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Topic: Absolute Positioning for Text (Read 6338 times) previous topic - next topic

Absolute Positioning for Text

In a piece I'm working on, I have some flutter-tounging in the flute part.  I use Boxmarks for the the characters, but I can't figure out how to have the middle of the character in the staff.

The best I could get was Best Fit, which had it like so:
Code: [Select · Download]

Is there a way that I can absolutely position it?

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #1

Like this
Code: [Select · Download]

That is, after you place the character(s), select ("shade") the anchor of the character, and hold down ctrl and shift and move the character up or down with the up and down arrows on the keyboard. Then, press ctrl-shift-i (all at once), go to the "expression placement" tab, and select "center" in justification  box and "at the next note/bar" in the placement box, and then okay.

That should do it.


Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #2
For me, that isn't working, I'm not sure if I followed the instructions incorrectly, or what.
By the way, Ctrl-Shift-I just brings up the piece information.

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #3
Hi Kahlman,

Re the Expression Properties command, instead of Control Shift I, try just Control E, or set the Properties when you initially enter the text.

Robin's way centers the slashes over the centre of the notehead.  This is correct if you want the slash marks to appear above a whole note or opposite a note stem.

I'm looking at a professionally printed tympani part (by Carl Fischer LLC) which uses the same figure as in your example.  Its slashes are centered on the stem, not the note head.

With a downward note stem, I think you can achieve that by a right justify, at next note/bar, and pad the entry with a blank space or two after it.  Try this:

|Text|Text:"o  "|Font:User1|Pos:2|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote

(I should mention that I owe both you and Robin a thank you, since I was just now copying the tymp part, and hadn't thought about correct alignment.)

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #4
I think that for vertical alignment, Robin was saying highlight the character, then holding down Ctrl and Shift together, use the arrow up and down keys to move the item vertically. You may still want to use this feature after you get the lateral alignment right.

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #5
Probably, but he did write ctrl-shift-i regarding the horizontal alignment.  I tried it and just got the information dialogue box.   

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #6
Hi Kahlman,
With a downward note stem, I think you can achieve that by a right justify, at next note/bar, and pad the entry with a blank space or two after it.  Try this:

|Text|Text:"o  "|Font:User1|Pos:2|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote

I want the slashes centered on the head.
Also, what you have is sort of a backwards version of what I have.  (Graphical Illustration attached.)

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #7
Kahlman, your illustration does not depict my example, which crosses the stem.  I suspect you are using a userfont size greater than I did.  Mine works with Userfont 1 = Boxmarks, size 8. ( Assuming all other things are equal, such as screen resolution, zoom level, etc.)

However, it's a moot point if you want the slashes to have the same horizontal centre as the notehead.  In that case, use Robin's example, but move them down so they are on the same side of the notehead as the stem.

I did notice the edit window does not give me the same result as the print preview screen, so that is something to watch out for before printing.

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #8
I want the slashes centered on the head.

Actually, I want them centered on the stem.  Don't know why I did that.
Either way, having micro-positioning does sound more like a Finale thing.

Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #9
Actually, I want them centered on the stem.  Don't know why I did that.
Either way, having micro-positioning does sound more like a Finale thing.

Enter the text with a space after the "o" when the stem is on the left of the notehead, and before the "o" when the stem is on the right.


Re: Absolute Positioning for Text

Reply #10

Control-shift-e it is.  The problem is, I misread.  I use the Dvorak keyboard & forgot where I was.  The keyboard is the same keyboard to look at, but the letters, apart from a and m are not in the same places. Sorry about that.
