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Topic: Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved. (Read 3364 times) previous topic - next topic

Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved.

In the following snippet (treble clef, A major) within the first ending, the ties are resolved after a previous Master Repeat Open.  In the first bar of the 2nd ending, the ties carry over looking for a resolution.  Fortunately the same tied chord is at the end of the measure.

Is there any way to eliminate the unwanted "lens" in that measure?  TIA
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Since 1998

Re: Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved.

Reply #1
I don't see any first or second endings in your clip. You would probably need to include them to get the appearance you want. It's hard to tell exactly how it should look based on the incomplete snippet, but here is my reasonable guess:
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Re: Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved.

Reply #2
Assuming this excerpt is really written as shown (with no special endings), then the following clip would better handle the hanging note events:

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Re: Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved.

Reply #3
the following clip would better handle the hanging note events:
Or perhaps this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Registered user since 1996

Re: Ties at a repeat, appear unresolved.

Reply #4
My bad.  The measures before the repeat were in the 1st ending and the 2nd ending was after the double bar.  I had added a muted, invisible, grace chord to absorb the ties but after adding 2nd ending in all parts I took out the MIGC with no ill effects.
Thanks for looking at it.  Learned something useful for the future so it wasn't a complete waste of everyone's time.
Since 1998