Wikipedia's article on Noteworthy 2007-05-07 01:10 AM I think it would be a good idea for Noteworthy Community Members to moderate the Wikipedia article on Noteworthy Composer.For example, I just was reading it and found this statement:QuoteNWC is primarily intended for the creation of sheet music, but it can also import and export ... graphical WMFs. One of the most interesting capabilities is that it can export Lilypond files[1], making professional quality engraving a possibility for the masses.Can anyone back up these statements? I haven't seen these capabilities yet. Quote Selected
Re: Wikipedia's article on Noteworthy Reply #1 – 2007-05-07 02:01 AM i have eported noteworthy onto word before, i don't remeber how though. lilypond i don't know about Quote Selected
Re: Wikipedia's article on Noteworthy Reply #2 – 2007-05-07 02:13 AM I've done some research, and I found a User Tool to download that exports Noteworthy to Lilypond. I tried the thing, and I was not AT ALL impressed. The formatting was screwy, and the bar lines got moved around. The last few lines of it got squeezed together on one line for some reason and ran off the edge of the page.Not to mention it showed the words "Title," "Subtitle," "Instrument," "Author,"-- even though they had been entered. The copyright info was also the Lilypond default copyright. I quickly uninstalled Lilypond, since its "professional" quality was a bit too "professional" for me. I personally don't see why some guy took the time to finish making that exporter. Quote Selected