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Topic: TimeSigScaler.nw (Read 5729 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from A user object request...


This object can be used to draw a scaled version of a prior, usually hidden, time signature. This object should always be placed after the real time signature.

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This object is derived from existing discussion excerpted below:

Occasionally the scores I play for musicals have a time signature that is significantly larger than you would normally expect.  They extend from the centre line the same way that a normal time signature does, but instead of being completely enclosed in the staff (I.E. each number is 2 spaces high), they extend above and below by approximately an additional space to space and a half.  Think scaled by 150% to 175%.  This can be really, really helpful.  Especially if the score is busy.

Re: TimeSigScaler.nw

Reply #1
Thanks Eric - caught me out for a while - couldn't see it in the edit window - only when I went to print preview - I really like the user tool - make it soo simple :)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: TimeSigScaler.nw

Reply #2
When the TimeSigScaler immediately follows an actual time signature, it only shows itself as as an up/down arrow in the editor.

Some tips:

  • F11 shows how it really looks
  • the TimeSigScaler entry of User Tools,.Plugins adds a scaler object to every time signature in a file
  • additional instances can be placed on their own if the time signature is not changing (such as in your example)
  • a spacer before the real time signature will prevent extra preceding white space
  • a spacer immediately after the TimeSigScaler will prevent extra white space on the right ride
  • the scaling can be set using +/- keys while the object is selected by itself