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Messages - Robin L. Øye

General Discussion / x head notes half note (minim)
Could something be done to make it more obvious that a half note with an x head is a half note?  Maybe a half note with an x inside the note?  Granted, the spacing tells one something, but a half note doesn't look much different from a quarter note.
General Discussion / Re: many rests

I may have a few in a couple of weeks.  We'll be away much of next week & I'll be getting ready to go this week. I need to know my way round fontographer better than I do.

General Discussion / Re: many rests

Likely an oversight, or simple incompetence on account of my lack of familiarity with things. 

I'd like to study your approach.  I used to do something different when I did all this "by hand".  What I did sounds like what you've done.

I know that I've lost something with what I've done, but I didn't worry about it, as I still have Boxmarks2

General Discussion / Re: many rests
I made a change in Boxmarks2 and I made a slight change in the multi-bar rest script to produce the effect in the attached.
General Discussion / Re: Gregorian chant notation problems

It would be even better if you could take the presider's line and make it two lines to save space.  I think I tried a work-around with something like that (using another line of lyrics, a "verse 2").  As well, I'll make my yearly plug for a breve here.....
General Discussion / Re: PDF to Music - again
What I did was import the pdf file into GIMP  and then turn it into either a tiff or a bitmap. Gimp is free and OS.  I didn't try going into Sharpeye with this, but I think I've done this before.  May have to use a bmp rather than a tiff.
General Discussion / Re: Four-line staves and leger lines

I think one might use a ledger, but only one.  Mostly, though, one uses the lines one needs.  Of course, percussion parts are a different story.  I've used two and four there, and likely some other number, depending on the number of instruments per player.
General Discussion / Re: Four-line staves and leger lines

I can't find a link, but I know I've seen two-and-three line chant in the current Book of Common Prayer in use in the USA.  This would be in the edition used at the altar.  Essentially, one uses the number of lines one needs.
General Discussion / Re: Real Music Composition Software
I always feel somewhat guilty when I don't write things out on manuscript paper first.  And, I'd never use a midi input.  The closest I'm inclined to get is to record something on my flute, turn it into a midi (have software for this) and then go to Noteworthy & clean it up.  I'd only do that to see what my improvisational style looks like, so to speak.  And, I haven't done even this yet.
General Discussion / Re: The Orchestral Staff Attribute Bug
When I got to the final rehearsal, I found that the instrumentalists had all gotten together, pasted up their parts into a full score minus soprano, and made copies for each of them. (They could have just asked me or the soprano for a copy of the full score, of course, but that's not what happened.)

Much the same has happened to me.  I try and give a full score to everyone for their edification. And, I've been asked to make large-sized scores for players to follow.

Lawrie: You've never been anything but kind.

General Discussion / Re: The Orchestral Staff Attribute Bug
I am wondering if it is worth bringing an issue to this forum.  If I'm polite, nothing will happen, and the issue ignored.  If I'm not, nothing will happen except that I'll be given a lot of silliness about not being polite. In all events, I'll be given a lot of smart-assed "erudition" but no answer, discussion of issues, or anything else helpful.  I have campaigned in the past for civility, too.  I will again now.  Much of what has gone on with this topic in response to the original post is no less impolite.  Making weak jokes and puns, going off on side issues and completely unrelated issues, lecturing people on being polite: these things are all just as impolite as the less-than-well-chosen language of the original poster.  Precious little has been discussed concerning the issue brought forward.  Yes, we should take Dave's advice and have that cup of tea before we write so as to calm down, but we also might have that cup of tea before we launch into the kinds of responses that we've seen here.  Frankly, most of the time of late this forum has degenerated into pun-making and wise-cracking by the usual lot, with little else of any value.  I am tired of the endless inside humour and erudition contests.
General Discussion / Re: The Orchestral Staff Attribute Bug
bidderxyzzy is correct in this.  Though he expresses himself rather strongly, we mustn't get defensive on Noteworthy's account just because we don't like his tone.  Whether this is the way to "win friends and influence people" is not the issue.  The issue is the one he states, so let's not try and sidestep the point.  As for not being an issue for many people:  I expect it is an issue for many people, but that those people haven't found a succinct way of articulating it.  Or, there are people like me who are not ones to complain about things like this, or figure that mentioning it is not going to do any good.  I have, for example endeavoured to carry the flag for the inclusion of a breve, as have others.  That has always come to nothing.  This isn't necessarily saying that Noteworthy doesn't listen, as I believe they do, but they may not always respond or explain their actions or inactions on every point.
User Tools / Re: Inversion?

Feeling better.  And, it worked with charm-like perfection.  Thanks, mate.

User Tools / Re: Inversion?

Thanks.  I'll give it a go.  Not today, though, as I'm feeling rotten (some sort of virus has me by the throat).

User Tools / Re: Inversion?
I remember using a tool that did inversions, and I am sure that it was in an earlier incarnation of Global Mod.  This would be some time ago (a year, year and a half), but I do remember it.
User Tools / Inversion?

I seem to remember  a user tool (I thought it was Global Mod) allowing one to invert a selection of notes.  I know I'm not thinking of the retrograde tool, but something that inverted.  Is my memory bad, or my imagination too good?

General Discussion / Re: Whole note rests? Where can I find them?

Also remember that the whole-note rest can also be a measure rest, no matter what the time signature.  Thus, if you are in 6/8 time, and want to put in a rest for the entire measure, the whole-note rest is all you need.  You don't have to put in enough rests to make up six eighth notes.

General Discussion / Re: NWC2 Beta 2.15 will be available this weekend
After reading the link about Vista and help files, I am more determined I am to NOT get Vista.  I'll go to Linux.  I like XP, after getting a new computer with XP on it.  I think we should all refuse to go to Vista, especially if Microsoft is going to be so shirty about things.
General Discussion / Re: Overriding my keyboard default

In fact, left alt + shift, which is not the problem. However, ctrl+shift, which changes the language, does the same thing, as the other language changes the keyboard (as set up).


General Discussion / Re: Overriding my keyboard default
Yes, I have.  The 'v' key on the Dvorak board is where the period is in qwerty.  This, of course, is right above the windows key or the menu key.  However, a quick check of some of those does not indicate a change of keyboard.
General Discussion / Overriding my keyboard default
My keyboard default is for the Dvorak keyboard.  Once in a while, though -- and I can't really say what the circumstances are -- Noteworthy changes it to the other setting I have on the keyboard toolbar (XP), left in place for my wife, a confirmed querty typist.  This is disconcerting, because the same key strokes which, in Dvorak yield ctrl-shift-E yield ctrl-shift-D in querty.  So, when I'm trying to edit, I occasionally delete a staff.  Annoying, this.
General Discussion / Re: A new approach to Breves??
The problemwhich led to repositioning was that the note was almost in the time signature, and before that, the note and the boxmark breve were not lining up.  This is what I had first
Code: [Select · Download]

I see now that this works better.
Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: A new approach to Breves??
Greetings, all,

Working on Peter's suggestion, and having user font 2 be Boxmarks 2, there is this
Code: [Select · Download]
General Discussion / Re: A new approach to Breves??

I thought something like that would happen, thanks.

I brought up my ideas as a way to get the breve question addressed again.  Those of us who write liturgical music even occasionally have been yearning after a breve.
General Discussion / A new approach to Breves??
With all the new fonts available, could we maybe get round the breve (or lack of it problem) by doing a font which would a) move everything down, starting with a breve, and ending with the 32nd note (eliminating the 64th) or b) putting the breve in the 64th note's place.  I don't know how everything works with respect to placement: that is, what about note placement is intrinsic to the font or if there's something else at work. 

As I am with any idea of mine, I am fully prepared for a wet blanket to be thrown over it.  In this case, I can't believe that I'm the first to think along these lines; I would guess, however, that others have more knowledge and thus more sense than to make this suggestion....
General Discussion / Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Control-shift-e it is.  The problem is, I misread.  I use the Dvorak keyboard & forgot where I was.  The keyboard is the same keyboard to look at, but the letters, apart from a and m are not in the same places. Sorry about that.

General Discussion / Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Like this
Code: [Select · Download]

That is, after you place the character(s), select ("shade") the anchor of the character, and hold down ctrl and shift and move the character up or down with the up and down arrows on the keyboard. Then, press ctrl-shift-i (all at once), go to the "expression placement" tab, and select "center" in justification  box and "at the next note/bar" in the placement box, and then okay.

That should do it.

General Discussion / Re: Entering chord
I just wish we could have a "floating layer" so that we could have just a single measure layer rather than the whole staff up to the point you need the layer.

Hear, hear!

User Tools / Re: nwc2xml

It's cool.  I heard from James Lee himself. He got some old files of mine to work, as the prog.  he's written doesn't do NWC2 (he doesn't have it). It's a bit vexing: the powers that be ought to give him one, as he'd be  performing a great service in developing an nwc2xml program.

Supposed to snow here tomorrow.  This, after being as warm as 25 Celsius on Monday.

User Tools / Re: nwc2xml

Yes.  It's the one James Lee offered a while back that is supposed to convert nwc to xml. The other one works fine for me.

User Tools / nwc2xml
I've downloaded this program.  How does it work?