Dear opagust,
When you open Musescore, add some "Repeats and Jumps" and export it as a musicxml file, the following code can be found in the file. It seems that the more exotic directions are just a combination of <words> and <sound> tags:
<direction placement="above">
<segno default-x="-8.00" relative-y="20.00"/>
<sound segno="segno"/>
<direction placement="above">
<words relative-y="20.00">D.S. al Fine</words>
<sound dalsegno="segno"/>
<direction placement="above">
<words relative-y="20.00">Fine</words>
<sound fine="yes"/>
Hope this helps.
Another option could be to resize the video files without changing the sound quality - if that is OK for you.
FFMPEG is a very good (command line) tool with which this can be accomplished very easily. This tools is used in the background of almost all current video applications.
http://ffmpeg.org leads you (today) to https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ where you can download the zipfile with the windows binaries and all the documentation.
After downloading, just extract the 3 files in the bin subfolder to a directory on your hard drive at your choice.
Usefull commands for resizing:
<dir>/ffprobe -i <source file> this shows the source file specifications (video and sound)
<dir>/ffplay -i <source file> -vf scale=640:-1 this plays the film while applying the video filter "scale" (needs width and height parameters)
<dir>/ffmpeg -i <source file> -vf scale=640:-1 <output file> this effectively creates a new "scaled" output file.
With this tools you can also change the video format (avi, mov, mkv, flv, ... ) into another format. Just specify a different video extension for the output file and it is automatically converted.
Someone in this forum once pointed me to a simple and effective solution that worked for me: grace notes
(Muted) grace notes (without ledger lines and some extra note spacing) let me "make" exactly what I needed, only the equal sign needs some special attention.
The original dynamic is :
After running the tool, this dynamic remains the same.
In your version this dynamic has been changed into
Also the modification in the Staffproperties does not go back into the file;
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:24|Lines:5|WithNextStaff:Bracket,ConnectBars,Layer|Color:Default
Again, after running the tool, this StaffProperties remain the same.
And in your version it becomes (what I expected)
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:24|Lines:5|WithNextStaff:Bracket,ConnectBars,Layer|Color:Highlight 2
I suppose for some - still unknown - reason, the tool does not write this modification back into the file on my system?