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Messages - Lawrie Pardy

User Tools / Re: Beat Count
The only problem with using Channel 10 is that it may already be being used in the original piece. <snip>
Shouldn't matter.  I use channel 10 up to around 40 times in any single score, depending on what percussion sounds I need.

This works because typically you only need to assign one "Instrument" to the channel, and each percussion sound is accessed via different "notes" on the percussion staves.

One of the ways this works for me is I can notate a drumkit using standard staff positions for each sound by putting each drum/cymbal/etc. on its own staff, spacing as necessary with rests (which I move off the page using Global_Mod) and layering.  The other thing that's needed for this to work is each staff needs it's own transposition.

There is a lot of work using this method, but you end up having a printable part that both looks correct to the player and sounds correct on playback.
Attached are 2 examples.  One for a drum kit, and the other for a full Concert Band implementation with notation exemplars at the start of each stave/instrument.

All staves use channel 10, all at the same time.

The only real drawback is every instance of a staff using channel 10 will use the volume setting of the last instance encountered by NWC on playback, usually the bottom percussion staff unless there is an Instrument change somewhere that changes the volume setting.  To get around this I generally set all staves to a volume of 127 (the default) and if I need to compensate for differing volume levels I cheat and use "Print|Never" dynamic markings to get my desired result.

<edit> Another technique to consider for concert band (orchestral?) percussion is the use of instrument changes - if you're using a single staff (often single line) for some, or even all, of your percussion, then when there is an instrument change you can use a transposition in the instrument change element to get your preferred note location on the staff for that instrument.  Next instrument change, different transposition. </edit>
General Discussion / Re: NWC won't open downloads
Something to do with the file system associations in the registry?  Perhaps the wrong/corrupted directive?

Check this registry key:

It should contain the following:
(default)REG_SZ"C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\nwc2.exe" "%1"
I'm thinking the "%1" at the end of the Data section would be the likely culprit.  Either missing or incorrect.

There's probably an easy way to fix associations from NWC, I just don't know what it is.  Perhaps re-run the installer?
General Discussion / Re: Deleting tempo
Just position the cursor before or after the anchor and press <Shift+Arrow> to select it.  Fast and easy.
For the most part, it's much, MUCH easier to ignore the mouse in NWC and just use the keyboard.
<Ctrl+Arrow> moves a bar at a time
<Shift+Ctrl+Arrow> selects a bar at a time, repeat the <Arrow> press while holding <Shift+Ctrl> to select multiple bars...
Keyboard shortcuts are in the help and the manual.
General Discussion / Re: Wav and MP3 files from NWC.
Hey Lorenzo,
I'm afraid I can't help you with GoldWave as I've never seen it, but I imagine the basic principles that apply to using Audacity will work the same.

Otherwise, did you know you can export to mp3 or Flac directly from the NWC Viewer?

You just need to make sure your preferred soundfont is installed.

Set/check soundfont in |Tools|Soundfont...

Do the export using:
|File|Play to...

Or, you could just install Audacity...  It's free.
General Discussion / Re: Small Falsetti notes
I'm still wondering how you can generate nwc code (the kind I often see posted in the forum) that "covers" multiple lines. even only partially. To give a concrete example, if I want to insert a code (or even a file) into the forum that shows the first seven measures of the first tenor and bass parts of a song with four parts, is it possible to do so?
The code you see comes either from a copy and paste direct from NWC (copy from a selection, paste to a text editor/a forum post) OR from the contents of .nwctxt files.

If you want multiple parts in a single clip, there are several ways you could go about it, but what you want to end up with is an nwctxt file that contains the bits you want to share.  Open that file in notepad (or your text editor of choice), select all, copy, and paste into the forum using the NWC tags (press the NWC2 logo button).

One way to create the nwctxt file is to do a save as from your current work to a different name file so you don't mix 'em up, and select the nwctxt format in the save as dialogue.
Edit this new file and delete everything you don't want to share. Save the nwctxt file again, then open it in a text editor, select all, copy and paste into the forum.

OR, you could just create a new file, copy and paste the bits from the original file into the new one and save it as nwctxt, etc..
General Discussion / Re: Small Falsetti notes
Cueheads is definitely the answer.
The sample below is on a single staff, but if you want to have individual control of the stem lengths, then you should layer it instead.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|SongInfo|Title:"Falsetti - cueheads example"|Author:""|Lyricist:""|Copyright1:""|Copyright2:""
|Font|Style:StaffItalic|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:10|Bold:Y|Italic:Y|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffBold|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffLyric|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7.2|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageTitleText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:24|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:12|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageSmallText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User1|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User2|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User3|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User4|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User5|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User6|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:16|Lines:5|Color:Default
|Lyrics|Placement:Bottom|Align:Standard Rules|Offset:0
|Lyric1|Text:"Al cjan-te_il gial, al cri-che_il di;\n"
General Discussion / For AndrewMozley - flow control
Hi Andrew,
quote from your post in the Scripto thread:

Please forgive me.
I would like to raise a new question on this website and do no know how to do it  -  cannot see an option which allows that.

It is very basic stuff, but within an NWC file, I have a Master repeat section (Open and C;lose).  And on the last time through, I would like to skip to the end after a few bars.  I feel it must be something to do with a Coda, but I cannot work out what Flow directions / Special endings I need to insert into my NWC file.

But if you can just tell me how to raise a new question on this Scriptorium, that will be a great help.

Andrew Mozley
The best way to see examples of repeat functionality is at the bottom of this post.

Flow control can sometimes be a tricky problem, but in general if you understand the normal rules of flow control in music in general, the mechanisms in NWC fall into place.

We have:
Master repeat Open and Close (Decorated) bar lines and Special Endings.  These function together exactly as you would expect.
  • Use a Master Repeat Open bar line to start a repeated section.
  • Use a Master Repeat Close bar line to cause the repeat to happen
  • Special Endings are used to control how many time a repeat happens (notionally up to 7)
  • Multiple Special Endings are also used to permit different repeats to have alternative notes in them.
  • A Special Ending is indicated by inserting a <S> Special Ending object in the music.  It will continue until it meets a decorated bar line, usually a Master Repeat Close, but it could also be a double bar line, or a section end bar line
  • It is also possible to insert special ending objects whose sole purpose is to continue the boundary line to goes over the bars that are part of the particular ending.  These do not have a Special Ending numerical identifier.

Unique to NWC are "Local Repeats".  These repeat barlines have and open and a close, the closing variant allows you to specify an arbitrary of times through the repeated section.  They do NOT exist in normal engraving.  They can also cause some confusion if you don't understand how they work.  They do NOT understand special endings.

You also have DC, DS, and modified variations like DC al Fine, or DS al Coda. plus, of course Coda, Segno and Fine.

In a special ending's properties you will see a "D"efault ending identifier.  This is used if you need a special ending to be used after a DS or DC directive.

Lots of words - I hope it's helpful.

Examples are here:
In NWC, go to |File|Open you will see an option to Open Sample, choose this and a set of sample nwc song files is presented.  Look for REPEAT1, REPEAT2, REPEAT3 and REPEAT4 and open them to see how things work.

General Discussion / Re: Changing to another computer
Now I reach another problem: the USB-drives of the old computer seem to be not working: a hardware problem. So I cannot copy the wanted file to an USB-stick. The easiest way to obtain the file is via my sister, who lives in the same place as I. What do you think: this will be the right thing to do?

Email it/them to yourself?

Mike's answer is best if you have the authenticity ID
General Discussion / Re: Changing to another computer
The first 4 I don't think will help at the moment.

BUT, the 5th one:
setup_nwc2_nwc175cd exe       13- 05-2009
might be what you need.  This is actually a very important file for you if it's what I think it is.  You said you've installed V1.75 from CD, I think this one is the upgrade from V1.75 to an early V2.  It may ask you to insert the V1.75 CD during the install process for verification purposes.

If I'm correct this will get a V2 copy installed, which should then be upgradeable online to the current version.

After install try to do an online upgrade.  (launch NWC2, click Help, then click "Access").  This should take you a page where you can download an upgrade file to the current V2.75a.2.
If this doesn't work try installing each of the files you've found in date order, doing the upgrade check between each one until you find one that the upgrade  works from.

Don't install the demo you found, it has limited functionality (though I don't remember what the limitations are).

For information, this:
nwc2                                exe        01-09-2017
is the actual NWC program itself.  You can't simply copy it over as there are essential registry updates that must happen, as well as other ancillary directories and files that must be added.
General Discussion / Re: Changing to another computer
It's not clear if you were using Version 2.x on the old computer.

If you were using version 2, then look under (on the old computer):
For 32 bit Windows: "C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Setups"
For 64 bit Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Setups"

You should find an executable file called "setup_nwc275a.exe" or similar - the version part might be different.  This file can be used to install NWC2 to your new computer.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
If it's easy to implement the option for then it's probably worth doing.

I'm also inclined to agree that in this case the new parameter should be unchecked by default as IMHO having playback match the transposition is far more likely to be desired than otherwise.

In fact, I can't think of a scenario where object playback should not include staff transposition, it makes no sense to me.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Thanks Mike,
works a treat once I found the code section... and made ALL the changes  ::)

I note that in my installation the function is called this:

instead of this:

Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Thanks for the confirmation mate.

It isn't important enough to me to warrant any real effort to correct, I was more wanting confirmation that I hadn't lost what's left of my tiny, little mind  :))
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Hi peoples, especially @Flurmy and @Mike Shawaluk,
do any of you regularly use Chordplay, and if so, do you use it to create chords for transposing instruments?
Today I tried to do something a little different to what I usually do* in that I activated playback for chordplay chords on a staff for a Concert pitch instrument.  This has always been fine.
Then I copied that entire staff to new one and transposed it for a Bb instrument (+2 semitones) with playback transposition checked.  The cacophony was dreadful.  The staff was playing back at concert pitch, as it should, BUT the Chordplay objects were not.  Unless I'm badly mistaken it appears that Chordplay ignores the staff playback transposition.

Has anybody else noticed this?  Or do I have something very unusual going on.  This enquiring mind would like to know.

FYI I also tried my unedited copy of Chordplay.nw and it was the same.

* I regularly create charts for several transposing instruments that are identical except for the transpositions (C, Bb and Eb usually) but this is the first time I activated playback of the Chordplay objects on all staves.
General Discussion / Re: Layering troubles
N.B. The score very often notates the chords and the arpeggi with about half notes stem down and the other half stem up.
Has this some significance, beside aestetics? :)
I don't think so, even if the score is a "didactical" one.
I concur, I think it's just aesthetics. <edit> Perhaps they are using the stem direction to indicate which strings the note should be on?  Stem up for the three "high" strings and stem down for the three "low" strings? </edit> - <second edit> Nope, that doesn't work 'cos the quavers are stem down. </second edit>

Notating guitar can be a challenge at times - maybe TAB would be better, but I've never learned it, not being a string player of any kind, unless you count the string on the rotor of one of my trombones of course  ;)
General Discussion / Re: Layering troubles
Hi Flurmy,
given the bar is 2/4, and it's effectively a single staff (single instrument?) then there is no need for a visible rest at all, IMHO.
Especially considering the lower three minims (half notes) are stem down, the same as the quavers (eighth notes), making them a single voice anyway.
Perhaps a guitar holding a chord with the quavers played over the ringing chord? 

The other way to consider it might be that the quavers are the same notes as the top three minims so perhaps the top three minims should be quavers instead...

Your real clue will be how this is supposed to sound and notate accordingly, but I really don't think there's any need for a visible rest.

Incidentally, what instrument is it supposed to be?
General Discussion / Re: Layering troubles
Hi Flurmy,
umm, I'm not completely sure what you're trying to end up with...

Is it a 2/4 bar, or a 5/8 bar?  If 2/4, then I don't think the rest should be visible, but if a 5/8 bar then yes, the rest should be visible...
General Discussion / Re: Very long half note
In the second measure (voice of the first tenors) the word "Girolemin" continues until the 7th measure and then repeats with "min" until the 11th.
They are two long melismas perfectly reproduced from a graphic point of view.
While I don't actually use it myself*, the "melismatic.nw" object should be able to do this for you, but you will need to have layered staves.

* I may need to change this...

I would also like to be able to HEAR these two long notes both as a single voice (Shift+F5) and as a voice that "participates" in the harmony of the song.
Again, you will need layered staves.
General Discussion / Re: Forum maintenance needed?
Hi Flurmy,
yes, I pretty sure that's actually the way it's always been.  My problem is clicking the blue icon and it takes me to a page that says there are no unread posts.  In spite of the fact that I haven't been in the thread or board...
General Discussion / Re: Lyric positioning after a new boundary
Lawrie, beside moving all the lyrics above the staff, what else could be done?
I think you misunderstood, I leave the lyrics on the bottom, but try to only make boundary changes on the top.  This isn't always possible/useful, of course.

The other thing I do is where only a single lyric line exists, it might be best placed in the 2nd or 3rd verse etc. for those occasions where I don't have any choice but to do boundary changes on the bottom.
General Discussion / Re: Lyric positioning after a new boundary
Changes to the lower boundary move the lyrics - kinda makes sense I guess.  Anyhow, if I need to reduce space used by a staff that has lyrics, I try to arrange things so that I change the upper boundary as far as possible.
General Discussion / Re: Son Midi
First, there are people that know linux much better than I do.
Now, is this a new problem or did it never work?
Is it all sound or just MIDI sound?
If only MIDI do you have a synth (like Timidity) running?

From Google Translate:
Premièrement, il y a des gens qui connaissent Linux bien mieux que moi.
Est-ce un nouveau problème ou cela n'a jamais fonctionné ?
Est-ce que tout est sonore ou juste du son MIDI ?
Si seulement le MIDI avez-vous un synthé (comme Timidity) en cours d'exécution ?
Tips & Tricks / Re: Multiple lyrics. lines in a medley
After you use <Ctrl+L> to enter the "Staff Lyrics" set the number of lyric lines to 3.
For syllable locations where there are no lyrics to be placed you need to fill the lyric locations (each note/syllable location) with spaced underscores, one underscore per syllable.  The underscore will not display but it takes up the space allocated to the syllable.
It is very important to place a space between each underscore as successive underscores that are not separated will be treated as a single syllable.

Remember that each verse has it's own tab. 

There are other possible techniques but this will work and is easiest to imagine/explain.
General Discussion / Re: "strange" score
It should mostly be possible, but it'd take a lot of messing about, and the short staff won't be cue sized.
Add an additional staff, fill it with rests and collapse it until you need it.  When you forbid the collapse It will show for a full width of the page, but you can use "digital whiteout" to "disappear" the extremities that you don't need.
The dotted minim can be chorded with a minim rest that is made invisible (don't show rest in restchord properties) OR just use a minim and place the dot using a text entry.
The dashed barlines can probably be done with a user object...  Maybe RickG's Markup or Markup Page objects (there is discussion of these in the User Objects section of the forum).
General Discussion / Forum maintenance needed?
Hi all,
I don't know about you, but usually when I access the forum I'll right click on the blue quaver pair image that indicates new posts in a forum and open in a new tab.
This has always opened up a list of topics with new posts that I can now right click and open in new tabs.  When I've read each new post I close the relative tabs.

However, recently when I right click on the blue quaver pair on the front forum page it will sometimes take me to a tab that says there are no new posts and I have the option to click a link to open a page with ALL the unread posts.  This seems to take me to all the new posts.

While this isn't really any burden for me, I can't help wondering if the forum database may need some maintenance*.  Especially as I recently discovered a some posts that I didn't get an "unread posts" indication for.  I would have remembered these particular ones as they related to user object updates.

Has anyone else noticed this or should I look for something local to my PC?

* I suspect a re-index would be in the offing.
General Discussion / Re: Finished Software?
Hi Seb,
have you looked at MusikDingsSans and MusikDingsSerif suites? 
There are 3 typeface suites installed by the installer, the Swing/Jazz/Handwritten style you seem to be referring to, BUT there are also Roman style serif and aa more open sans-serif style suites too.
General Discussion / Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
On the command line for the user tool, put the command "wscript " before the path/mmr.js - there must be a space after the "t"

E.G.: wscript Scripts\mmr.js
wscript Scripts\mmr.js <PROMPT:MMR?:=|Yes|Undo> <PROMPT:Options:=|HideAll|ShowAll|ShowBar|ShowRst|LayerHide>

Where "Scripts/" is the path to where you saved mmr.js

<edited> to show the prompts mentioned by Warren (in the post above/below depending on your sort order)
General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas 2023
PS, I just had a look at the pricing of muse score, and was really shocked by the amount of money they want on a weekly basis!! They sent an email about 90% off, but it is still very expensive and I don’t want to have to pay every week for composition software!
Huh?  I'm pretty sure Musescore is supposed to be free...
General Discussion / Re: Ridimensionamento Partitura
You can hide staves using the Boundary controls <]> or |Insert|Boundary Change|

Staves that you want to have disappear for a while, insert a boundary change that says "Start a collapsible section" and end it with "Cancel/forbid collapse from this bar"

You should do some experimentation to learn how it works.
General Discussion / Re: :-)
"Curious", said Alice...
As a matter of interest I looked into how to create this and if you press<,> before pressing <Space> you can actually create this construct in the UI, BUT if you place the rest, then highlight and attempt to make it staccato, you can't.
General Discussion / Re: No Single
Hi Frank,
I assume you're using the "Parts" user tool.

Nosingle means that if there is a single voice at some point then it should be replaced by a rest.

E.G. if you were separating Soprano and Alto voices, and at some point in the staff there was a note that was only in one voice, then the "no single" directive would cause the note to be replaced by a rest.

I suggest you experiment.  Create a short section of music with 2 note chords, say A and C repeated a few times.  In between a pair of these chords add a C such that you have a few A and C chords, a single C note, then a few more A and C chords.
Run the tool WITHOUT "no single" and observe the result. Then press <Ctrl+Z> to undo it and run the tool again but this time use "nosingle" and note the result - do you see the difference?
Do this in all the different combinations you can think of.
General Discussion / Re: The impossible triplet
Hi Mike,
thinking about it, for split chords I think it's more than just stem direction, I think it's the combination of stem direction and Pos (vs Pos2)
General Discussion / Re: The impossible triplet
This also works:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

"Curious", said Alice...
General Discussion / Re: sluring Soprano note to Alto Note
cvb is almost right.
I'm pretty sure the slur belongs entirely to the Alto voice and actually has nothing to do with the Soprano voice.
The way chords are done in NWC can result in slurs being attached to the "wrong" part of a split stem chord, although, when I try to replicate this I have to force the slur "upward" as it attaches to the crotchet.
Please note that I'm using the 2.8 beta 1 version of NWC and the behaviour of your version may be different.