Re: Number notation tool
Hi Lawrie,
I've been using version 2.8 Beta 1 also, but reinstalled 2.75a.2 to test the changes I made to solve FrankSit's problem. But it seems these changes now cause problems in 2.8 Beta 1 (your error1).
So now, after investigating it, I made the changes that are ment to work in both versions.
And I tested it successfully in both versions.
As for your error2: this is caused by a restchord, which has no 'Pos' field, only a 'Pos2'.
But the original post says: 'Remark: Chords are not supported.'
(A 'normal' (not rest)chord doesn't cause any error, but only one note is being handled.)
So now I added a check: if there's any chord or restchord, it will cause an error with the massage "Sorry, chords are not supported.".
Thanks Gust,
Tested OK now