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Object Plugins / User object for lyric-dependent ties?
Last post by Opagust -
As a choral singer, I export the songs from nwc to midi and play them while following on the printed score. But consider the following:

As you can see in the attachment, there are 2 tied notes in the beginning of the measure 4. That's OK for the first 2 verses, but not for the third one, where we have 2 syllables.
On the original score this is indicated with a dashed tie, but in NWC this causes a problem when you want to play the song or export to midi. Wit a real tie, the third verse isn't played correctly, when removing the tie and inserting a dashed object, the first two verses aren't played as they should.

I managed to solve this problem as you can see in the second attachment and the code snippet below. But it's a lot of manual work.
I'm considering to write a user tool to achieve this, but I think it would need complicated logic to make it user friendly.

So I was wondering if it could be solved with a new user object?
(I'm not experienced enough with making user object plugins).
The tie should be manually be removed and the object be inserted before the first note.
I think  could work as follows:

- input:
 ° span: number of tied notes
 ° verse numbers where the tie should be active
- actions of the plugin:
 ° draw a dashed tie
 ° play one longer note for the indicated verses
 ° play the notes as if not tied, for the other verses.

Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: Eighth Special Ending
Last post by Flurmy -
I don't know if this can be of help for you, but you can fake the master repeats.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"  "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"  "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:-3.5|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:-2|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:2|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:-3.5|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:-2|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:0|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:" "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:2|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   "|Font:StaffSymbols|Scale:90|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
General Discussion / Re: Eighth Special Ending
Last post by Bart -
Dear Keith,

It all depends on your score, but maybe "local repeat open" and "local repeat close" can solve your problem.
The repeat count can be set at any number. For the music this may be a valid option.
Be aware that in professional scores, local repeats are (almost) never used, so your score will not have a professional look.

General Discussion / Eighth Special Ending
Last post by Keith D -
I want to include an eighth special ending in a piece, but the command only goes to 7. I have simulated the eighth ending by using flow direction commands, having tried editing the nwctxt file ( |Ending|Endings:8 ) to no avail, but would prefer a proper solution. At the end of the bar I have a close master repeat as I want to go back to the open master repeat section for a final time after the 8th verse.

Any suggestions?
General Discussion / Re: Trave in beamed group
Last post by lawrroc -
I tried. Too complicated for me. I think Flurmy's suggestion is the simplest solution, also because I have to use layering anyway for other reasons. Good evening.