- Playback is nonsense. It plays to the end of the first time bar, and then plays seven times up to the start of the FTB.
- Printed output has the courtesy key signature (G) on the second stave instead of the second time bar key signature (A)
Both problems disappear if you replace the double bars with singles. Interestingly Behind Bars recommends this anyway, but Alfred and ABRSM both insist that the double bar is correct.
|StaffProperties|Lines:5|Color:Default|BoundaryBottom:13|Visible:Y|EndingBar:Section Close|BoundaryTop:12
|Lyrics|Placement:Bottom|Offset:-1|Align:Standard Rules
|Lyric1|Text:"Ah, ah, ah!\n"
|User|LineSpan.nw|Text:" "|Class:Span|Pos:-12.6|Cap2:none|Span:9
With quite some effort I achieved more or less what I was trying to copy in the first two bars. The main point being to get the grace notes to sound before the bar line.
Trying to use Melismatic (3rd and 4th bars) is not an obvious success, not least because it only extends for the length of the rest in the rest chord.
What's going on with the fourth (dotted) crotchet?
Option Explicit
Dim StdErr, StdIn, StdOut, LineIn, Look, Matches, Match, Head
'Name: Insert Sforzando
'Command: wscript scripts\Sforzando.vbs
Set StdErr = WScript.StdErr
Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn
Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut
Set Look = New RegExp
Look.Global = True
Look.IgnoreCase = True
While Not StdIn.AtEndOfStream
LineIn = StdIn.ReadLine
Look.Pattern = "^\|Note|^\|Chord|^\|RestChord"
If Look.Test(LineIn) Then
StdOut.WriteLine "|Marker|Target:Articulation|Visibility:Never"
StdOut.WriteLine "|DynamicVariance|Style:Sforzando|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote"
If Instr(LineIn, "Accent") = 0 Then
Look.Pattern = "(Dur[^\|]+)"
Set Matches = Look.Execute(LineIn)
Set Match = Matches.Item(Matches.Count - 1) 'the last one
Head = Match.FirstIndex + Match.Length
LineIn = Left(LineIn, Head) & ",Accent" & Right(LineIn, Len(LineIn) - Head)
End If
End If
StdOut.WriteLine LineIn
This inserts a sforzando mark and accents the note and hides the accent with an invisible marker.
There's one problem though. If you manually insert a dynamic variance it inherits visibility and position from the previous one. Inserting one with a user tool doesn't.
The semiquaver beam in the first bar is obviously wrong. Split the beam (2nd bar) or replace Note/Rest with Dotted Note (3rd bar) shows the correct logic, so why the difference?
And is there a workround?
The quaver/semiquaver group slants correctly, but the second group stays resolutely horizontal unless you adjust the first stem length. This gives two problems: one, you have to do it, and two, the stem lengths outside the staff are very often not the "7" that appears in the note properties so you have to guess what it should be.
Aesthetically too the demisemiquaver beams are too far apart which makes a score with lots of them look very heavy (this is true for the semiquaver stems too but they don't look too bad). The standard width of a beam should be half a staff space and the gap should be a quarter. Elaine Gould in Behind Bars (p17ff)gives a detailed explanation of the whole subject. Could we have an option (and preferably the default) to specify closer beams?
On downward stemmed notes the slurs go to the middle of the stem instead of the notehead (the upward stemmed ones are treated correctly). Curiously, slurs on beamed downward stems (except the first) also go to the notehead.
BTW (and this can be adjusted with spacers) I do think there's too much space between a grace note and its main note.
I wrote the following little script to insert a collapsible MMR in one go (instead of five separate components)
'Save as ColMMR.vbs
'Command WScript Scripts\ColMMR.vbs <PROMPT:BarCount?=#>
'Writes out a collapsed MMR
Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut
Set Args = WScript.Arguments
With StdOut
.WriteLine "!NoteWorthyComposerClip(2.5,Single)"
.WriteLine "|Boundary|Style:Collapse"
.WriteLine "|Bar"
.WriteLine "|RestMultiBar|NumBars:" & Args.Item(0) & "|WhenHidden:ShowBars,ShowRests"
.WriteLine "|Bar"
.WriteLine "|Boundary|Style:EndCollapse"
.WriteLine "!NoteWorthyComposerClip-End"
End With
and encountered two snags.
You have to replace a dummy item (say a rest) or else it replaces the whole staff. I could process the whole StdIn stream to fix that, but if I'm inserting it, how do I know where the cursor is?
More importantly "Repeat User Tool" does precisely that. It doesn't re-prompt for the number of bars. :-(
Edited because the default MMR has "ShowRests" and "ShowBars" set, but if you miss these off the clip then they are not set!
Why (when printed) does the second slur go to the notehead instead of the tail?
This is usually written as a single staff for the intoner, than a gap and then several staffs in the system for the response itself. With the new gap facility this is nearly possible and would work if a coolapsed staff could disappear when bounded by gaps as well as is currently the case with system breaks.
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|WithNextStaff:Bracket|Color:Default
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:5|Color:Default
In this example I'd like to suppress the first bit of the top staff.