75a.
General Discussion / Re: Same instrument, different sound
Eric seems to have nailed your problem as a different font.
Different patch, not font, enabled by two staves sharing the same MIDI channel. Score Review is a good way to identify multiple staves that share the same MIDI channel. These staves will not be able to use different instrument patches simultaneously.
General Discussion / Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today
General Discussion / Re: Same instrument, different sound
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Instrument|Name:"String Ensemble 1"|Patch:48|Trans:0|DynVel:10,30,45,60,75,92,108,127|Pos:8|Wide:Y
General Discussion / Re: Same instrument, different sound
- the play back device - check this from Tools, Options, Midi, as well as Staff, Staff Properties, Midi, Play back device
- the chosen instrument - check this from Staff, Staff Properties, Instrument and any Instrument Change items in the staff
General Discussion / Re: Reinstalling NoteWorthy 2...
General Discussion / Re: Problem with online object sync.
the api server was upgraded in the last 30 days. It would not be surprising if XP has issue with something new
This. In my tests, all versions of the NWC user object scan were failing on Windows XP.
I have reconfigured the server, and the user object scan seems to work again, at least for now. Going forward, Windows XP users are in for a rough ride as industry requirements will make it harder and harder to connect.
General Discussion / Re: Problem with online object sync.
a) Would this not affect 2.75 as well?
Yes. I thought perhaps you were getting a cached copy.
The 2.75a mechanism is essentially the same as 2.75, but there might be a bug in 2.75a causing a Windows XP issue. I won't have access to XP until next week, but will investigate it then.
General Discussion / Re: Problem with online object sync.
General Discussion / Re: Problem with online object sync.
General Discussion / Re: Trying not to panic
Any suggestions ?
As I understand it, the only copy of these files is now found on an external drive. My immediate thought is perhaps the external drive experienced an anomaly, and has been re-assigned to a different drive letter. Try looking at the This PC (My Computer) area; check that things are working as expected. Also, check the logs to see if some kind of failure event has been detected on the drive. Until you recover your files, it is generally best to avoid saving anything else to the drive. This will give you the best chance of recovering files from it.
General Discussion / Re: Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Announcements / Ubuntu 16.04
- sudo apt-get install freepats timidity
(install the necessary timidity software and sounds) - winecfg
(confirm your wine config) - wget https://noteworthycomposer.com/setup/setup_nwc275_viewer.exe
(download the NWC Viewer install package) - timidity -iA
(Launches TiMidity++ as ALSA sequencer client) - winefile
(find and double click the setup_nwc275_viewer.exe to install the viewer)
General Discussion / Re: NWC on Ubuntu
- apt-get install wine freepats timidity
(installs the necessary wine and timidity software) - winecfg
(confirms your wine config) - wget https://noteworthycomposer.com/setup/setup_nwc275_viewer.exe
(downloads the NWC Viewer install package) - timidity -iA
(Launches TiMidity++ as ALSA sequencer client) - winefile
(double click the setup_nwc275_viewer.exe to install the viewer)
Object Plugins / Re: BarCounter.nw
I have always run into the problem of the pickup bar. I do not like counting this, because it throws me off in the standard 8/16 bar format. I am using BarCount for the first time to designate the pickup bar as "0".
You can just Exclude From Bar Count on a pickup bar:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: Upgrade to 2.75 on Windows 7
General Discussion / Re: formulas in copyright field
General Discussion / Re: Upgrade to 2.75 on Windows 7
This problem is generally detected and fixed when running NWC 2.75a (which is currently in beta release).