I downloaded nwcconvertor-2.0.05.zip and tried it with another piece that was converted from PDF to mscz and further into mxl, and it worked perfectly.
Best regards,
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This is how I did verse numbers as well, before user objects came along. But I am biased toward the object approach, having written this particular add-on
I bring my opinion as a simple user, completely ignorant of programming.
I have purchased music notation programs over time: Sibelius (First), Finale (Print Music). I've tried various versions of MuseScore.
For what my opinion is worth, no one has the agility (pass me that term) of NWC.
If we then add the availability of expert users, whom I thank here, what more could we wish for? It would be a real shame if NWC disappeared from our monitors. I hope the elusive Eric (is that him?) listens to us.
Thank you and good day.
If there are grace notes with Lyrics set to 'Always', the lyrics counting misses a step or two.
<direction placement="above">
<segno default-x="-8.00" relative-y="20.00"/>
<sound segno="segno"/>
<direction placement="above">
<words relative-y="20.00">D.S. al Fine</words>
<sound dalsegno="segno"/>
<direction placement="above">
<words relative-y="20.00">Fine</words>
<sound fine="yes"/>
finally decided on no delay in the fermata and getting the same effect by inserting a slower tempo on the last measure.
*** There is a problem if the same note is played on different staves with the same channel if the note lengths are different: Then the first ending of the same notes will truncate that note on that channel; if this happens, you ... well ... need different channels again for the staves.
Yes, I guess it’s that or a new computer but I’m not thrilled about that option.
<dir>/ffprobe -i <source file> this shows the source file specifications (video and sound)With this tools you can also change the video format (avi, mov, mkv, flv, ... ) into another format. Just specify a different video extension for the output file and it is automatically converted.
<dir>/ffplay -i <source file> -vf scale=640:-1 this plays the film while applying the video filter "scale" (needs width and height parameters)
<dir>/ffmpeg -i <source file> -vf scale=640:-1 <output file> this effectively creates a new "scaled" output file.
With my mouse I select multiply notes to make chords in one layer.
and a few minor shortages such as toilet paper