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Messages - Peter Edwards

General Discussion / Re: Hairpin control after dynamic
Try this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|MPC|Controller:exp|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Quarter|SweepRes:5|Pt1:1,64|Pt2:3,127|Pos:8|Placement:AtNextNote

The main point is the Rest Chord (rest hidden) followed by a muted headless stemless note holding the crescendo marking over the required duration.
To achieve the proper sound needs an MPC (Expression).
To get rid of the Dot on the second note make its extra spacing negative.
Object Plugins / Re: Beam.hmm (0.9)
Would it be possible to add a feature whereby the beam width could be adjusted.

I have in mind a written out cadenza which uses to write small noteheads (on blank notes) and would use beam.hmm to add the beams. But then, ideally, the beams should be more like the thickness of grace note beams.

Of course one can use grace notes on their own but playback is not ideal :(
General Discussion / Re: Start-Cancel/Forbid collapsible section
You actually need an orchestral bracket (and not a grand staff) to cover just the choral parts (and not the solo one), and for vocal music you should not have bars connected.

Go to Staff Properties/Visual and check Orchestral Bracket, and uncheck Bars Connected.

The solo part should be above the choral parts.

The master repeat won't work as you expect. Simplest is to change the bar lines to ordinary ones and take out the minim rests in the first bar (and change the semibreve ones into minims).

And finally, modern vocal music should beam notes in exactly the same way as orchestral music. Just click on each staff and click Tools/Automatic Beam. It really does make it easier to read.
General Discussion / Re: About nwctxt
I think you've actually answered your own question. I f you want to see it as an NWC file then open it as usual. If you want to see it as text (so that you can edit it say) then open it in Notepad.
Tips & Tricks / Re: note set on 2 staffs
You can use user object Beam.hmm to achieve a cross-staff-beam.

Notes have stem length of 0, first beam position is set by the object position, the last by the last stem length, and the span covers the number of notes/rests. Mute the dummy notes.
General Discussion / Re: Graphics....
I agree with the need for cue-sized staves and can think of several tweaks.
  • Cue notes on a normal size staff
  • Ossia on a partial cue staff. This could be achieved with collapsible sections and staff gaps
  • Similar application for Cantor single staff and multi staff response
  • Cue/Ossia notes in ordinary chords
Object Plugins / Re: Markup.rg
Rick used whiteout cover large sections of unwanted staves – a typical instruction being /f-9/y-6/c9608.18/h0/y20/a270/c9608.8.

It does take some lining up and use of spacers. And it doesn't cover things like key signatures.
Tips & Tricks / Re: How to hide rests to prevent collisions with notes in layered staffs
I would prefer to avoid using vertical offset in staff properties.

But you should be using vertical offset of the individual rests in rest properties.

If you are writing SATB on two staffs (two pairs of layers) and one part is silent, when the other isn't, then you must show the rests in that part. If they clash with the other part's notes then move them using those rests' vertical offsets until they are clear. And always use an even number in the offset.
General Discussion / Re: Is the NWC Viewer/Player available as a webpage
I'm not sure why you want to use an MP3 file rather than the native sound from the viewer. And you can select the soundfont that the viewer uses (in Tools) so that's not a problem.

Using the viewer instead of NWC hides all the invisible bits showing up in the latter.
General Discussion / MPCs
Why are MPCs like volume and tempo reset at the start of a new playback, others such as expression, mod and pitch are not?

I couldn't understand why the second and subsequent playbacks were different from the first until I tried experimenting. The simple cure is to restore the controller to its default value as an additional line in the MPC. Pressing f6 twice also solves the problem but is tedious.
General Discussion / Re: Repeat all
I'd have thought that in most cases you would want the decorated bar line on each stave, so to my simple mind you'd need an object on each stave to draw the line downwards only, just as 'bars connected' does at present.

Can you take the property from the current staff? In which case just use that. And I'm not sure how to handle the bottommost staff – we don't want lines drawn downwards from it :-[
General Discussion / Re: Repeat all
A double bar line can easily be simulated by using two single ones and a spacer. Tedious but workable.
And the bar count is unaffected.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.11)
I've been notating glissandi that start part way through the duration of the initial note. This can be achieved by starting with a rest chord and inserting an invisible note at the desired position, but the playback isn't correct.

Would it be possible to add a parameter to delay the start of the glissando, both notationally and for playback? 
Tips & Tricks / Re: Triplets v. Duples, 3/4 v. 9/8, Hiding "3" in triplets
There's no real need for a hidden staff since you can hide the unwanted dots with extra dot spacing set to -0.1.
In bar 9 it is slightly trickier since you have to keep the dots displayed on the dotted rest and note, and insert hidden rests to achieve the correct length.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
That works very nicely – thanks for the prompt response. And yes, it would indeed be a good thing to be able to store your own preferences.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

NW's beam spacing is too wide – it should be half a space (Behind Bars p17) but we can now use 'Beam.hmm' to get the right effect (second group of 32nds). As an aside, to my eye the beams are slightly too thick and marginally too high (pos 6.4 works better).

Single note tremolos should follow this spacing but with thinner strokes (BB p221) but two note tremolos have the ordinary beam thickness and spacing (BB p225).
Object Plugins / Re: (2.1)
Would it be possible to incorporate a 'beam gap' feature like the one in beam.hmm? 32nd tremolos look very heavy with a beam gap of one, when the actual spacing should a half. It's a pity that NW doesn't yet do this anyway!
General Discussion / Hidden MMRs and Spacers
In the attached file the top staff is completely hidden so shouldn't affect the print-out in any way.

But, when the MMR bar lines and rests are 'printed' (third staff) then the spacers' shortening effect can only go as far as the length of the MMR bars as if they were actually visible.

To see this go into print preview and disable justify.

I discovered this inadvertently when the start of a voice part, which had lots of spacers to get it to fit and was preceded by a hidden MMR, wasn't showing the bar lines and rests at the start of the staff. I changed the properties of the MMR and suddenly the page layout was completely trashed :o 
General Discussion / Changing the Font Size
If you try to change the font size of, say, the lyrics you can only enter whole numbers, but if NW scales the sizes after a staff metric change then they appear as decimal figures. Can the input be changed to allow decimal figures anyway?

And getting rid of the decimal is tricky. You can't change 9.67 to 9 or 10 by clicking on those values. You have to click on some other number, close the font window, then reopen it and change the size to the required value. Somewhat tedious.
General Discussion / Double Bar Line Problems
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

  • Playback is nonsense. It plays to the end of the first time bar, and then plays seven times up to the start of the FTB.
  • Printed output has the courtesy key signature (G) on the second stave instead of the second time bar key signature (A)
Both problems disappear if you replace the double bars with singles. Interestingly Behind Bars recommends this anyway, but Alfred and ABRSM both insist that the double bar is correct.
Object Plugins / Re: Beam.hmm (0.4)
Interesting that we can now produce the correct spacing between beams (a quarter of a staff space). But not terribly useful until NWC does the same for ordinary beams, or at least offers the option.
General Discussion / Melismatic Object and Rest Chord
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|Lines:5|Color:Default|BoundaryBottom:13|Visible:Y|EndingBar:Section Close|BoundaryTop:12
|Lyrics|Placement:Bottom|Offset:-1|Align:Standard Rules
|Lyric1|Text:"Ah, ah, ah!\n"
|User|LineSpan.nw|Text:"      "|Class:Span|Pos:-12.6|Cap2:none|Span:9

With quite some effort I achieved more or less what I was trying to copy in the first two bars. The main point being to get the grace notes to sound before the bar line.

Trying to use Melismatic (3rd and 4th bars) is not an obvious success, not least because it only extends for the length of the rest in the rest chord.
General Discussion / Re: Chord Problem
Actually, it does the same thing without the triplet. It seems to have different rules for spacing when only one note is dotted, versus both of them:

I only put the triplets in so that it all lined up nicely! Not so that William could go so spectacularly off topic.

Yes, your final chord is the way it should be done (without the second dot of course).

And I was only partially correct about layering. It works if the dotted note is on a line, but not in a space.
General Discussion / Re: Chord Problem
The dot shouldn't be there, BTW: the triplet and the quarter note are in two separate voices, and the upstem voice doesn't have a triplet in it.
That of course is a matter of opinion and not actually relevant to the point I'm making.

There's no need to make space for the dot – it would sit quite happily in the space where it would normally be.
If you do it with layering then it comes out perfectly correctly and as you'd expect.
General Discussion / Chord Problem
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

What's going on with the fourth (dotted) crotchet?
General Discussion / Hidden Articulation Marks and Slurs
A small bug. If you hide the articulation the slur is still positioned as though it was visible.

A fix is to move the articulation to the stem, but that's a bit of a pain. You could instead add a second marker (slur) to fix it.

As an aside, it would be useful to have a marker (for slurs or triplet) selected when you enter it (shift@) since you invariably have to reposition it.
User Tools / Sforzando Implementation
Code: [Select · Download]
Option Explicit
Dim StdErr, StdIn, StdOut, LineIn, Look, Matches, Match, Head

'Name:    Insert Sforzando
'Command: wscript scripts\Sforzando.vbs

Set StdErr = WScript.StdErr
Set StdIn = WScript.StdIn
Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut
Set Look = New RegExp
Look.Global = True
Look.IgnoreCase = True

While Not StdIn.AtEndOfStream
  LineIn = StdIn.ReadLine
  Look.Pattern = "^\|Note|^\|Chord|^\|RestChord"
  If Look.Test(LineIn) Then
    StdOut.WriteLine "|Marker|Target:Articulation|Visibility:Never"
    StdOut.WriteLine "|DynamicVariance|Style:Sforzando|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote"
    If Instr(LineIn, "Accent") = 0 Then
      Look.Pattern = "(Dur[^\|]+)"
      Set Matches = Look.Execute(LineIn)
      Set Match = Matches.Item(Matches.Count - 1) 'the last one
      Head = Match.FirstIndex + Match.Length
      LineIn = Left(LineIn, Head) & ",Accent" & Right(LineIn, Len(LineIn) - Head)
    End If
  End If
  StdOut.WriteLine LineIn

This inserts a sforzando mark and accents the note and hides the accent with an invisible marker.

There's one problem though. If you manually insert a dynamic variance it inherits visibility and position from the previous one. Inserting one with a user tool doesn't.
General Discussion / Re: Buglet in printing?
I'm with David on this. A song very often starts with just the piano, with the solo coming in on the second system, so top visible staff would be useful. The need  also occurs in orchestral scores when the flutes drop out, but depending on pagination you can't tell when.

I know you can use a conductor staff but I find this generally more of a pain than a help.
General Discussion / Re: Musical Unicode Symbols
If you change the font to Arial Unicode MS (or another font which contains the character), it will display in both Char Map and in the score.

Lucida Sans Unicode does the job too, but there doesn't seem to be a decent serif font already installed so I downloaded FreeSerif which imitates Times New Roman.

It doesn't seem that Windows/Office goes above xFFFF. Both Excel and Word fail above that.

Edit: Caught out again. Lucida doesn't have the Musical Symbol codes in the range x1D100-1E8, but FreeSerif does. Excel and Word work fine with codes above xFFFF as long as the font contains them.
General Discussion / Re: Musical Unicode Symbols
Most of the fonts do include these symbols – they just don't show up in Charmap. One way of getting at them is to go into Word, type the Hex code and alt+x. (This should work, after a registry hack, in other programs, but I've tried that without success so far). The rendering doesn't seem to vary from font to font, except annoyingly in Times New Roman which makes a mess of the Sharp sign.

My main question was why the SE Arrow symbol appears in the Text Property Edit window rendered correctly, but not in the actual NWC score. It would be so useful for indicating a part changing to another staff.

Edit:Most of the fonts don't include these symbols. Mike's conclusions below explain why TNR has different sizes for the accidentals since the sharp is native whilst the others are substituted.
General Discussion / Musical Unicode Symbols
With an extended Unicode character set now available we can now use (x266D), (x266E) and (x266F) instead of somewhat unsatisfactory substitutes, and because they are in the normal fonts you don't have to have several text items with additional user fonts if used in combination with normal characters. Sadly the double sharp and flat symbols don't seem to work.

Neither does the South East Arrow (x2198) in the actual score although it does work in the Text Edit window and in Notepad and here in the browser.

None of them show up in Charmap – how do you enter them, other than by cut and paste?

Edited to correct Hex numbers