Re: Finished Software?
Reply #4 –
Hmm, interesting concept.
I guess my greatest concern relating to NWC is future compatibility.
Given we haven't heard from anyone for so long, and the complaints I've read on occasion from people frustrated by the lack of response when specific administrative problems have occurred, I can't help thinking that eventually we will be faced with a new OS version that simply will not support NWC anymore. I almost dread this as I've looked at other products, mainly out of curiosity, and confirmed that while they often seem to have some desirable features not in NWC, they don't hold a candle to NWC's usability.
As far as bugs, I'm not aware of any, at least none that affect me... Aside from my stupid computer that loses the plot with my cursor keys and half the numeric pad every so often. While this impacts me greatly in NWC, I sure the cause is something else that I haven't identified that is external to NWC.
RE the article, as far as Wordstar is concerned, it was the very first word processor I ever used and it was always, IMHO, superior to Word when Word was eventually released.. My first encounter with Wordstar was in late 1983 or early '84 in a CP/M80 environment on a machine whose *name I can't even remember. I also was first exposed to Multiplan at the same time.
<edit> * I remember now, it was an ECS 4500 - I believe the ECS was a TLA for Electronic Control Systems, or it may have been Electronic Computer Systems. Pretty sure it was an Australian company. They ran Z80 processors rather than 8080s IIRC