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Messages - Opagust


Works well now.

Only two comments so far - that is that in the parts/staves tab, your instruction is to click the pencil icon to change the properties.
1. There is no pencil icon, but clicking  in the empty edit box allows you to change properties.
2. If the program cannot convert and xml file to nwctxt then it gives the reasons in the warnings window but it doesn't say anything else. A message that at the end of the warnings saying not converted, please exit program would be useful. Also the ability to copy the warnings window would be useful for making corrections so that another attempt can be made after trying to make corrections.

I like the loggings window,

Cheers - great job.

1. Pencil icon: download the icon from attachment and store it in the folder where nwcconvertor is placed.
2. Warnings are not a reason why the conversion can't complete. I tested with the file you did send me, there seems to be a bug in the processing of octave-shift tags. I think I know how to correct it. if I succeed, I'll send you the resulting output file.

I note the following for a future version 2.0.01:
- correct processing for octave-shift
- buttons beneath loggings and warnings frame 'Copy to clipboard'
- including the pencil_icon in the zip file.
The program tried to put a message in the logging frame that the new parameters were added in the configuration file.
 But the logging frame wasn't  yet created at that moment.
I modified the program, so that this message is no longer created.

You can now download the new version 2.0
Version 2.0 is now available on

- New user interface
- Seperate menu choices for selecting Nwc or MusiXml file.
- Folders for selecting and saving are saved in the configuration file in 4 different parameters, for each combination select/save and nwc -> musicxml/musicxml -> nwc.
- Removing choise 'Convert'. The conversion will start when clicking 'OK' on the setup window.
- Neglecting incorrect durations in MusicXml file.
The error in NWCCONVERTOR occurred in the processing in which invisible rests are added to a measure to obtain the correct measure length. In this case no correct duration could be found.

As mentioned in one of the previous posts, I am working on version 2.0. However, I still want to test it more thoroughly before publishing them.

But I have now made a small adjustment to neglect incorrect durations during the fore-mentioned processing, the result of which can be found in the attachment.
Hopefully this can help you for now.
A wish: Could NWCCONVERTOR replace rests and notes of lengths in the MusicXML which it does not understand with a "nearby length"? Examples:

Isn't it possible to correct the Musescore file, so it matches the scanned score and then export it as a mxl file and use that one as input for NWCCONVERTOR?
One issue with the GUI: after completing a conversion and saving the file, the "Select a file to convert" button is disabled. In order to convert another file, I need to exit the converter and start it again for the button to re-enable. Dealing with multiple files to convert, it does slow things down. (Using version

Another GUI recommendation, but minor: have an option to set a default output path, so that the save puts it there rather than defaulting to the input path. As well, currently, after changing the save path, the save destination becomes the default for the input path. Keeping them separate improves workflow.

(The conversions themselves seem really quite good so far!)

I have been working on version 2.0 for some time now. The reason for that is the GUI software I was using (PySimpleGUI).
That software has changed its policy. Now it's necessary to get a paid license in order to distribute applications that use this GUI software.
This means I can't do any updates any more without switching to a different GUI software, since I don't want to get the paid license. And that's the case for all my user tools of the last years.

After some experimenting, I chose the PYSide6 GUI, but I had to do some learning with trial and error to master it.
And then I decided that NWCONVERSION would be the first user tool to be converted to that GUI.

It's now finished for about 80%.

So, about your comments:
 - Disabling the select button was a deliberate choice I made. Closing and restarting the tool is the safest way to to start over with a clean slate.
 - In this new version, in accordance to your suggestion, when selecting or saving a file the chosen folders will be saved in the configuration file in 4 different parameters, for each combination select/save and nwc -> musicxml/musicxml -> nwc.

Object Plugins / Re: MarkupPage.rg
"Page" list
 1 - 'All' (default)
 2 - 'Odd'
 3 - 'Odd (except 1)'
 4 - 'Even'

I thought there was missing a choice for 'First'. But, after experimenting a bit, I found out it can be obtained by setting the Class
to 'Standard'  (The "Page" list values work only with Class = 'StaffSig').
For Rick that must have been obvious offcourse.
Object Plugins / Re: MarkupPage.rg
This reminds me of something I wrote 2 years ago: Markup Composer

I don't have the time now to look at it, but I put it in my todo-list. So maybe one day (sooner are later)  Iwill write a 'MarkupPage Composer' tool.
But no promise.
I do have a time signature in "P2, voice 1" as far as I can see. What's wrong?

You have a (grace, invisible, muted) chords and rests before the time signature.
Code: [Select · Download]

My convertor doesn't seem to like that.

General Discussion / Re: extra spaces
The anchor for a Boundary Change is a vertical line with an arrowhead on each end. The length of the line is dependent on the values set in its Properties, and it can extend into adjacent staves. But it must be selected in the staff that is assigned to. The first one is in the top staff, measure 5, just after the Text "1" and its note. If you select it and view its properties, you can see it has a lower boundary of 55. You can then delete it. If the cursor is at the beginning of the first staff, you can find them all, one at a time, using Find (Ctl-F), then click to the right of the "Find What" box on the "::".  Then click on "Boundary Change" in the drop-down. Click "Right then down" and "Find" and it should find the first instance. Pressing F3 will then find the next one on the same or next staff.

Using this procedure I deleted all these boundary changes and saved as a new file (starting with 'og.'), see attached
Hi Harold,

I just took a quick look and here are my first findings:
  • The GUI tool I use sets the window size  to the maximum size of any part of it. In your case it's the 'Staves/Parts' tab of the 'Setup' window, where  the staff name + checkbox is shown for 26 staves.
    So I think I can solve this by limiting the number of staves per line. (So when setting that limit to 6, there would be 5 lines needed for 26  staves.)
  • I tried Musescore 3 and that didn't crash.
  • When I played it, I heard only piano. Maybe due to unchecked  'Send Patch' in the staves?
Object Plugins / Re: GroupOp.hmm 0.3
I am unsure about the following code:
Code: [Select · Download]
item.Opts.Opts and item.Opts.Opts.Lyric == 'Always'
Does this work over all (newer) versions of NWC, i.e., do they all have this doubled Opts? (I seem to remember that with .Text, it is sometimes necessary to check both .Text and .Text.Text). Is there a more idiomatic way to write the access to the Lyric field?

Yes, that's the way to check the Lyric field. Maybe also some other fields have the double Opts, but I can't remember, since it's been a while I coded in Lua.
As for .Text and .Text.Text: That was changed in 2.8 Beta 1 (which I use).
General Discussion / Re: *.nwc file security
In the good old days we had floppy disks that could be 'write-protected' ;) 
To tell if a floppy disk is write-protected (locked), look at the underside of the disk (the part that's on the bottom when you put the disk in the drive). On one corner, there should be a sliding tab. If you hold the disk so that the edge that goes into the drive is at the bottom, this should be in the top left corner. If the movable part of the sliding tab is up, so that there's a hole in that corner of the disk, the disk is write-protected. If the movable part of the tab is down, the disk is write-enabled.
User Tools / Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please
Hi Opagust - I hope you're well - and it was lovely to hear from you again!

I've sort of pieced together some of what you have to do when running a User Tool - though there still isn't a complete guide to how to do that. I had to trawl around to find any reference to Group, because the User Tool dialogue didn't explain what it found unacceptable in my attempt to use it.  Someone, somewhere, talked about renaming the .txt file to the php type; someone else said rename it to .js - again, no concerted authoritative source for that puzzle.

Then I ran your CopyVolVel in various modes, and all of them crashed with 'Command process failed'.  I have absolutely no idea where to turn now....

I looked again at my 'installation instructions' and I have to admit they are not as clear as I thought they were when I wrote them.

So here's a new version, which I hope is more intelligible (but you're the one to judge).

Installation instructions:
   - Change the extension of this file into '.js'.
   - Remember the folder where you saved the file, it has to be used in the command line,
      see below.
   - In NWC, choose 'Tools/User Tool...'.
   - Press the button 'New...' and fill the fields:
      - Group: Choose one of the ecisting groups or create a new one.
      - Name: Enter a name.
      - Command Line: Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>
         * Change 'YourScriptFolder' in the name of the folder where you save this file.
      - Input Type: Choose 'File Text'
      - Options: Check 'Returns File text'

Note that the double apostrophes in the command line are no longer there. I have found that these can be the cause of 'Command process failed'.

If  you can confirm that these instructions are clear, I will put a new version of the file on the forum.
Hi HM,

If invisible notes are ingnored, should they be replaced by rests?
An example file with such invisible cue notes should also be helpful.

I noticed you used them in the previous files you provided.
Aside of being invisible, they're also grace notes and muted.
So maybe I should add a checkbox 'Convert invisible muted grace notes' in the 'Options' (default unticked)?
b) And would it be possible that invisible notes are not emitted into the MusicXML file? I use especially invisible cue notes for some purposes which should not be visible anywhere - but MusicXML files transport them as normal visible notes, and then they turn up in e.g. MuseScore.
This could of course also be a checkbox in the "Options", e.g. "Ignore invisible notes".

If invisible notes are ingnored, should they be replaced by rests?
An example file with such invisible cue notes should also be helpful.

Can you send me a nwctxt file that creates a file that causes this error in Musiscore 4.1.1. ?
User Tools / Re: Very basic help with User Tools required, please
Hello Jonathan,

I suppose you're referring to my user tool 'copyvolvel' from 9 years ago, see

I thought I included installation instructions on the forum, but obviously I didn't.

This tool was written in javascript, hence it needs extension '.js' to run. But files with that extension can't be uploaded on the forum, so I used the extension '.txt'.
This means the first thing you have to do after downloading is changing the extension from '.txt' to '.js'.

Next you can install it via 'Tools/User Tools.../New...'.
For filling in the command line and the options, I did include installation instructions in the first lines of the tool, I quote:
Installation instructions:
Command Line: "Wscript YourScriptsFolder\CopyVolVel.js <PROMPT:Copy:=|Volume|Velocities|Both> <PROMPT:Act upon:=|Visible_Staffs|All_Staffs> <PROMPT:Execution Mode:=|Modify|Show|Help>"
   Input Type: File Text
   Under 'Options: Check 'Returns File text'

(Replace 'YourscriptsFolder' into the folder where you downloaded the tool.)

There are 3 execution modes : 'Modify', 'Show' and 'Help'. 'Modify' is the normal mode, 'Show' shows the generated output in stdout (without modifying your file), 'Help' shows the help text.

And again a new version, after bug report from Lawrie Pardie.
- ignoring group symbols that are not supported in Noteworthy ('square' and 'line'), instead of crashing.
- bug fix for ending and starting orchestral bracket and grand staff brace.

User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
And another new bug detected by FrankSit:

Corrected version  in original post: whole note translates to number + dot instead of 2 numbers
User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
New version in original post.
- Some positional finetuning.
- Correction of bugs that caused an error.
- Chords and restchords are now permitted, but when they are present, a warning is shown that only one note of the chord gets a number in the number staff.

With thanks to FrankSit who tested and commented on various intermediate versions.
User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
I had to do some extra changes in order to correct an issue reported by FrankSit.
Thank you Gust, the number note now works as I expected, the only thing maybe you can still fix is the slurs and tie in the nomral note were not shown in the number note.

Again thank you very much, it helps our church choir  learn the songs.


New version which shows slurs and ties available in original post. (User object '' needs to be installed)
User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
Gust, just for curiosity and to save me to reinstall 2.75a.2, what are the differences you discovered?

It's about the internal object representation (when you use nwcut.setlevel(2)) in the Lua API, for items with a 'Text' property. (staff name, staff label, text item, ...).

Example: in versions before 2.8 Beta 1, the staff name of the first staff was accessible as 'Staves[1].AddStaff.Opts.Name.Text'; in 2.8 Beta 1 it's 'Staves[1].AddStaff.Opts.Name'.

See also:
User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
Gust, just for curiosity and to save me to reinstall 2.75a.2, what are the differences you discovered?

It's about the internal object representation (when you use nwcut.setlevel(2)) in the Lua API, for items with a 'Text' property. (staff name, staff label, text item, ...).

Example: in versions before 2.8 Beta 1, the staff name of the first staff was accessible as 'Staves[1].AddStaff.Opts.Name.Text'; in 2.8 Beta 1 it's 'Staves[1].AddStaff.Opts.Name'.

User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
Hi Lawrie,

I've been using version 2.8 Beta 1 also, but reinstalled 2.75a.2 to test the changes I made to solve FrankSit's problem. But it seems these changes now cause problems in 2.8 Beta 1 (your error1).

So now, after investigating it, I made the changes that are ment to work in both versions.
And I tested it successfully in both versions.

As for your error2: this is caused by a restchord, which has no 'Pos' field, only a 'Pos2'.
But the original post says: 'Remark: Chords are not supported.'
(A 'normal' (not rest)chord doesn't cause any error, but only one note is being handled.)
So now I added a check: if there's any chord or restchord, it will cause an error with the massage "Sorry, chords are not supported.".

User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
In older versions of NWC, text items (such as staff name, label, ... are stored in a different way, which caused an error when trying to change it.
I made some changes to deal with both methods.
See original post for the latest version

I had to do some extra changes in order to correct an issue reported by FrankSit.
General Discussion / Re: Number note
Hi Gust,

I do not understand, I tried in the 2nd song, and the third, there is no more additional texts hiding the notes, but it still hides the normal note and it's staff.

The 2nd problem, it works only in the first staf, of we run again the 2nd staff it won't work, it shows erro message like the attached.

Thank you


Hi Frank,

Thanks for sending me your file.

- About the additional text: it seems to occur when there is a natural accidental. I investigated my code, but with base = '1=C', a natural accidental should be ignored.
And when I ran the tool myself on the same staff, there was no additional text.
- About the second problem: as I see on the attached image, you ran it on the second staff indeed, but that is the original first staff. The third staff should be the original second.
  If you had given your staves a label, you should see the same label in the first (number) staff and the second (originally first). The number staff is created from a copy of the original, with the notes being hidden. They are necessary to keep the numbers aligned with the original staff.
But it shouldn't give you this error. It seems to me you ran the old version of the tool. Did you download the new version? Or perhaps you have 2 versions in different folders?
General Discussion / Re: Number note

Thank you Gust for your new file that I can download. My version is 2.75a.2. Was it old?. Actually now it works for me but my question are as follows:
1. Why there is a words that says " Visibilty is Alwasy" it hides the number notes (see attached)
2. I already chose not to hide the original staff, but it still hides. How can we make it  to place exacty at the top of the staff, and all the non number notes are shown exactly below the number note, so when we play it it still can see the non number notes are highlighted.
3. How can I change the command path not from the "C\Situmorang\documen\download\thename of your file

Thank you

Hi Frank
1. About the 'Visibility Always' words: that's weird, I can't imagine where they come from. Maybe you can send me the file? I will give you my email address in a personal message.
2. Is the original staff really hidden?. By running the tool the lyrics are placed above the staff so maybe that's why it seems that the staff is hidden.
3. In the window from 'Tools/User Tools', there is a button 'Edit...'. When you press it you can change the command.
General Discussion / Re: Number note

It didn't work for me because the error code as in the attached. Is it because the file name is wrong?

Thank you

I think you have an older version of NWC, where text items such as the staff name are stored in a different way, which caused this error when trying to change it.
So I made some changes to deal with both methods.
You can download the new version here
I couldn't test this changes myself, since with my version of NWC is newer, so I hope the problem is solved now.

User Tools / Re: Number notation tool
In older versions of NWC, text items (such as staff name, label, ... are stored in a different way, which caused an error when trying to change it.
I made some changes to deal with both methods.
See original post for the latest version
General Discussion / Re: Number note
Thank you Opagust, I already installed it, then the next step, I need more explanation on how to key in the number, expecially if the note is slured or tied.

Thank you

You don't have to key in the numbers yourself. Just position your cursor on the staff for which you want to have numbers, then select 'Tools/User Tools...', select the tool 'NoteNumbers.og' and press Run.
You will see a dialog box, with two choises: 'Insert note numbers' or Help.

I suggest that you choose 'Help' the first time and you will see a window with explanation how the tool works.

If you choose 'Insert note numebers, you'll have to choose two other options. After running the tool, a new 'number staff' will be created. Choose 'Viewer mode' or 'Print review' to see how it will look like on your printed score.
General Discussion / Re: Number note

Hi Opagust,

How can I use it, because I tried to go to User tool, there is no menu for number user tool.

Thank you,


Hi Frank,

You will have to download and install the tool first. The simplest way to do this:
- Start NWC and open a song file.
- Then go to
'Number Notation Tool'
and download the attached file 'NoteNumbers.og.lua'
- Drag and drop the downloaded file onto your NWC window
- You'll get a popup where you can confirm
- Then The 'User Tool' window appears, where you can see the tool in the right column
- Click 'Run' to execute it.
From now on, it will be permanently present in the User Tool window, which you can open with 'Tools/User Tool...' or Alt+F8
General Discussion / Re: Number note
Hi Frank,

If you want the numbers in the lyric line, I don't think you can add the dashes and dots.
But a few years ago I wrote this user tool:
Number Notation Tool

It creates a separate staff with the number notation. The result doesn't look readable in edit mode so you have to switch to view mode or do a print preview to see the result.
You can choose 'Help' in the dialog box to see how it works and what it does. But if you have any problems or questions, don't hesitate to communicate them.
Object Plugins / Re: PageTxtMaestro.nw

Although I have set Page Display Control set to "All" for the title, it's only printed on the first and the last page.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

See complete file in attachment.