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Messages - Bart

Many thanks, Opagust.

I downloaded and tried it with another piece that was converted from PDF to mscz and further into mxl, and it worked perfectly.

Best regards,
Dear Opagust,

Today I tried the following scenario:

Open a PDF file in MuseScore Studio (latest version, downloaded today)
The conversion to a music file is done on the webpage and after downloading the mscz-file I could open it in MuseScore Studio.
I exported the file as MXL file but when trying to convert it to NWC, the program seems to be pending.
I used your latest version (
My only option is to exit the program.

It's unclear what is preventing the conversion of this file to the end.
Maybe I can bypass the blocking code by disabling something in MuseScore, but your help will be needed.
Screenshot of the pending situation is added as well as the mscz-file and mxl file (both included in the zipfile).

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Re: alignment versenumber
Dear Marianne,

I do verse numbers differently.
I add a "grace note rest" with lyrics = Always where I want a verse number, and I simply add it where I want to display the verse numbers.
As a grace note, it doesn't screw the rhythm and as a rest it doesn't change the music.
The verse numbers are simply added in the lyrics.
This simple trick helps even to add verse numbers for the next lines (which is useful when there are many verses) and this way verse numbers are always mapped with the correct verse  ;) .

See attached example.
Tips & Tricks / Re: Select All Staves - How To?
Dear Roycee,

For learning, you could try (

It is possible to load an existing NWC file and you can play them with one specific voice outstanding. (several options possible).
It's not as good as NWC, but tweaking the voices/volumes/... so that your voice is clear without overwhelming the other voices is somewhat tricky in NWC. In you can play with settings without messing up the NWC file.
Our choir members are using this intensively to learn their voices.
In my normal NWC files I focus on clear prints and good global sound. For, I change my files so that every voice has lyrics, repeated sections are spread out ( cannot handle repeats), etc. but the adaptation for can be done in 15-30 minutes.
And most of all, the website generates the sound so that playback is not limited to Windows users.

Tips & Tricks / Re: Select All Staves - How To?
Dear Roycee,

You can just drag a .KAR file in NWC. Not needed to do the detour via Musescore.
Or open it with FILE OPEN (song files). .KAR files are not in the option list but it works flawlessly  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Lyric positioning after a new boundary
Hi, Flurmy,

Looking at the score, I have had a similar problem in the past when the number of lyric lines differs during a song.

I resolved it by defining 2 lyrics staves, one for the strophes and one for the chorus. (layered over each other ánd over another staff).
Then I could play with the boundary changes (start collapsible section and cancel/forbid collapse from this bar) to achieve what I wanted.

An example is in "SAK_0909-2-IkHadEenDroomVanEenWereld.nwc" which may clarify what I mean. (A picture/example is worth 1000 words 8) )

Best regards,
General Discussion / Re: Finished Software?
I bring my opinion as a simple user, completely ignorant of programming.
I have purchased music notation programs over time: Sibelius (First), Finale (Print Music). I've tried various versions of MuseScore.
For what my opinion is worth, no one has the agility (pass me that term) of NWC.
If we then add the availability of expert users, whom I thank here, what more could we wish for? It would be a real shame if NWC disappeared from our monitors. I hope the elusive Eric (is that him?) listens to us.
Thank you and good day.

I agree with you. No other score software shows the same flexibility and ease of use as NWC, IMO.
Especially for composing purposes, I never found a better software.
General Discussion /
For Your Information:

A choir member told about a website where singers can learn their own voices.
The best news is that it also accepts your own NWC files.  8)
And you can export the result in an HTML file that can be shared.
It's a simple website, with not to many options, but all available features seem useful.


Object Plugins / Re: GroupOp.hmm 0.3

I couldn't manipulate the Lyrics-switch with Opts.Lyrics.
What seems to work for me is creating a temp_item and use the Provide method
* temp_item:Provide("Opts","Lyric=Always")
* temp_item:Provide("Opts","Lyric=Never")
I didn't verify if adding other options is possible.

Object Plugins / Re: GroupOp.hmm 0.2
Thanks for the test script.

Sometimes I want to copy the lyrics for a song in a staff with only hidden rests (to be able to move the lyrics around to different voices). Of course, this is something that comes in mind when everything is almost ready and I blame myself because creating an empty staff with hidden rests is annoying. To get this done, I was working on a LUA script to do that for me. But my alpha version script doesn't handle slurs and especially ties correctly.
With your script I can check easily where my script goes wrong.  8)

Object Plugins / Re: GroupOp.hmm 0.2
If there are grace notes with Lyrics set to 'Always', the lyrics counting misses a step or two.

From time to time I use hidden grace rests for showing the stanza number at the beginning of news lines.
But most of the times the occurrences are limited, so no hard job to correct it manually.
User Tools / Re: Auto Slurring Tool
Dear Geoff,

I tested you tool today and I must say that it does more than I expected when reading your explanation.
I ran the tool with no notes selected and then the whole staff gets slurs grouping notes with the chosen number.  :)

One thing may or may not be useful: the option to choose upward or downward slurs.
The default direction for slurs (and ties) is not good when layering staves for "rehearsal scores".
But this can be fixed manually, by selecting the whole staff and changing the directions in the NOTES-page. So if you don't need it yourself, just see if you add this feature or not.

You didn't mention options for you user tool, so I have chosen the default (Input Type = Clip Text and no other options chosen) and that worked just fine.

Thank you for this user tool!

General Discussion / Re: distance between staffs
Dear Marianne,

Are you sure the distance between the staves is really different?

You can try to disable the Title Page Info in the "Page Setup / Options". If I do this on a score I have with multiple pages, the first page filled to exact the same distance from the top. This "proves that also the distance between the staves must be the same.

With the Title Page Info enabled (=default value), the title and Authors take some space and the first page is filling also the lower part of first page, while the following pages has more white space at the bottom.
This gives the impression that the staves are further apart, but in fact they aren't.

General Discussion / Re: Digital way to key in the note
Well, Frank, I can tell a similar story.

I tried several times to scan scores - don't remember with which software -, but unless the score was really clear, the result was disappointing and I had to make many corrections.

My conclusion was that just keying in the notes manually is faster than the scan-option.
NWC is outstanding for keying in music and in my opinion no other software can compete with NWC. 

Finally I stopped looking for scanning options.

On the other hand, if you connect a midi keyboard to your computer, and you "play" your score, this may generate a midi stream which can be transformed into a score.
NWC or alternatives may provide good results, but since my piano skills are too limited, I was never able to compare several software options. And a lot of work may be needed to correct misinterpretations.

These days I always try first to find a midi-file for the score. Especially when people ask a score for a song they heard on the radio or on youtube. Sometimes I am successful, sometimes not. Using this starting point can save time (especially if a score has many staves/instruments).

General Discussion / Re: Script Running?
Dear Fathafluf,

It is the first time that I see this message.

If I understand correctly, this appears in Edge while browsing the NWC forum.
I don't think the forum is running scripts that slow down the browser, so it should be harmless to abort scripts.

But the next question is of course: what did launch a script in the browser?

Do you see this only in Edge, or also in chrome?
Did you install plugins?
Maybe plugins were installed behind you back?

My suggestion would be: try to find out in which browsers this message appears en check if there are strange plugins active.

If possible, uninstall and reinstall that browser - but I don't know this is possible with Edge.
But before uninstalling, be sure to save your shortcuts, passwords, customizations, ...!

What you can try also - I didn't do it yet - is searching for this message in google. You may (or may not) find a clue what script can cause this message to appear.
EDIT: I did now and found at least this rather interesting page:

Another thing you can try is opening task manager, select the processes or performance tab and see if the browser has a resource eating thread. I doubt you will find a clear answer here, but it's worth a try.

I hope this helps a bit.

General Discussion / Re: Fixing Flow
Dear SEBC,

I must say that I don't understand what you specifically want to achieve.

But to make clear what NWC does, I have added in the lyrics line when NWC jumps and when it repeats which part (see attachment).
Maybe that helps you better understand how the endings work (or not).
Hopefully you can see where modifications are necessary to achieve your goal.

Be aware that if you have troubles finding the correct notation for the flow, also interpreters can be confused!
Therefore, it is sometimes better to write out a specific part a second time, instead of playing with flow directions and endings for everything.

Best regards,
Many thanks, Opagust.

Yesterday I installed your tool to convert a nwctxt-file into musicxml and in Musescore it was almost identical.
I've sent the file also to a friend, because he wanted an musicxml formatted file to import in Dorico.
He told me that he had to make some changes, but at least he had it in Dorico.

Thanks to your tool we are able to distribute it to people that don't have NWC.  :)

General Discussion / Re: 3 Notes in a layered staff
Dear Frank,

You probably know already that you can place a note "on the cursor position" by hitting the enter key.

The easiest way to add a chord note is by positioning the cursor on the place where you want the chord note and hitting CTRL+enter.
You can create this way even chords with multiple notes.

Only if you want "split chords" (chords with different durations) it is somewhat different. For instance the stem direction comes into the game. But maybe you don 't  need it here.

Best regards,
General Discussion / Re: REINSTALL nwc after computer crash
Dear Ton,

If I remember well, the demo version is a different version than the one you could buy and it is not possible to turn the demo version into a registered version.

When you bought NWC you should have received a CD with the installation program for the registered version, or received a link to the web page where you - and only you - could download the installer. I believe there was a remark to keep this version for future installations.

When you have that (old) installer, you should be able to install it on another computer and afterwards you can upgrade it to the newer versions as long as your original version allows it: certainly version 2.75 and maybe even version 2.5 allow to upgrade to the latest version.

When you can still retrieve files from your crashed PC, you may even find all the necessary files somewhere in a folder on your disk, but I never did that and don't know the location where it is stored. But I believe there is somewhere in this forum a page where it is explained.

Best regards,
General Discussion / Re: Staff Spacing Problem
Dear Cyber_Hymnal,

I never used boundary offset myself before, - just like Richard, I always created several staves where I collapsed the bars when I wanted to change the boundaries - but the combination of staff properties and Boundary Objects seems perfect for getting a good editing view and a good print view.

Just use the staff properties for a good editing view (choose appropriate upper and lower boundaries) and use the boundary offsets in the Boundary Object to adjust the print layout (like you already did yourself in measure 6).

See example - with "staff boundaries" for the editing and additional boundary offsets (at the beginning of measure 1) to get an adapted print view.

General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
Well, when you don't have enough resources (RAM/CPU), then this is most probably the reason an "under-performing" system, because sound synthesis requires quite some resources.

You can verify your resources yourself by opening the task manager (when you right click in the taskbar, you can find the task manager link). If CPU or Memory or even disk pass 90%, then your PC cannot follow the software.
If you are lucky you can stop other resource consuming programs (like mail/browser/video software/...) and get a reasonable sound.
If that is not sufficient, you could opt for a "smaller" soundfont (if working with soundfonts) or less effects (if using VST based music).

I have tested different soundfonts in combination with virtual midi synth like
(*) Yamaha-C5-Salamander-JNv5.1.sf2 (591 MB),
(*) TOH-GM_GS_XG_SFX.sf2 (370 MB)
(*) titanic.sf2 (280 MB)
(*) SGM-V2.01.sf2 (235 MB),
(*) FluidR3_GM.sf2 (144 MB)
(*) WeedsGM3.sf2 (53 MB)
(*) sinfon36.sf2 (44 MB)
(*) merlin_gm36.sf2 (32 MB)
(*) Choir.sf3 (32 MB)
(*) GeneralUser_GS_SoftSynth_v144.sf2 (30 MB)
(*) merlin_plus23.sf2 (16 MB)
(*) Jeux14.sf2 (4 MB) - but this overwrites the first channels with only Organ sound

Finally I have chosen to install the relative small, older soundfonts WeedsGM3.sf2 (53 MB) and WST25FSTein.SF2 (21 MB) and I am very happy with it.

A long time ago I also tried to route the midi output to the virtual patch cables (MidiOx) and into a VST (synthfont), to get a long reverb for a church organ, but I did that only for one piece. 

What I recently did, was
(*) exporting an NWC file as midi
(*) recording my own voice with audacity
(*) importing both in LMMS (a free DAW) and adding soundfonts/VST's/effects/automations to the differents tracks
(*) export the final result in an MP3 file.
Maybe this isn't the best way to do it, but until I find something better, this is how I will work, I think.

General Discussion / Re: Question for musicxml experts: representation of flow directions
Dear opagust,

When you open Musescore, add some "Repeats and Jumps" and export it as a musicxml file, the following code can be found in the file. It seems that the more exotic directions are just a combination of <words> and <sound> tags:

Code: [Select · Download]
      <direction placement="above">
          <segno default-x="-8.00" relative-y="20.00"/>
        <sound segno="segno"/>
Code: [Select · Download]
      <direction placement="above">
          <words relative-y="20.00">D.S. al Fine</words>
        <sound dalsegno="segno"/>
Code: [Select · Download]
      <direction placement="above">
          <words relative-y="20.00">Fine</words>
        <sound fine="yes"/>

Hope this helps.
General Discussion / Re: Windows 11
Windows 11 cannot be installed on my (old) desktop PC because my PC lacks a needed piece of hardware [Trusted Platform Module (TPM)].  I found some (hacking) instructions to bypass that, and I tried that in a virtual box, but finally I doubt if I had more than just a Windows 10 with the Windows 11 look.
I saw the advertisement that it would be able to install smartphone apps in Windows 11, but this option - the only one that i liked in Windows 11 - wasn't ready at that moment.
As long as my current PC fulfills all my needs, I'll stay with Windows 10.
Only if I have to buy a new computer, I'll use the (preinstalled) Windows 11.
Or, if NWC is dead by that time, I may decide to switch to Linux or Apple.

General Discussion / Re: NWC MIDI sound on Ubuntu 20.04 ?
Dear Jonathan,

I have tested NWC in Ubuntu several years ago but I wasn't happy with the result.

After long hours struggling I was finally able to get NWC running and playing sound, but for some unknown reason it didn't work anymore a week later. After searching several hours it worked again, but because of what I call "instability" (to avoid calling it "my stupidity") I decided to stay on Windows (mainly because of NWC).

What I remember is that I first installed WINE and Timitidy, and in Wine I installed NWC.
Just like under Windows, I had to select a play device (Timidity) in the NWC configuration (TOOLS-OPTIONS-MIDI).

Of course now we are several years later and stuff can be easier today.

Unless you didn't configure NWC correctly, I fear there is little I can help you with.

User Tools / Re: USERTOOL: show_all_note_names.lua
Thank you for your suggestions.

A new version with check boxes to skip percussion, muted and hidden staves is now ready.
show_all_note_names_except_for_selected_staff_types.lua is the new name for this file.

User Tools / Re: USERTOOL: show_all_note_names.lua
Dear Lawrie,

Thank you for your feedback.   :)

I fully understand that percussion staves shouldn't be in the scope of this "note names" tool.

So I modified the script a little bit to skip percussion staves as well as hidden staves.

If you want some staves out of scope, just make them invisible before running the new tool, and make them visible again afterwards. Percussion staves are automatically excluded, so there is no need to make them temporarily hidden.

I didn't provide a selection window yet because my lack of LUA knowledge prevents me to implement this right now.  :(

I have tested the new tool on some midi files that I have imported in NWC and making for instance the Conductor staff hidden is indeed a very handy addition. Unless there are very strange rhythms in the score, it should work well.
By the way: the original tool can go wrong too if there are very small or too many different durations.

Please find the adapted script attached.  Until I have a tool where a selection box can check which staves are in scope I leave the original file also available.

General Discussion / Re: Is there a program to check harmony rules?
Dear H.M.

For a more manual check, you can try a user tool that I made a few years ago.

This tool adds a new staff with in the lyrics lines all notes that sound at that moment (across all staves). And to undo, just delete that staff.

As a supplement you will find behind the notes if they belong to Octaves or Fifths (O-o / F-f) with capitals for the lower parts and lowercase for the higher parts. This could help you find parallel octaves or fifths in consequent "chords".

I believe parallel fifths or parallel octaves can be heard also because these are less rich than when no such chord progressions are used. I used my tool as a support for finding the notes and harmony rules if my ears tell me that the sound is dull.

It is of course only helpful if your ears already informed you that there was something "missing", but I hope it may help you as it helped me. It isn't of course a full blown tool, but at least it allows you to stay in Noteworthy Composer for your analysis.

I think a better plugin exists for MuseScore (with red or blue lines for parallel octaves and fifths), but then you will have to export and import your score, and since this process has to be repeated until all parallel fifths/octaves are gone,  I preferred to stay within NWC.

General Discussion / Re: how to deal with orphan notes on a staff stretching to the right margin

Only the last line in a score can stop before the end of the line if you toggle the Page Setup Option "Extend last system.

Other lines will stretch if the next bar line has the "force system break" flag.
I don't think there is an automatic solution, but you can of course make manual modifications to change the layout.

Apart from hmmueller's solution, you can achieve a decent result by playing with system breaks (on visible or on - added - invisible bar lines).

In your example I think you have already system breaks at the end of measure 35 and at the end of measure 49. In this case I would try to add system breaks on some other bar lines as well. For instance after measure 26 (the text 43211234 would then start at the beginning of the next line) and also after measure 32 (the text Play the above... would then also start line "three").

Also 2 or 3 measures in line "five" should move to line "six", so another system break after measure 45 or 46 is needed. Depending on this you should move 1 or 2 measures from line "four" to line "five".

It is best to do this kind of modification at the very last moment, because if you change the margins of font size later, you may be forced to reorder your system breaks again.

General Discussion / Re: Chord/measure length problem
Well, opagust,

As far as I have understood, NWC always goes forward within a staff.  Going back does never happen. That’s why rest chords are needed. But if you would have more than two notes or rests with different durations, you cannot put them on a single staff (unless you “break” the longer objects into smaller parts and tie them again together). Then it “sounds” well, but “looks” ugly.
In such cases NWC users have solved this by adding additional “layered” staves.

With XMLmusic files being able to go back and NWC always going forward in a staff, you can only know how it should look like in an NWC after you have read all the notes that should appear at a particular position. Buffering them until you are sure to know all the notes is then inevitable.

The alternative is to put  the “backward notes” always in a seperate, layered staff. Probably this will be the easiest way to implement. You just need to keep track of the last position in the current and layered tracks and add (hidden) rests in the layered staff until you reach the position where the back-tag is poiting to. Probably - but this depends on what XMLMusic allows - you can synchronize your layered staff per measure. But when turns out that there are no backward directions at all in your score, you end up with empty layered staves that weren’t needed at all.

I hope this gives you some insight into possible solutions for your implementation.


User Tools / Re: Test Release: nwc2musicxml
Dear Opagust,

Musescore can export files into musicxml format.
So what you can do is to search for midi files on the internet (or create them from NWC files), import them in Musescore and export as musicxml file.
With this detour you can create for your tests more musicxml files that you can ever verify. See one attached example.

General Discussion / Re: Midi messages
Dear Jmoly,

First of all, you can export NWC files as MIDI 0 and MIDI 1 files. That's probably not what you want, but I mention it because it is easy and may be useful to get an idea on how NWC is transcoding the scores into MIDI.

An other approach is to install specific midi tools and send the NWC output not to your speakers, but to this software.

A (very) old tool is Midi-ox ( ). Only Windows NT and Windows 2000 are mentioned, but - with adapted compatibility mode - I was able to install it on Windows 10.

Don't forget to install also virtual patch cables. Midi Yoke can be found on the same website, but there are also alternatives available like for instance LoopBe.

Once you have installed the patch cable(s) and the midi software, you can select the virtual patch cable as midi-output in NWC. I don't know, but you may need to reboot before the patch cables are recognized.
Start midi-ox, configure it to capture the data on the (in NWC selected) patch-cable, and open the input monitor. When you start playing a score in NWC, you should now see the midi commands in the window. If you have also correctly configured an output device you will also hear your music. There are a lot of different options, but documentation is hard/impossible to find. So it is up to you to check if there are other options that will serve your project.

General Discussion / Re: instrument setting
*** There is a problem if the same note is played on different staves with the same channel if the note lengths are different: Then the first ending of the same notes will truncate that note on that channel; if this happens, you ... well ... need different channels again for the staves.

Some virtual synthesizers like CoolsoftVirtualMIDISynth have an option to only release the oldest instance when a note off midi event comes in. In that case a note with N "note on commands" will be muted only after N "note off commands".

I think this is not the default behavior in CoolsoftVirtualMIDISynth, so you'll have to modify the properties (under options) to achieve this result. But that removes the obligation to use different channels.

General Discussion / Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer
I am using Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth already for a long time, but I recently noticed the following strange behavior:
When my PC goes in sleep mode, and has woken up again, NWC cannot find the VirtualMIDISynth driver anymore.
Did someone else perceive the same behavior?

The only solution that I found yet is to close NWC and start it up again (if not changing the midi output device).


General Discussion / Re: Changing Page Size

Some tricks that I am using sometimes to reduce pages per score are:

(1) There is a default option in the Page Setup\Options : "increase spacing for longer notes" which is checked by default. But it can explode the pages (unless there are many short notes in other "visible" staves). Unchecking that option can be beneficial.

(2) Also by playing with the upper and lower boundary for staves (in staff properties - visual) you can sometimes achieve more systems per page.

General Discussion / Re: Uninstall nwc 1
Yes, I guess it’s that or a new computer but I’m not thrilled about that option.

Another option could be to resize the video files without changing the sound quality - if that is OK for you.

FFMPEG  is a very good (command line) tool with which this can be accomplished very easily.  This tools is used in the background of almost all current video applications.  leads you (today) to where you can download the zipfile with the windows binaries and all the documentation.
After downloading, just extract the 3 files in the bin subfolder to a directory on your hard drive at your choice.

Usefull commands for resizing:
Code: [Select · Download]
<dir>/ffprobe -i <source file>                                  this shows the source file specifications (video and sound)
<dir>/ffplay  -i <source file> -vf scale=640:-1                 this plays the film while applying the video filter "scale" (needs width and height parameters)
<dir>/ffmpeg  -i <source file> -vf scale=640:-1 <output file>   this effectively creates a new "scaled" output file. 
With this tools you can also change the video format (avi, mov, mkv, flv, ... ) into another format. Just specify a different video extension for the output file and it is automatically converted.

Tips & Tricks / Re: Sharp in stead of flat, how to change?
With my mouse I select multiply notes to make chords in one layer.

That is something that I never did before.
I had to look in the user guide to see how I could add chords - but it is clear that this is also easy to do : first left click on the piano keyboard for the first note - hold down the left mouse button - and then add chord notes by right clicking.

Nevertheless, I am convinced that using the computer keyboard is even easier and faster. And you automatically get more flexibility. That's why I always use the computer keyboard to enter notes in Noteworthy Composer.

Position the cursor vertically with the up and down keys and add a note as a new note with ENTER, or as a chord note with CTRL+ENTER.
Duration, accidentals and special attributes like slurs, ties, ... can be modified "before adding the note" with the number keys (1-6 for duration, 7-9 for accidentals, "/" for tie, ";" for slur, "." for adding a dot to the duration, ...). Other attributes for which I don't know the keyboard shortcuts, can also always be manipulated with the button bar or with the menu items.

So to add a quarter chord F#-A in a staff with treble clef, this is what I have to type:
- key up or down until the cursor is between the first and the second line (in a staff with treble clef this is the F)
- 3 (to select a quarter note - can be skipped if the previous note was also a quarter note)
- 9 (to select a sharp)
- ENTER to place the note F#
- up twice (to place the cursor between the second and the third line)
- CTRL+ENTER to add the A chord note

Also with CTRL+BACKSPACE you can remove a chord note without touching the other notes in the chord. I don't think this is possible with the piano keyboard.

A black note on the piano keyboard can be interpreted as a flat or as a sharp. As John explained, Noteworthy Composer chooses the note with a flat for a key signature that have flats and the note with the sharp for a key signature which has already sharps.

General Discussion / Re: MPCs

All modifications in the midi-stream remain even in new files (instrument changes propagate also in other files for instance) unless they are reset (by double F6) or when new midi events override the current values.

The reason why volume is reset is because this is a staff property and restarting will read again the staff property and thus the new volume event is sent.
Here is a default sound staff property as found in nwctxt format for a "new" file :
That suggests that also the pan parameter will be reset.

There is however no tempo parameter (unless you set it explicitly), so there is no real reason why this is reset also. But the default value for tempo is quarter = 120, Therefore, I suppose that this is always set by NWC, even if there is no explicit parameter.

General Discussion / Re: Uninstall nwc 1

I cannot believe that you will empty more then a few megabytes by deleting a software application like Notewothy Composer, especially an older version.

Why don’t you measure the disk occupation with tools like “spacesniffer” or “windirstats”. Then you see immediately which files are taking most of the diskspace, which you then can remove or transfer to an external disk.

Be also aware that recent Windows versions may take automatic backups, and if they aren’t cleaned up manually, they may be the culprit too.

General Discussion / Re: Best wishes to all here
With the former measures not being followed as intended, every x days more severe measures are announced in Belgium.
These are similar as those in other countries - more or less severe like: a group of 3 or more persons is not allowed anymore on the streets and a safety distance of 1,5 m is recommended.
It is clear that Belgium tries to get as much lessons as possible from Italy - which was sadly hit first in Europe.
We are told that Belgium is just a few (10?) days behind Italy.

General Discussion / Re: How to indicate parameter values?

I think that what you ask is not available.

But there is a good search function (alt+E - F) and the button with the four dots after the input screen let you select specific objects like instrument change en multipoint controller. That way you could find what has been changed.

Be aware that, if there is no such an object in the staff or score, a value can be used from the staff properties or even from the midi channel that was used before. 

For instance: When your previous song used a string instrument for the first channel, and a new song doesn't have instrument information, you will hear also in you new song the string instrument in your first channel.

Be also aware that one tempo object impacts all staves, while velocity and volume only impacts the staff with that object. Some objects can also influence all staves that share the same channel.

A usertool cannot give information that is not available in the file and could foul you if it existed.


General Discussion / Re: Printing multiple songs per page

I don't think this is possible "out of the box".

But NWC is flexible enough to fake it yourself if you have the different songs in one file:
  • with text objects you can create titles and information about the authors and the copyright
  • with boundary changes you can get a large vertical spacing after the last line of a song
  • with forced system breaks you control the horizontal spacing
  • and of course there are a bunch of user objects that may be useful for special wishes

With another work around, you don't need to put the songs in the same file.
Just "print preview" your songs, and use the snipping tool to get fragments that you can paste into a word processor (like Wordpad) or a desktop publishing program.

User Tools / Re: Copy and past measures of mutiple staves

I know that user tools are always working from within an open NWC file, but I never saw a user tool that opens a file from disk.
But, of coarse, it is not because I never saw it, that it must be impossible. Therefore, I looked at the source code for nwcut in github, but nothing there suggests that a usertool can open other NWC file.
So, I fear it is not possible to copy/cut/paste items between files with usertools.


General Discussion / Re: Producing a "jazzy" feel

Someone in this forum once pointed me to a simple and effective solution that worked for me: grace notes

(Muted) grace notes (without ledger lines and some extra note spacing) let me "make" exactly what I needed, only the equal sign needs some special attention.

Code: [Select · Download]
