General Discussion / Re: Exporting NWC to Midi
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|Tempo|Tempo:108|Text:"Pas vite (gai)"|Pos:14
I have fear in my heart that this forum will cease to exist or that I won’t be able to use NWC in future.
Something to do with the file system associations in the registry? Perhaps the wrong/corrupted directive?
I'm thinking the "%1" at the end of the Data section would be the likely culprit. Either missing or incorrect.
There's probably an easy way to fix associations from NWC, I just don't know what it is. Perhaps re-run the installer?
I haven't touched my fiddle in quite a while and noticed I was getting intonation problems.I know very well the problem...![]()
(Incidentally, I created practice files of that type for a friend who wants to "sight-transpose" with her Bb trumpet. I used a simple AWK script to generate a random sequence of muted/visible + playing/invisible note pairs. Youtube example).
function calculate(clip) {So far, so good except it changes a 32nd note to a 68th note.
var i, saveDur, saveDurB, saveDurE;
var lines = new Array(), result = new Array();
lines = clip.split("\r\n");
for (i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (result == null)
continue; // No duration, didn't follow grace note.
if (lines[i].indexOf("Grace") > 0) { // Found a grace note/chord
continue; }
if (lines[i].indexOf("Rest") > 0) { // Found a rest, ignore
continue; }
// shell.popUp(lines[i]);
saveDur = result[2];
saveDur = saveDur.replace("32nd","64th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("16th","32nd");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("8th","16th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("4th","8th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("Half","4th");
saveDur = saveDur.replace("Whole","Half");
// thisDur = getNoteLength(saveDur);
// shell.popUp(saveDur);
// Code to manipulate durations goes here
saveDurB = saveDur.replace("=End",""); // In case of triplets.
saveDurE = saveDur.replace("=First",""); // In case of triplets.
lines[i] = "|Rest|Dur:" + saveDurB + "\r\n" + result[1] + saveDurE + result[3];
return lines;
!NoteWorthyComposerClip(2.751,Single)Please hold off 24 hours after this is posted to let others take a shot at it.
|MPC|Controller:vol|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Sixteenth|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:1,123|Pt3:1,120|Pos:-6
I ask if there is a User tool, a Manage objects or a Performance style to achieve this.
WScript.StdOut.Write(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll());Same information, just in a different tab.
WScript.Echo("Testing"); // This line may be taken out.
It's already visible in the stdin tab of the tool result dialog.
There's a user object for the single and double bar repeats. Works like a dream.
Insert menu, Object, RepeatMark.ms or RepeatMark.ms.hmm
Hi everyone.
I wrote a score completely about NWC
Now I have to go to print.
Do you know if there is a function that resizes the score?
In scores, especially the oldest ones, when an instrument does not play, it disappears from the score.
It then reappears later when it plays again.
If NWC has this function it would be a good thing to save paper and ink
foundWhole = false; // Reset for next measure.This is near the end of the loop that finds a bar line and gets ready for the next measure.
if (durLen == 768 && lines[i].substr(0,5) == "|Rest" && lines[i-1].substr(0,4) == "|Bar" && lines[i+1].substr(0,4) == "|Bar") // Find only whole rest in bar?
durLen = targetMeasure; // Found | wh rest |
if (lines[i].indexOf("XBarCnt:Y") == -1 && sumNotes > 0) // Change 3 since 1st replacement script
barNum++; // Change 3 since 1st replacement script
sumNotes=0; // Change 3 since 1st replacement script
if (diff != 0 && sumNotes !=0) { // Change 1 since 1st replacement scriptThe variable sumNotes will be zero for an empty measure.
sumNotes=0; // Change 2 since 1st replacement script
if (lines[i].indexOf("XBarCnt:Y") == -1) // Change 2 since 1st replacement script
barNum++; // Change 2 since 1st replacement script
The comments in the tool say that it does not modify the staff, so I would think that changing color of the bar lines (or something like that) would be a significant design change.
Can you post a link or instructions on how to install the tool? Is there an automated way, or do you manually copy the file to an nwc folder? Which one? You delete the .txt extension, but do you have to add a .php or .lua extension?
if (!foundError)
errMsg="No errors found!";