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Messages - fathafluff

General Discussion / Re: Audit Bar Lines
I'm still having trouble. I download the file, copy it to
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts"
and delete the .txt extension. That folder has 3 sub-folders: lib, wx, and wxtools, and 18 files. All files except the new one have a .php extension. When I hit Alt-F8 I get a pop-up titled "User Tools" with 5 Groups listed, with the second, ".Plugins" selected. Under "Available Commands" there are 12 tools listed. I click the "New..." button and get another pop-up titled "User Tool Description". The first Text Box is "Group:". The drop-down list is empty. I filled in ".Developer Tools". I put "Audit Bars" in the Name, and
"WScript " in the Command. Input Type was pre-selected as "Clip Text" and none of the 4 Options were selected. I click "Browse".  
and the Scripts directory opens. I select auditBar.js and click "Open". The User Tool Description pop-up updates with "auditBar" in the Name and "Scripts\auditBar.js" in the Command.
Lawrie's last step: <check the command line to make sure there is a space after "WScript", then click "OK".> does not seem to apply, since the Command has changed. Clicking OK at this point seems to do nothing. Changing the Command back to "WScript " and pressing OK also seems to do nothing.
General Discussion / Re: Audit Bar Lines
Can you post a link or instructions on how to install the tool? Is there an automated way, or do you manually copy the file to an nwc folder? Which one? You delete the .txt extension, but do you have to add a .php or .lua extension?
General Discussion / Re: extra spaces
The anchor for a Boundary Change is a vertical line with an arrowhead on each end. The length of the line is dependent on the values set in its Properties, and it can extend into adjacent staves. But it must be selected in the staff that is assigned to. The first one is in the top staff, measure 5, just after the Text "1" and its note. If you select it and view its properties, you can see it has a lower boundary of 55. You can then delete it. If the cursor is at the beginning of the first staff, you can find them all, one at a time, using Find (Ctl-F), then click to the right of the "Find What" box on the "::".  Then click on "Boundary Change" in the drop-down. Click "Right then down" and "Find" and it should find the first instance. Pressing F3 will then find the next one on the same or next staff.
General Discussion / Re: Audit Bar Lines
Thank you both. I actually used Lawrie's method and found it difficult to find the changed measures. But Warren's method worked great. I had to clear and recopy the extra staff three times to find the two errors and the corrected version, but that wasn't hard.
General Discussion / Audit Bar Lines
Is there a tool (user or native) which will audit measures and show any measure which does not have the proper number of beats matching the time signature, without actually moving the bar lines?
General Discussion / Text spanning multiple notes tool?
I am reproducing some music with two items which I am reproducing with a little hassle.  One is an octave shift, shown by text over a span of notes which looks like an 8 followed by a span of raised dots, ending with a downward turn. Between the 8 and the colon I used a character I found near the bottom of the font, as in:
The other is a long string of spaced hyphens, (following a cresc.) as:
cresc. -   -   -   -   -   -   -
I am using an ordinary text object, but adjusting the span of the center text is trial and error. I was thinking of a user tool, similar to "hairpin" which would allow the user to specify an optional opening text, a repeated center text, and an optional closing text. It could either have a "note span" property similar to hairpin, or, perhaps easier to use, an additional instance to end the repeating text. It probably needs the hairpin properties of "Start Offset X" and "End Offset X", as well as some of the Text properties (Font, etc.). It should operate over multiple lines. Is there any interest?

I have some programing experience (IBM Assembler, BASIC, COBOL) but am not familiar with Lua or the interface to NWC.
General Discussion / Re: Bar
That is a repeat bar (open). It should have a matching repeat bar (close) with the dots on the opposite side later in the piece, or at the end. If you want to put one in NWC looking just like that, use Local Repeats. I think more modern notation uses repeat bars with one heavy, one light bar. These are in NWC as Master Repeats. In either case when playing it means ignore the "open" until you encounter the "close." Then go back to the "open" and play that section again. When you hit the "close" a second time, go on (unless you are at the end). Note: sometimes the "open" is missing. Then, when you hit the "close" go back to the beginning. Although if the piece has no "open" I think NWC would want one anyway, but you could hide it. (Note: SEBC just answered also.)
General Discussion / Re: Contacting Support
Maybe six months ago I bought two 1 T Byte thumb drives from Amazon. I quickly discovered they were counterfeit when I tried to put lots of large video files on them. They had directory space for 1 T, but file space for much less. I did return them for full credit, didn't replace them, and have been a little hinky since. If I hadn't quickly exceeded the actual smaller capacity, I might not have noticed right away.
General Discussion / Gaps
I think this may not be supported, but I'll ask anyway. I have a score with two non-layered staves. One is a one line percussion staff. Below it is a "cue" staff. Where there is no need for cues, that staff is collapsed. If there is a need for cue notes for only half a staff, I'd like to "gap" the cue staff, and leave half of it not printed. I can gap the second staff, while showing the entire first staff, but the space on the first staff corresponding to the second staff gap will not accept any notes. In the attached, the second line does what I want, because the second staff is incomplete. Can I make the first line also do that?
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|SongInfo|Title:"Porgy and Bess"|Author:""|Lyricist:""|Copyright1:""|Copyright2:""|Comments:"SubT:Selections\r\nInst1:Cymbals\r\nInst2:Triangle\r\nAuth:Ira Gershwin, Dorothy Heyward, Dubose Heywayd, George Gershwin\r\nArr:Arr. by Vincent M. Bonafede"
|Font|Style:StaffItalic|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:11|Bold:Y|Italic:Y|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:StaffBold|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:StaffLyric|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:PageTitleText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:24|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:PageText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:11|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:PageSmallText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:User2|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:13|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|Font|Style:User4|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:1
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:16|BoundaryBottom:9|Lines:1|Color:Default
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:6|BoundaryBottom:8|Lines:5|Color:Highlight 6
General Discussion / Re: staves with different time signatures
I asked you this in my reply #2, but you may not have seen it:
I'm not sure how you have a 9/8 time signature governing the 3/4 tripletized measures. I had the measures governed by a hidden 3/4 after a visible 9/8.
General Discussion / Re: staves with different time signatures
Rich, you beat me. I had the same idea. I'm not sure how you have a 9/8 time signature governing the 3/4 tripletized measures. I had the measures governed by a hidden 3/4 after a visible 9/8.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|SongInfo|Title:""|Author:"<Name>"|Lyricist:""|Copyright1:"Copyright © 2023 <Name>"|Copyright2:"All Rights Reserved"
|Font|Style:StaffItalic|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:10|Bold:Y|Italic:Y|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffBold|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffLyric|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7.2|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageTitleText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:24|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:12|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageSmallText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User1|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User2|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User3|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User4|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User5|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User6|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|Color:Default
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:5|Color:Default
General Discussion / Re: Mid Export
I was mistaken about the nwc file. I have a hard drive connected via a wi-fi router. I generally save to my computer, then copy to the wi-fi drive. But I exported the midi directly to that drive. When I saved the normal nwc file to that drive directly, it also had a bad timestamp. I'll have to see if the router has a clock in it which is not set correctly.
General Discussion / Mid Export
When I save a .nwc file, the Date modified is correct. I then exported that piece to midi. The modified date for the .mid file was 4/14/2008 4:10 PM. I exported again. and the Date modified was 4/14/2008 4:30 PM. Can anyone explain this?
General Discussion / Re: Extra spacing for longer notes
(I was typing this when Lawrie replied.) I have the same version, and I just tested this. It seems to work as expected for me. I assume you have double checked that it actually became unchecked. But there are other things which affect note spacing. If there are multiple staves, the notes align between staves. I.e., if a measure on one staff has 4 eighth notes, and the corresponding measure in another staff has a half note, the half note will take extra space to align with the eighths. Also, lyrics will affect note spacing. Spacing, I think, will normally be one note width between notes. That can be manually shrunk by inserting spacers between the notes. Default for a spacer is one-half a note width but can be shrunk to zero by editing its properties. Of course, spacing cannot be shrunk if another staff, or lyrics, prevents it. I am hardly an NWC expert, so perhaps someone else with more experience can explain further.

Correction: when using spacers, note spacing can be decreased such that lyrics collide with each other.
Object Plugins / Re: BarCounter.hmm 0.5
After 3 years I rediscovered this object, and it is really nice. One thing I noticed, comparing my nwc version to the original (which had similar bar numbers): For numbers starting at the beginning of a line, the original placed them immediately after the key signature (and time signature, if present). This object placed them under (and conflicting with) the clef. Would that be an option you might consider adding?
General Discussion / Cue notes below multi-measure rests
I'm using the workaround from this topic
to try and post some cues for the percussionist to know where he is during long rests. I would like the cues to be directly under the start of the multi-measure rest. In the attached, I try the cues both before and after the rests, but I cannot get the cues under the rests. I also tried spacers in measures 3-8. Is it possible?
General Discussion / Re: Script Running?
I did that and the only line containing "alert" was the following on line 592:
Code: [Select · Download]
<section id="msg_73979" class="messageContent">Cntl/U displays the source code of the browser. Look for the word &quot;alert&quot; with its contents in parenthesis ().
I tried searching for some of the words in the pop-up and didn't find any. It happened again today, but only once. At one time I wondered if the pop-up could be coming from Outlook, my email program, which is almost always open.
General Discussion / Re: Script Running?
I did some searches on the error message but didn't find a solution. Everyone seems surprised that the name of the browser is not displayed. Is the message coming out of a java script interpreter which might be used by more than one browser? This has happened before and seems to go away with a reboot. My system did an auto reboot, and so far, it has not come back. Thanks for your ideas.
General Discussion / Space for second page title
I should be able to figure this out, but I can't seem to do it easily. Piece has no lyrics. I am using PageTxtMaestro and multiple PgTxts as the first items in the file to create title information. I have the Staff Upper and Lower Boundaries set to 38 and 5 to allow room for the title lines. In the second measure I have a Boundary Change with Set new boundary offset set to 15 and 5 for the staff lines after the first. But this is too close to the top on the second page. I could add two additional Boundary Changes for the top and other staves on the second page, but I would have to figure out exactly where in the score to add them. And this would get very tedious for a ten-page work. Is there one object or setting to leave extra space at the top of every page?
General Discussion / Script Running?
This is probably not related to Noteworthy, but I don't know where else to ask, and the nwc forum was the only thing running, and everyone on this forum is so smart!. For browsers, I have MS Edge and Google Chrome installed. The only tab open in Edge was this forum. Chrome had nothing open. I got the attached pop-up (again). Do you think I have some kind of malware running?
General Discussion / Re: Placing objects at left edge of staff
Just put a single bar line before the first clef. But why would you want to: it's not generally considered correct?
And this doesn't work with any other bar line style!
I saw it in a piece of percussion music on a single line staff. When I tried to recreate it, one line at a time, it put the bar line indented about a quarter inch from the left edge of the staff.
Did you try "Justification: Right" and "Alignment/Placement: At next note/bar"?
It seems to me the most logical combination.
That works, except you have to pad the text with spaces to line it up where you want it. For multiple lines, this is a lot of trial and error.
I have successfully left aligned text entries at the start of a system using the following:
This seems much more complicated than using right alignment and padding with spaces.
Thanks to all for your replies. I don't know what "Alignment/Placement: As Staff Signature" does. It seems from its name that it would do what I want.
General Discussion / Placing objects at left edge of staff
I tried to research this before posting a question, but I couldn't find anything which worked. 1. I have a bar with "force system break" set. Immediately following it I place text. I want the text to align with the left edge of the staff. I thought that Properties: Justification: Left, and Alignment/Placement: As Staff Signature would do that, but it doesn't seem to. I can get what I want with trial and error using center or right justification and spaces inserted before or after the text, but that is a lot of work. 2. With a single staff, how do I put a bar line at the beginning of each printed staff?
General Discussion / Re: Uneven beat between Notes in alto staff and notes in Tenor/bass staff
The dotted quarter (stem down) and eighth note (2 beats total) are the bass part. The half note (stem up, also 2 beats) is the tenor part, which holds that single note (with the tie) into the next measure. If you are putting tenor and bass parts on separate staffs and then layering them (recommended), place the half note (with tie) on the upper staff. Set the note to stem up. In note properties, set Extra Note Spacing to 2 and Tie Direction to Upwards. On the lower staff, insert the dotted quarter and eight notes. Set the dotted quarter to stem down. If you are placing the tenor and bass notes together on the same staff as a chord, it can be done: Place the half note, with tie. Set it to stem up. Set the note property to Tie Direction Upward. Then use ctl-enter to add the dotted quarter. Then add the eighth note normally. This method will display slightly differently (the half note will be before the dotted quarter) but will still be musically accurate.
General Discussion / Re: Can not put tie
Assuming a treble clef, the first note is a G and the second a G#. You cannot tie two notes of different pitches. So that must be a slur. If the clef is not a treble clef, the notes are not G and G#, but they are still different pitches.
General Discussion / Re: No time Signature
The c is actually a time signature. It means Common Time, which is the same as 4/4. In Noteworthy, it can be set using Insert > Time Signature, and selecting a Style of Common Time.  Also, Andante is a tempo marking, usually measured at 76 to 108 beats per minute. You would have to enter the Tempo as desired, and then add the Andante as text. It is not a dynamic (loudness) or dynamic variance.
General Discussion / Re: Change from mol to Chrois
In English, the "b" is a flat and the # is a sharp. When changing the key signature, the default is to cancel the old key with natural sign(s). If you select (highlight) the new key signature, then right click and select Properties. you can then check the Hide Cancellations box. The natural signs will still show in the editor, but grayed out, and will not print.
General Discussion / Re: How can I attach image file
You may not need to post an attachment. It sounds like you have eighth and/or sixteenth notes together, and you want to have the flags combined. The bar which replaces the flags is called a beam, and all you need to do is select the adjacent flagged notes (highlight them). Then from the menu, select Edit > Beam. Even easier is to click on the tool bar icon with two eighth notes and a red beam. O you can press ctrl-B on the keyboard. If that was not your intention, then post the image.
General Discussion / Re: windows 11
This probably should be a new thread, but... I know there are/were users who were very connected with this software development. Rick (now gone) comes to mind. There may be others. If this software is truly abandoned, does anyone think it would be possible to convert it to open source? Would any of the regular users and/or user tool developers be able to do anything with it if it were?
General Discussion / Beaming
In NWC, is it possible to have, for example, eight sixteenth notes (stem up) beamed with the top beam across all eight notes, and the lower beam stopping between notes 4 and 5? If not, is there a hack to do it?
General Discussion / Re: "Scoring Notes" article on the history of notation programs
Minimal remarks about the two scores: The 16th beams in the trumpets in m.3 and m.7 are definitely wrong in the Sibelius score.
What are the rules for "half-beams"? It seems that the definitive source for notation rules is "Behind Bars." I assume one needs to buy the paper book ($74 on Amazon) or Kindle version ($41) to use this reference work. Are there references online?
General Discussion / Digital Whiteout
I've searched the forum for "Digital Whiteout" and I find many references to it, but I haven't figured out how to select "White" as a color. It seems like the color choices are fixed, and white is not one of them. How do I make text white?
General Discussion / Re: Percussion Staff Bar Lines
Wow, that was simple. The endings are normally rendered by the top staff (Visibility: Default = yes), with lower staves default = not visible, and I didn't think to try to override that. But all that was needed was to set the top staff ending visibility to Never and the second staff to Always!
General Discussion / Re: Percussion Staff Bar Lines
HM: Filling all staves to equal length makes sense., and I tried that initially. I was trying Opagust's suggestion, which worked for my one line file, but not for the longer file. But, with all staves filled, I cannot get the special endings, which are rendered from the top staff, to display as I want them. (See earliest attachments.) I've tried spacers and stemless, headless grace notes in the top staff, ,as well as invisible duplicates of the staff 2 items., But I cannot get the second ending to start the bracket just after the master repeat.
General Discussion / Re: Percussion Staff Bar Lines
This is bizarre. My actual file had 5 lines, When I leave staff 1 and staff 3 empty, the editor and viewer show the longer bar lines for the whole file, but Print Preview only shows the first line. If I fill the first staff, 8 measures only, with bar lines and invisible half rests, with a Force System Break after the 8th measure, Print Preview still only shows one line. If I add one more rest in measure 9, two lines (only) show in Print Preview, but the bar lines for the second line have short bottoms (as attached). I need to fill the third staff to get the second line bars to descend properly. I appreciate the help, and think this looks like a bug, but I assume it will never be fixed.
General Discussion / Re: Percussion Staff Bar Lines
I thought of some of those tricks, but, unfortunately, the staff contains decorated bar lines. Not easy to simulate. It's too bad you can't have a 5 line staff with lines 1,2,4 and 5 invisible.
General Discussion / Re: Note color question seems that a tie will inherit the color of the note it is tied from.
I think I'd consider the beam color a bug. The beam (and slur) seem to be a "property" of the note. So I would expect them to inherit the color of the (first?) beamed note (as does the tie). Or should the marker be expanded to include beams? As for the slur, it makes sense that the marker would not affect the color of the slur after the beginning of the slur. (See clip; second marker has no effect.)
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

General Discussion / Note color question
I am trying to change the color of some beamed notes. When I select the notes and change the color, the note heads, stems and accents change to the new color, but the beams, slurs and leger lines do not. I can then change the note heads to a different color (observation only; I don't actually want to do that.) I would, however, like to know if it is possible to change the beam and slur color. I guess I don't care about the leger line color, since I'm not changing the staff color.
General Discussion / Re: Preparing Teaching Tracks
Jumping in, since I used to prepare choir rehearsal files. My method was quite simple. I created a file with each voice on a different channel. I then modified the stereo pan for the soprano to 0 and the pan for the other parts to 127, and saved the file as name-S. I then repeated the process, setting the alto to 0 and resetting the soprano to 127, and Save As name-A. Similar for tenor and bass. The listener hears their part in one ear, and the others in the other ear. Creating each file (after the initial prep) was less that 1 minute each. Dynamics (which I rarely used) would not be affected. Just my two cents.