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Topics - Bob

General Discussion / Issue: installing object plugins
The installation of object plugins silently fails if the Object Plugins directory is absent.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a file that uses one or more object plugins.
2. Open the Insert>Object...>Manage Objects dialog.
3. Perform an online synch.
4. Install updates.

1. Create the missing directory indicated by Tools>Options>Folders>Object Plugins.
2. Then follow the steps above.
General Discussion / Repeated measures
Originally posted on Discord, it's been requested that I share a snippet of a piece that uses repeated measures:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Disclaimer: I didn't write this riff. It's from Play That Funky Music.
General Discussion / Discord channel
Let's be honest, how often do you spend 30 minutes to an hour typing a forum post when talking to the same people (assuming people were in the same room as you) would be faster, more productive, and get your question resolved within mere minutes?

Back in the old days, programmers used a chat system known as Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to speed up conversations and increase productivity. Today, Discord (designed for gamers, but used for all types of online communities) is probably the most popular way to chat, and is packed with powerful features that make it more convenient and easier to use than any other platform.

I'm not suggesting we stop using the forum-- in fact, the forum is a great tool for many circumstances-- but that we strengthen the community by adding this method of communication to our toolbox. Many communities still use forums in addition to Discord, and it's a great combination.

I'll check this post again later for replies (I confess I'm not as good with checking forums as I was 10 years ago), but I'm going to go ahead and set up an unofficial (for now, unless someone officially decides to endorse the idea) Discord server for NWC in the hopes this catches on, even if there are only a handful of users.
General Discussion / String section misses their cue at the end of piano roll
This is probably a sound card issue, but I thought I'd check here and see if anyone else has this problem, or if it's possibly a limitation of NWC.

See the attached file, mm 11-12. The two pianos roll nearly the entire keyboard in a single measure, and the strings punctuates the final beat with a chord.

The problem I'm having is that the strings don't play that chord. It's like they're all missing their cue.  :D
General Discussion / When possible, synchronize the initial position of the lyric editor caret
When possible, synchronize the initial position of the lyric editor caret with the notation editor

I love it!  There are two things I would change, though:
  • The carat needs to be before the word, not after, as it is in the editor.  That, or mine is showing up on the next word instead of the current one.  Here's what I mean.  I clicked between "sky" and "was", so the caret should also appear between "sky" and "was" in the editor.  But instead, it's appearing between "was" and "starless":
    <Image Link>
    Shot at 2007-07-10

  • The lyric editor needs to scroll down to the point in the lyrics containing the caret, so that that line appears at the top of the box.  (Currently, I must still move the scrollbar down, scanning for the caret.)

Thanks for the neat feature, though!  It will definitely improve my lyric editing experience, as I work with church music which contains all kinds of special endings and repeated phrases, making it easy to get lost, as well as working with the chords in the lyric editor! :)[/list]
General Discussion / Cue notes
In order to display cue notes (commonly found in orchestral works), one could enter each cue note normally, then hide each of those notes.  Immediately in front of each hidden note, duplicate it with a visible grace note (no slur).  This will ensure that each note will be played on time, and that the staves will all line up correctly.  If you would like to mute the cue notes, I believe NWC2 has the capability to do so.
General Discussion / NWC2 not properly playing some songs from Scriptorium?
After listening to Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Säens, I was not able to hear the first trumpet on Light Cavalry Overture or the majority of the orchestra on the first and second movements of Tchaik's 4th in F.  These lines are not muted, and I tried using reset.nwc to fix the issue, but to no success.  What's up?
General Discussion / Music search engine
If there's such a thing as getting banned from a forum from posting too much, it'll probably happen to me... :)

Back in 2001, I heard of a proposal for a music search engine that would search for a the title/author/year/etc. of a song, based on an input of notes.  I thought this was an awesome idea, and ever so often I come across another proposal for it.

Well, this would be another proposal...for anyone who has too much time and doesn't know what to do with it.

Such a search engine would be a powerful tool, which, like Noteworthy, allows the user to enter a series of notes (although it wouldn't need all of the dynamic capabilities and such), possibly select the instrument that plays those notes, and even allow for errors in timing and extra notes.  At the very minimum, it should be able to transpose those notes to check other keys.

For example, if I entered the following text: "GGGE-" (flat represented by a minus sign, sharp by a plus) the search engine would bring up Beethoven's 5th at the top, (being a popular result), as well as any songs that contained those notes in that order, such as Bohemian Rhapsody, which contains those chords in that order.  A more advanced search might look like this: "n:8g8g8g1e-" (forgive me, I don't know how long that fourth note is!). ("n:" says to do a search for songs with notes (as opposed to chords), and the numbers represent durations ("8" for eighths, "1" for wholes, "2." or "2,1" for dotted halves.  A period is a dot on a note, and a comma is a tie.)) This would bring up all the songs in which the timing with those notes was somewhat identical.  A search for Bohemian Rhapsody using those chords would look more like this: "c:ggge-" ("c:" would call a chord search).

So...anybody bored and want to take on this proposal that appears to be going on 10 years old or more?  Or share your thoughts.  Maybe.  Let me know how dumb this idea is, or how it could be improved.  (Perhaps someday when I get my degree, I can take on the challenge myself!)
General Discussion / Wikipedia's article on Noteworthy
I think it would be a good idea for Noteworthy Community Members to moderate the Wikipedia article on Noteworthy Composer.

For example, I just was reading it and found this statement:
NWC is primarily intended for the creation of sheet music, but it can also import and export ... graphical WMFs. One of the most interesting capabilities is that it can export Lilypond files[1], making professional quality engraving a possibility for the masses.

Can anyone back up these statements?  I haven't seen these capabilities yet.
General Discussion / A musical question
This has nothing to do at all with Noteworthy, but I was wondering:

What's the difference between a canon and a fugue?
General Discussion / Hairpins present yet another problem...
If anyone has begun using the hairpins, you may have noticed a glitch (aside from the one where you need a previous dynamic marking to govern its vertical position).

Consider the following scenario.  A note has a dynamic marking beneath it.  The decrescendo also begins on that same note.  It lasts until the end of the note.  Go ahead, type it in and see what happens.

Here's the first instance I typed and noticed it in:
Code: [Select · Download]

While I'm not extremely satisfied with the layout of the solution I've been able to come up with, here it is.  It's done by adding an invisible dynamic 5 positions lower:
Code: [Select · Download]

The other option I see is to use the hairpins included in the Crescendo font or a related font.  But that's not the point.  I'd like to see more functionality in this built-in feature.  If a hairpin requires a dynamic in front of it, it should at least let you put it there and be able to read it.

Anyone else have strong feelings about this?
General Discussion / More for the wish list: Updated Endings
I assume this is the place to submit suggestions for the new NWC2.

When I pass out music I write using NWC, the endings (first, second, third, final, etc.) confuse people.  I have to extend the lines over all the bars in the ending and drop it down at the end.  This becomes annoying to have to use a pen to fix every printout.

So here's my suggestion:  The ending feature needs a bit of a makeover.

In normal music notation, there are two types of endings.  One is exactly like the one in NWC1, where it extends a full measure with no corner on the end.  The other extends over several measures and has a closing corner.

My thought is this:  Using the same technique seen in the triplets, beaming, and now in NWC2 beta, the hairpins, you could select several measures and add an ending above them.  This would need an anchor attached to it, so you could adjust properties like what number, etc.  The ending would stretch over each selected measure, and it would have a corner on both ends.

The old ending feature would also remain in place, as it is a different kind of ending, and I doubt anyone wants to look at a piece with an ending stretching all the way from halfway down the page to the bottom.  As far as the interface goes, you would have two buttons, one displaying an ending, and the other displaying a closed ending.

Also, is there a way we could get add a checkbox for "Final" ending?  Again, to a musician, the "D." doesn't mean a whole lot.  "Final" seems to be a neccessity that I usually end up typing in.

Okay, so if this isn't where suggestions go, can someone please get it where it should be?  Thanks! ;)
Tips & Tricks / Adding a multimeasure rest
Ever wonder how to make a multi-measure rest?  Well, I figured it out, and it changed in Noteworthy 2, when they fixed that invisible notation feature so it doesn't take up any space.

Here's the workaround (as well as instructions for both versions on how to make multis):

1) Insert your appropriate amount of rests, bars.
2) Higlight them and set them to invisible.
3) Insert the following just before the first rest:

a) Insert the following text(without quotation marks) in Boxmarks, pt 10: "[]"
Set this to align center at the next note/bar line.  Position it at -1.

b) Insert another text line, using the Noteworthy font that your staff is using, pt 22.  This should contain the number of the multi.  Set this to align center at the next note/bar line.  Position it at 8.

4) In Noteworthy 2, add additional text labels before and after, as spacers.  They should preserve width and be very high (50ish or so), so they're not visible.  I used the word "spacer" and it seems to be the right length.

Hope this helps! :)


For those who like the codes, here is a sample of a 4 measure rest.  User1 is Boxmarks, 10pt, and User2 is NWC2STDA, 22pt.  The staff metrics are NWC2STDA, 16pt:

Code: [Select · Download]
Tips & Tricks / Smoother slurs for guitar, bass, pizzing string section
For eye-popping audio effects in my next composition:
I want to slur notes on a plucked instrument (specifically acoustic guitar, but also on bass, pizzing strings)

1) The pitch should change during a pluck, rather than two separate plucks (only one percussive noise).
2) I would prefer the fading is relative to the first note, not the second note.
3) I am terrible at understanding multii-point controllers, so you might have to go into detail.

Anyone have any ideas?
Tips & Tricks / Adding chord names to sheet music (for guitar, piano, bass, or improv music)
Ok, so I know it's quite likely someone's posted this before and that evey single one of you know this trick, but I think it's cool and want to tell the world what I'v discovered!

My dad and I were working on a song together one night, and we realized how easy it is to do this, even though it was never obvious to us before.

In order to insert chords with using the tab notation, you should:

1) add a new staff titled "Guitar" or "Bass" or something like that.
2) mute the staff
3) position it above the staff that you want to have chords (usually the vocal line, if no vocal line then the top piano line)
4) layer the chord staff with the next staff
5) edit the lyrics for that line
6) there should be one lyric line, and here you should type the chord names with spaces in between (i.e., "D Gsus4 E#m" (sorry I don't know my chords!))
note: I find that it helps to hit enter every two to four measures, like you would with standard lyrics...otherwise you'll get lost later when you try to go back and change a chord!
7) make sure the lyrics are set to display above the staff.
8) on the staff, insert rests of appropriate length where there is no chord change (or insert a note if the chord is N.C.), and insert notes of appropriate length wherever chord notation should appear.
tip: I find it helps me (since I don't know my chords) to place the notes for the chords on the chord's base note (that way if I want I can unmute the staff and add a bass to check to see if the chords seem to work okay)
General Discussion / Weird Bob has returned...with a new hit...based on an old ditty
Okay...I know it's been a few months...I even had to email myself my username/password because I forgot my username was just "Bob"...

I arranged this one a couple months ago (I had free time in the summer).

I never thought I would use Chopin and rap in the same sentence, but this post proves me wrong.

Here's my favorite piece by Chopin put to a slightly different beat:

Classical Remix, Op. 2, No. 3: Revolutionary Rap
written by Weird Bob Schnautz (except for solo piano parts)
inspired by Frydyryck Chopin, Fr. Stan Keroppi

Enjoy, or else have fun ripping your hair out as you listen.
By the way...the high-pitched noise is a string section holding two notes that are very close in pitch proximity to one another...not the dishwasher in the other room (I had to explain that to my mom). This is a common "noisemaker" in rap music that I find helps set the mood.
General Discussion / Problem installing NWC2 Viewer!
I just downloaded the NWC2 Viewer yesterday on xp at work and brought it home to install on Windows Me (no Internet on that computer). I installed it, and when I tried to open it, it said the font was not present, even though it showed up in my fonts folder. I have never had this problem with any other program. It installed just fine on the xp computer at work, though. What is my problem?
I was able to install the 1.75b viewer, though!