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Topic: Notating Repeats (Read 3136 times) previous topic - next topic

Notating Repeats

I'm notating a song with three verses and need to show the repeat count on the individual instrumental parts. Normally with a piano score you wouldn't bother because you can see the verses.

Usually this would be done with a separate third time bar (with perhaps a different pick-up), but in this case there is no such difference.

Do I still need to notate a full separate bar or can I just put the  1/2¬ repeat mark up against the Repeat bar line?

Re: Notating Repeats

Reply #1
Perhaps this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
|Text|Text:"Repeat twice"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:8|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
Registered user since 1996

Re: Notating Repeats

Reply #2
Another idea is to layer a tempo track into each instrumental part.  That part would contain everything all parts need to see like tempo, tempo variences, rehearsal symbals, and repeat information.  Printing Parts For Ensemble Members
Since 1998

Re: Notating Repeats

Reply #3
Thanks for the suggestions. You both seem to confirm that notating specific endings requires that they are shown with at least a bar of music (as Alfred indeed hints).