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Messages - lawrroc

General Discussion / Re: rest in chord
Thanks, Lawrie,
despite the translation of Google translator I understood your explanation well. It is the simplest method. Thanks, good afternoon.
General Discussion / rest in chord
Good evening, good night and good morning to you.
I only ask this.
In the attached image the only way to resolve the chord with the pause inserted is stratification?
Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Tremolo with octaves
I am not an expert on tremolos...
Me even less than you!
I attach some experiments.
These are the measures involved with my variations for the various types of tremolo.
The musicians have their say.
Have a nice day.

PS: I ask you to be very simple in your explanations because I have to rely on Google translator  :(
PS 2: I exclude errors in the score
General Discussion / Re: Tremolo with octaves
Thanks Mike,
I had read the instructions for your tremolo, but stopped at the indication of the "half of the note" rest. I understood and corrected it. But now another problem arises. In the upper line of the score there is a whole note (4/4), while in the lower line, the one with the tremolo, NWC correctly reads 5/4. I solved it with a quarter rest, not visible, in the upper line. Graphically it is fine, but from a musical point of view no. Is there any other solution that is completely correct?
In any case, thanks for your instructions.
Have a good evening (here in Italy it is 8:14 PM).
General Discussion / Re: Tremolo with octaves
Here is the measure where my problem is.
I hope I copied the notes well.
Thanks and goodbye.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Tremolo with octaves
Good morning to you,
I need to insert a tremolo between two octaves. I get the result, the tremolo appears and sounds as it should but the octaves still appear with the "whisker" ("flag" in English?).
How can I remove it?
General Discussion / Re: Strange time
Thanks HM,
I have to study your construction of the "incriminated" measure well, also considering that I did not show the vocal part.
It will be a good exercise!
Have a nice day (it's raining here...).
General Discussion / Strange time
I need your help.
In the attachment there are two measures of a piano accompaniment. The previous measures are in 4/4, as you can see from the first measure. In the second measure, the lower staff keeps 4/4, while the upper one becomes 11/8 (???).
How can I make a correct insertion in the upper staff of the second measure?
Do the two signs I highlighted in yellow say something more about the strange change in time?
Thanks and have a nice evening.
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
Thanks, I tried a few things and managed to fix the problem.
It is important WHERE to place the cursor correctly!!! I did not do it precisely and the pop-up that opened did not show what I was looking for.
Good morning, good day, good afternoon, good evening, good night to you, princes of time zones!  :)
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
... I take this opportunity to ask for information.
Is it possible to add an accidental or other to a single member of a chord?...

I am really incorrigible! I had asked the same question a year and a half ago.
Lawrie had answered me, explaining what could and could not be done with a single member of an agreement.
Buona notte!
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
I am an incorrigible recidivist. :-*  :-X
I hope it is the antelucan hour... otherwise there is reason to worry.
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
I attach the nwc files from which I saved the txt format.
If you still see them the same in the page preview, there is some problem. I see them differently.
But I do not exclude my mistake, I am not very familiar with these operations.
I take this opportunity to ask for information.
Is it possible to add an accidental or other to a single member of a chord?
E.g., a C/E/G chord already built, can I put a "flat" to the E without having to reconstruct the chord?
Thank you, have a nice day.
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
Many thanks for your precious suggestions, as always timely and quick (the time zone juvat!).
I remember many of the "tricks" but I only remember them now that you tell me!
I will continue with my tests following your advice. Among other things, I think that the problem is made even more complicated by the presence of 4 lines (in the example I only put one).
Good night? Good morning?
Good time!
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
Sorry for the confusion.
First attachment: all the system on one page
Second attachment: 2 pages, with 6 measures per page indicated
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
This is the Baritone part of a folk song that is composed of 54 measures.
The first page preview is this: 54 measures on a single page (no space left for the text).

I would like to have 6 measures per system and nine lines. For the space of the text, even seven lines of six measures on the first page, two system on the second. Below you can write the text without problems.
I put every 6 measures (at 7, 13, 25, 31, 37 etc.) the indication of "Force new system". This is the result:
General Discussion / Page layout
Good morning to you.
I often find myself struggling with layout problems. Let me explain better.
If I transcribe a song, for example, of 48 measures, I would like to have 6 staffs of 8 measures each. This is to have an aesthetically decent layout and to have space under the last staff for the complete text.
I use staff properties ---> general ---> ending bar (open hidden) and then Force System Break. In the page preview a couple of staves always appear that occupy the entire width of the page. So every eight measures I put (Alt Gr + ]) ---> Force a new System (top staff only) or select bar and then "Force system break (are they the same thing?). The problem is not solved and therefore I "adjust" the width and height of the page so that the measures slowly fall into place. But it is always a long and frustrating job.
You have no suggestions for this topic?
Thank you and goodbye.
General Discussion / Re: Tie (or slur?) without the tied note.
Thanks Mike,
the solutions you proposed are technically and graphically excellent. Grace notes are a tool I never consider enough.
Furthermore, the fact that their "invisibility" does not take up space, does not create problems with time signature.
Personally I prefer the first alternative.
General Discussion / Tie (or slur?) without the tied note.
I am transcribing a piece in which the notes shown in the attachment appear in the first bars. These are ties (or slurs?) that are missing the second note.
I ask the musicians: what does that writing mean?
I can only say that when those measures are performed the note becomes "blurred".
How to make it in NWC?
Up to now the only "decent" result is with", then working on the length and height of the ligature line.
Kind regards to you.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Wav and MP3 files from NWC.
Good morning (even if it rains a lot here),
I read in the "frequently asked questions" the steps to follow to create Wav and MP3 files from NWC.
I don't have Audacity but GoldWave. Is it possible to achieve the same result with this software?
Since I don't find a perfect correspondence in the description of the procedure, I also ask if the steps are identical with Windows 11 too.
I thank you in advance and greet you cordially.
General Discussion / Re: Small Falsetti notes
Necessary correction and new request.
The previous file in the falsetto part was a semitone lower, my poor hearing did not notice the discrepancy in the sound  :-[ . I wonder how it is possible that I added a fifth higher staff (that of the falsettos, in fact) to the four already existing staves without affecting its properties, and this resulted in a semitone lower than the original four.
I'm still wondering how you can generate nwc code (the kind I often see posted in the forum) that "covers" multiple lines. even only partially. To give a concrete example, if I want to insert a code (or even a file) into the forum that shows the first seven measures of the first tenor and bass parts of a song with four parts, is it possible to do so?
Thank you, happy Sunday to you (hoping that worse troubles don't happen in the Middle East).
General Discussion / Re: Small Falsetti notes
Thank you.
After entering the topic, I continued to "tinker around" and I arrived at your result, but working on three staves, to also hear the falsetto melody on its own.
Always thanks.
For you I think we can say "good night"!
General Discussion / Small Falsetti notes
Good morning to you,
in the attachment I have highlighted the smallest notes ("Falsetti") that I would like to insert either in the same staff (Tenors I) or in another, higher one. Tried with Cueheads... too much English for my language skills, even with Google Transductor.
Any help is welcome.
Thank you.
General Discussion / Buona Pasqua
May you rise again from your small and large difficulties.
May the light of hope illuminate your thoughts and actions.
Happy Easter!
General Discussion / Re: Very long half note
I thank all my friends for their usual great availability.
I'm doing some tests, I think I'll use instruments with a "soft" sound even if some are really hard to listen to, especially for a deaf person like me (I have two "bionic" ears, cochlear implants).
Happy Sunday.
General Discussion / Re: Very long half note
Hi Lawrie,
after re-reading what I posted, I realized that my statement was rather confusing. Remedy now, attaching a jpg file.
In the second measure (voice of the first tenors) the word "Girolemin" continues until the 7th measure and then repeats with "min" until the 11th.
They are two long melismas perfectly reproduced from a graphic point of view.
I would also like to be able to HEAR these two long notes both as a single voice (Shift+F5) and as a voice that "participates" in the harmony of the song.
I ask if there is a User tool, a Manage objects or a Performance style to achieve this.
Thank you and have a happy evening.
General Discussion / Very long half note
Good morning to you.
I find myself with a half note (dotted) which continues for four measures with the same syllable and ends with a quarter note, also dotted. I would like to understand how I can hear the prolongation of the note (sound) so that the harmony of the measures involved is full.
Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: "strange" score
I figured by the time you would be the first to respond.
Thank you and I will try the solutions you proposed.
Happy Sunday.
General Discussion / "strange" score
Good morning to you,
I wonder if it is possible to obtain what I indicate in the attachment:
- single size
- dotted bars joined to the top line
- in a 2/4 time signature get a 3/4 note, minimal with a dot (if it's not a mistake...), even if the time signature is absent.
Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas 2023
Not just music and notes!

Like the fire of a match in the darkness,
like the snow that falls and covers the ice,
like the clear sky after a downpour.
Like bread pecked by a robin.

Like the full moon on the night,
like the light wind on the valley,
like the silence after the storm.
Like a flower blooming in a jar.

Like a lullaby on a cot,
like the sleep of a sleeping child,
like the stories told by dad.
Like the night Baby Jesus comes.

Like a kiss scented with love,
like a warm caress in the hand.
like coming home from afar.
May the coming year be so for you.

Happy New Year!
General Discussion / Re: Finished Software?
I bring my opinion as a simple user, completely ignorant of programming.
I have purchased music notation programs over time: Sibelius (First), Finale (Print Music). I've tried various versions of MuseScore.
For what my opinion is worth, no one has the agility (pass me that term) of NWC.
If we then add the availability of expert users, whom I thank here, what more could we wish for? It would be a real shame if NWC disappeared from our monitors. I hope the elusive Eric (is that him?) listens to us.
Thank you and good day.
General Discussion / Re: Filtered properties
No, I didn't tamper with the registry and I didn't have any crashes. However, I have reconstructed the list step by step (choosing the properties one at a time) and I will consult the key you indicated. Thank you.
General Discussion / Filtered properties
Good morning,
working with the new tools (plug-ins), I noticed this.
By selecting part or all of a staff, the list of "properties" (notes, rests, ties, user tools, etc.) included in the selected range appears in "Filtered Properties". Now it doesn't happen like that anymore, at least for me. Now I have to choose the filtered property from a second window. If present, the number of presences appears as before, otherwise a 0 appears.
User Tools / Tremolo
Good morning to you.
I'm trying to insert a tremolo between two semibreves. I already did it in a previous bar, but with two half notes. Evidently it came to me by accident! Now I can't assign the "rest chord" status to the two mini rests.
I proceed like this: I insert the two rests of the value of half the notes joined by the tremolo, between the two rests I insert the "tremolo" object which however does not appear.
I also ask: can the tremolo bars be detached from the note stems?
I attach two images. Tremolo 1 ok, but bars stuck to stems, tremolo 2 fails.
Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Icon appearance
Ciao Maurizio,
the transition from W10 to W11 created many problems for me and not just for NWC. What I mentioned in the forum is of minimal importance, we will get used to the "celestial" icons. I confess that if I had known I would have stayed with W10.

(During the various manipulations on the programs, I also reinstalled Musescore (v. 4) and attracted by the graphics I tried it. Very rich, almost too rich! After a few days I returned as a "prodigal son" to the good old NWC with the blue icons!!!)

General Discussion / Re: Icon appearance
I tried in the file properties, there is no possibility to change the icon. It would be possible to change the program icon, but that is already with the "black" appearance. Let's keep the blue for the files!
Thanks anyway.
General Discussion / Icon appearance
Good morning friends,
In your opinion, is there any valid reason why after switching to Windows 11 the nwc file icons went from "black" to "blue" appearance?
Thank you.
User Tools / Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please
CopyVolVel.js by Opagust
Installation instructions:
   Command Line: "Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>"
   Input Type: File Text
   Under 'Options: Check 'Returns File text'

   There are 3 execution modes : 'Modify', 'Show' and 'Help'. 'Modify' is the normal mode, 'Show' shows the generated output in stdout (without modifying your file), 'Help' shows the Helptext.

Lorenzo, come vedi sei in compagnia!  :))

Beccata per caso questa discussione! In compagnia, sì, ma senza capirci nulla. E poi ho sempre paura di creare problemi al PC (appena rinnovato e non del tutto funzionale) e me ne sto tranquillo. Ciao.