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General Discussion / Re: Strange time
Last post by lawrroc -
Thanks HM,
I have to study your construction of the "incriminated" measure well, also considering that I did not show the vocal part.
It will be a good exercise!
Have a nice day (it's raining here...).
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
Last post by William Ashworth -
I'd be happy to send you the nwctxt file, but I can't figure out how to attach it to a PM. I tried pasting it into the body of the message, but the forum said it was too long to send.
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
Last post by Opagust -
SIDE COMMENT: REALLY nice to be back on the NWC forum after an absence of several years. I've been forced, against my will, to convert to Sibelius in order to share my work through a couple of different professional networks I belong to. I detest the Sibelius UI - I scream at it a lot, using language my mother would have never approved of - and would much prefer to work in NWC, but them's the breaks. Good to see the old familiar names here, and to know you all are still taking good care of what is still my favorite notation software.

You're welcome (again).
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
Last post by Opagust -
PRECIPITATING PROBLEM: I'm using 2.0.01. It's throwing up an error code: see the attached file. I've searched my nwctxt file and cannot find anything at all to do with MIDI. Messed around some with my MIDI settings, both on the computer and in NWC, but the error code keeps showing up. Hoping a new version will have fixed this; otherwise, any ideas?
Can you send me the nwctxt file?
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
Last post by Opagust -
IMMEDIATE PROBLEM: Opagust, I'm having trouble logging into your site to download the current version of your NWCConvertor. The "NWC User" username and "Usertools" password apparently no longer work. Is there something new? Or should I try setting up a user account of my own on your site?

The login for "NWC User" should now be working again.
General Discussion / Re: Strange time
Last post by hmmueller -
This means most certainly "play in free rhythm towards that fermata"; the brackets indicate that normal note values are irrelevant, instead the length of the sounding notes is indicated by these brackets. In the attachment is how I'd notate this in NWC (including the misuse of a slur for a tie to avoid crossing a notehead).

Edit: Of course, you could add those brackets also (with a LineSpan.nw object with both caps set to "stroke"), but I find that unnecessary when the ad lib. is added - it says essentially "don't care too much for the exact note values seen here."

General Discussion / Strange time
Last post by lawrroc -
I need your help.
In the attachment there are two measures of a piano accompaniment. The previous measures are in 4/4, as you can see from the first measure. In the second measure, the lower staff keeps 4/4, while the upper one becomes 11/8 (???).
How can I make a correct insertion in the upper staff of the second measure?
Do the two signs I highlighted in yellow say something more about the strange change in time?
Thanks and have a nice evening.
General Discussion / NWCconvertor
Last post by William Ashworth -
IMMEDIATE PROBLEM: Opagust, I'm having trouble logging into your site to download the current version of your NWCConvertor. The "NWC User" username and "Usertools" password apparently no longer work. Is there something new? Or should I try setting up a user account of my own on your site?

PRECIPITATING PROBLEM: I'm using 2.0.01. It's throwing up an error code: see the attached file. I've searched my nwctxt file and cannot find anything at all to do with MIDI. Messed around some with my MIDI settings, both on the computer and in NWC, but the error code keeps showing up. Hoping a new version will have fixed this; otherwise, any ideas?

SIDE COMMENT: REALLY nice to be back on the NWC forum after an absence of several years. I've been forced, against my will, to convert to Sibelius in order to share my work through a couple of different professional networks I belong to. I detest the Sibelius UI - I scream at it a lot, using language my mother would have never approved of - and would much prefer to work in NWC, but them's the breaks. Good to see the old familiar names here, and to know you all are still taking good care of what is still my favorite notation software.
General Discussion / Re: Page layout - my cookbook
Last post by Opagust -
In all these cases of a not almost perfect layout, I first "wiggle" (increase and decrease) the staff metrics by 0.5 (in stubborn cases also by 1) to find out whether I get a quite different layout that might be easier to fine-tune.
Also, I wiggle the left and right margins by 0.1 to 0.2  for each staff metric size. Let's call these systematic experiments "wiggling".

If your score looks chubby after checking: Let's Wiggle Again
General Discussion / Re: Page layout
Last post by lawrroc -
Thanks, I tried a few things and managed to fix the problem.
It is important WHERE to place the cursor correctly!!! I did not do it precisely and the pop-up that opened did not show what I was looking for.
Good morning, good day, good afternoon, good evening, good night to you, princes of time zones!  :)