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Topic: Staves Properties (Read 4110 times) previous topic - next topic

Staves Properties

This tool extends and replaces the mixer board tool.
It opens a window which contains, for each staff, 2 tabs ('General/Visual' and 'Midi/Instrument').
Each tab combines 2 tabs of the 'Staff Properties' in NWC.
Now you can set the properties for all staves in the same window.

Some differences with the NWC program:
- In the 'General/Visual' tab, I added a checkbox 'Visible', wich correspond with checking/unchecking a staff in the tab 'Contents' of the 'Page Setup' window in NWC.

- The 'Predefined instruments...' dialog in the 'Midi/Instrument' tab not only shows the names of the instruments contained in the current instrument tree file, but also the associated properties (patch, bank, transposition and dynamic velocities. The values of these properties will be set when selecting an instrument.
In NWC, these properties are not shown, but selecting an instrument will store these properties in the staff. So the behavior of selecting an instrument is the same for this tool and NWC.


    Download the file:, unzip it and copy the its full path name
    Open any file in NoteWorthy Composer
    Go to 'Tools/User Tool' or press Alt-F8
    Click 'New...'
    Choose a group or create a naw one
    Fill the Name field: 'Staves Properties'
    Fill the command line:  the full path name of the unzipped file
    Input Type: File Text
        Returns File Text
        Long Task Handling

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