General Discussion / Re: HELP ME!!!!! :(
Copyright © 2006 by NoteWorthy Software, Inc., fitzclan.
Are you having trouble with having it make any sound at all, or a drum sound, music man?
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Did it come with the advent of the internet, or are our schools really that bad? I have heard the excuse that we don't bother with capitalization and punctuation so that we can write faster. Hogwash! It may have been faster for Erich to write his question but for the one trying to decipher the code, it's more trouble than it's worth. Your punctuation is the least of your problems. I think Erich that you would do well to get a grip on the english language before trying to tackle musical notation. If you are only willing to give it the same effort you have shown with the written language, you will never become a musician worth bothering with. I seriously couldn't even figure out what you were trying to say. Learning the position of the notes on the staff is not something you should be trying to avoid any more than sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. No musician is going to try to interpret your musical thoughts unless you are willing to write them in the standard fashion which is precicely what this tool NWC is for, just as the word processor is the tool used to convey your thoughts, ideas and queries. Your question should "read like a book", not like the Rosetta Stone. I know that this sounds harsh, but someone's got to say it! A modicum of effort on your part if you don't mind.
!NoteWorthyComposerClip(2.0,Single)is musical, and is still overlapping.