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Topic: Metronome (Read 6394 times) previous topic - next topic


This tool is intended to create a metronome for the active staff.
This is done by creating a layered staff, with stemless notes with blank noteheads; and a lyrics line for the beat numbers, which are put above so that it does not conflict with the lyrics to be sung (credit to Hmmueller's example).
It has a percussion clef and midi channel 10 (credit to Mike Shawaluk).
You can change the note positions to achieve another percussion instrument.
You can mute the staff if you only want the printed beat numbers.
You can delete the lyrics if you only want to hear the metronome.

Installation instructions:
- Download and save the file in YourScriptsFolder.
- Open a NoteWorthy File
- Drag and drop the downloaded file upon the NWC window and click "Yes" on the pop up window "Please Confirm"

Any comments are welcome.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Metronome

Reply #1
That is brilliant!
Thank you so much.....


Re: Metronome

Reply #2
The input type is File Text and also select Returns File Text.

Good tool!
Since 1998