Re: Sharp in stead of flat, how to change?
Reply #6 –
The cursor position is in the model - but whether it is stored before a user tool runs, I dont know. At least the .nwctxt file says:
User tool: What I would expect is a tool that takes the key, including the tonic - which is in the model -
and uses this to apply the standard rules. E.g. g minor uses b flat and e flat, but f sharp for the note between f and g. B-flat, on the other hand, uses b flat and e flat and g flat. A tool could/should/might apply accidentals according to these rules, w/sh/couldn't it?
In other words: It does what "Audit Enharmonic Spellings" does, but correctly (i.e., also for minor keys); and, as additional feature, also for highlighted segments (only); and maybe also for a single note/chord, as Mike suggests. And maybe even with "overrides" = one can suppress the "Auditing" - by mis-using some notehead/note/chord property, or by adding some marker. I'd prefer the latter, as one might want to do multiple Audit runs while writing a piece; so the "overrides" should stay in place - but then, they should not have any other musical meaning.
... so we'd end up (once again?) with a small user object ("EnharmonicControlThingy") and an associated user tool ("Enharmonic Auditing considering keys and those EnharmonicControlThingies").