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What is your current Smart Insertion Point setting (in Tools, Options, Editor)?

Smart Insertion Point is enabled (checked)
[ 10 ] (83.3%)
Smart Insertion Point is not enabled (unchecked)
[ 2 ] (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: 2016-12-22 12:46 PM

Topic: Smart Insertion Point? (Read 6392 times) previous topic - next topic

Smart Insertion Point?

We are reviewing the need for the Smart Insertion Point setting in Tools, Options, Editor. It would help us to know how you currently use this setting. Your answer will greatly help in this process.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #1
I don't use it at all.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #2
You might not change it, but you do use it. It is either on or off.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #3
I was about to give a similar reply, until I checked my settings, and realized I was confusing Smart Insertion Point (which I currently have turned on) with Smart Properties Insert (which I have turned off). This page (from the help file) explains each of the settings.

To be honest, I didn't know about this setting, and have never experimented with it until now. I'll have to try both settings to see how it behaves.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #4
I always have it on.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #6
I did but I can't see any difference.
The difference is subtle, but let me describe what I notice as the differences.

With the option turned on (the box checked), when you move the cursor through a staff, it will be to the immediate right of each item (note, rest, bar, etc.) When you highlight multiple items, the selected area starts with the blank space to the left of the first item (less the width of the cursor), and ends with the right edge of the last item (plus the width of the cursor).

With the option turned off (the box unchecked), when you move the cursor through a staff, it will be to the immediate left of each item (note, rest, bar, etc.) When you highlight multiple items, the selected area starts with the left edge of the first item, and ends with the empty space  after the last item.

There are few exceptions to the above selection behavior, depending on the type of object being highlighted, but I think it's fairly accurate. That said, I find I actually like it better with the box unchecked.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #7
You might not change it, but you do use it. It is either on or off.
Before I edited this post I had said:
Sorry, let me rephrase that; I always leave it turned off.
but I went into NWC to confirm after what I'd read what Mike said and I discovered it's turned on, so now I don't know anything...

When I'm more compus mentis I'll have a play.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #8
I voted, so don't double count this.  The Smart Insertion Point is enabled, but I have no recollection of setting it at all.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #9
I keep mine on.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #10
OK, now that I've had a bit of sleep and can think a little more clearly...

I believe that having it ON, as it currently is, happens to be my preferred setting.  I could become accustomed to having it off but on balance I think "on" is better for me.

Like Mike I somehow mixed it up with "Smart Properties Insert" which I do prefer to have OFF.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #11
FWIW, it was ON for me in the last umpteen years.
I tried playing with it - but except for the optical position of the blinking rectangle, I do not see any difference at all - especially not with the boundaries of the blue area when selecting some items ...
I'll try for a few days to leave it OFF and see whether anything odd (for me) happens - but I think I do not care for this (sorry to shrug off the probably not too cheap development of this feature ...).


Re: Smart Insertion Point?

Reply #12
The explanation is

"Smart Insertion Point
This checkbox is used to control how the insertion point is positioned in the score editor. When checked, the insertion point will generally track to the right side of any notes or rests on the staff. When not checked, the insertion point aligns along the transparent vertical grid that aligns all notes and rests in the current score."

When it's checked, it doesn't quite act as described. Moving from the beginning of an empty new staff to a staff above it that has notes, the cursor will sometimes go to the left of the clef and sometimes between the clef and the key signature.  It doesn't end up to the right of any notes or rests, at least not in my brief test just now.

When it's unchecked, it works as described. 

The Poll was ambiguous, just asked what we were set to, not what we preferred.  I think I'd as soon leave it unchecked but I don't see a need to remove it from the program.