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Messages - Opagust

Hey Gust, can you please add a mechanism to the captcha on your website to allow a user to ask for a new one - half the time I can't tell which case some of the letters are and it can take multiple attempts to get in.
If you press the login button without filling the captcha, you will get a new one (with a free error message :) )
User Tools / Staves Properties
This tool extends and replaces the mixer board tool.
It opens a window which contains, for each staff, 2 tabs ('General/Visual' and 'Midi/Instrument').
Each tab combines 2 tabs of the 'Staff Properties' in NWC.
Now you can set the properties for all staves in the same window.

Some differences with the NWC program:
- In the 'General/Visual' tab, I added a checkbox 'Visible', wich correspond with checking/unchecking a staff in the tab 'Contents' of the 'Page Setup' window in NWC.

- The 'Predefined instruments...' dialog in the 'Midi/Instrument' tab not only shows the names of the instruments contained in the current instrument tree file, but also the associated properties (patch, bank, transposition and dynamic velocities. The values of these properties will be set when selecting an instrument.
In NWC, these properties are not shown, but selecting an instrument will store these properties in the staff. So the behavior of selecting an instrument is the same for this tool and NWC.


    Download the file:, unzip it and copy the its full path name
    Open any file in NoteWorthy Composer
    Go to 'Tools/User Tool' or press Alt-F8
    Click 'New...'
    Choose a group or create a naw one
    Fill the Name field: 'Staves Properties'
    Fill the command line:  the full path name of the unzipped file
    Input Type: File Text
        Returns File Text
        Long Task Handling

User Tools / Re: MIXER BOARD
Hi Gust,
just discovered that anything that's on channel 10 or greater shows channel 10 in the interface.

More to the point, channels greater than 10 cannot be set in the interface.

When I muted a part on channel 12, even though it was showing channel 10 in the interface it successfully muted and remained on channel 10.


Oops :-[
I assumed the maximum channel number = 10.
Correction (-> 16) in version1.1.02
I also added a help text.
User Tools / Re: MIXER BOARD
I forgot to mention one thing in the install instructions: you have to check the box 'Long Task Handling'.
That will avoid the ERROR screen.
User Tools / Re: MIXER BOARD
Instrument lines in a itree file consist of the name of the instrument and the patch number, separated by a "=" sign.
The program crashed on a line where the separator was a "-" instead of a "=".
I can eventually change the program to skip lines not containing a "=".
Significant parts of that itree include lines that have transpositions, some of which are negative.
Acoustic Guitar (nylon)=24,Trans(-12)

Could this be the problem?

I realise a itree is a bit more complicated than I thought :-[ . I now discovered the full explanation in the sample.nwcitree :) . I'm going to study that first.
User Tools / Re: MIXER BOARD
Hi Gust,
done and same error...

I did a little experimenting and some of my older, and much simpler, itrees seem OK.

What kind of errors in the file should I be looking for?

FWIW I should probably simplify my itree anyway - many of the sections are no longer in use.

Instrument lines in a itree file consist of the name of the instrument and the patch number, separated by a "=" sign.
The program crashed on a line where the separator was a "-" instead of a "=".
I can eventually change the program to skip lines not containing a "=".
User Tools / Re: MIXER BOARD
itree attached - it's pretty big and convoluted...

Hi Lawrie,
Can you change the '-' into '=' in the following lines of your itree file and try it again:
Ped Posaune 16, Prinzipal 16+8, Oktave 4-50
Ped Montre 16, Prinzipal 8, Prestant 4, Oktave 2-67
User Tools / Re: MIXER BOARD
Hi Gust,
downloaded and installed, but no joy.  Please see attached .png file for error message.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but I installed it into my scripts folder, under the folder where NWC2.exe lives.  This being historically where all scripts were installed way back when... NB I have full permissions to this location.
When I created the new tool and put the full path in the "Command" field NWC decided to strip off everything except the relative parts of the path.  I.E. "Scripts\mixer_board-1.0.exe"
Hi Lawrie,
That error occurs when reading the instrument tree.
Can you send me the itree file you're using (see Tools/Options/Folders/Instrument Trees/Explore...,  and look for the file with the same name as in the title of the window that shows when you click 'Predefined Instruments' in the Staff Properties/Instruments)
User Tools / MIXER BOARD
This tool: MIXER BOARD opens a mixer board, which contains, for each staff, various controls to change following properties:

Stereo Pan, Volume, Muted, Midi Channel, Instrument Name and Patch, Predefined Instruments

Changing the Stereo Pan and Volume can be done by:

    grabbing and moving the handle of the slider
    clicking on the slider: changes the value +- 10
    pressing PgUp or PgDn: changes the value +-10
    pressing the arrow keys: changes the value +-1

Changing the instrument can be done by:

    changing the Instrument Name; if the new name is present in the set of 'Predefined Instruments', the Patch will also be changed.
    changing the Patch; it will also change the instrument name
    clicking the button 'Predefined Instruments' and selecting an instrument.



    Download the file, unzip it and copy the its full path name
    Open any file in NoteWorthy Composer
    Go to 'Tools/User Tool' or press Alt-F8
    Click 'New...'
    Choose a group or create a naw one
    Fill the Name field: 'Mixer_board'
    Fill the command line:  the full path name of the unzipped file
    Input Type: File Text
       - Returns File Text
       - Long Task Handling
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
SIDE COMMENT: REALLY nice to be back on the NWC forum after an absence of several years. I've been forced, against my will, to convert to Sibelius in order to share my work through a couple of different professional networks I belong to. I detest the Sibelius UI - I scream at it a lot, using language my mother would have never approved of - and would much prefer to work in NWC, but them's the breaks. Good to see the old familiar names here, and to know you all are still taking good care of what is still my favorite notation software.

You're welcome (again).
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
PRECIPITATING PROBLEM: I'm using 2.0.01. It's throwing up an error code: see the attached file. I've searched my nwctxt file and cannot find anything at all to do with MIDI. Messed around some with my MIDI settings, both on the computer and in NWC, but the error code keeps showing up. Hoping a new version will have fixed this; otherwise, any ideas?
Can you send me the nwctxt file?
General Discussion / Re: NWCconvertor
IMMEDIATE PROBLEM: Opagust, I'm having trouble logging into your site to download the current version of your NWCConvertor. The "NWC User" username and "Usertools" password apparently no longer work. Is there something new? Or should I try setting up a user account of my own on your site?

The login for "NWC User" should now be working again.
General Discussion / Re: Page layout - my cookbook
In all these cases of a not almost perfect layout, I first "wiggle" (increase and decrease) the staff metrics by 0.5 (in stubborn cases also by 1) to find out whether I get a quite different layout that might be easier to fine-tune.
Also, I wiggle the left and right margins by 0.1 to 0.2  for each staff metric size. Let's call these systematic experiments "wiggling".

If your score looks chubby after checking: Let's Wiggle Again
User Tools / Metronome
This tool is intended to create a metronome for the active staff.
This is done by creating a layered staff, with stemless notes with blank noteheads; and a lyrics line for the beat numbers, which are put above so that it does not conflict with the lyrics to be sung (credit to Hmmueller's example).
It has a percussion clef and midi channel 10 (credit to Mike Shawaluk).
You can change the note positions to achieve another percussion instrument.
You can mute the staff if you only want the printed beat numbers.
You can delete the lyrics if you only want to hear the metronome.

Installation instructions:
- Download and save the file in YourScriptsFolder.
- Open a NoteWorthy File
- Drag and drop the downloaded file upon the NWC window and click "Yes" on the pop up window "Please Confirm"

Any comments are welcome.
User Tools / Re: Beat Count
Opangust - thank you for you response - and tool.
But.... I'm so new to using tools - I don't know how to use it!
I have tried in info on here - but it hasn't helped me.
I have downloaded your file ... Can you help me use it?
Many thanks

You can't use my tool yet, I'll have to do some more tests before I post it. The files were results of some tests I wanted to be checked by the experts on the forum.
User Tools / Re: Beat Count
And I have added an image that contains a few non-full-beat pickups (anacruses) from J.S.Bach's "Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach" from 1725. There are more in there, and I also know of a number in church hymns.


See attachments with non-full-beat-pickups
User Tools / Re: Beat Count
a pretty good result ?
I think I'd prefer to see 4 in a bar for most of the 9/8 sections and 3 for part too, following the beaming patterns, which in this case would also mirror the piano left hand.  I'd certainly be unhappy trying to follow a conductor beating quavers at that speed.

As I said before: the time signatures are decisive for the metronome beats, I have no intention to change that.
User Tools / Re: Beat Count

It will be interesting to see what Opagust eventually comes up with.

Thanks Mike, hmmueller and Lawrie for your comments.
I certainly had something to think about between watching the Olympics.
What I will probably come up with at the end will be entirely based on the time signatures, with special treatments for 'short' first measures, with or without an integer number of beats.
User Tools / Re: Beat Count
I have one more question before I can finish the tool: does an anacrusis always have to have an integer number of beats?
If not, it wouldn't be easy to process it correctly.

Works well now.

Only two comments so far - that is that in the parts/staves tab, your instruction is to click the pencil icon to change the properties.
1. There is no pencil icon, but clicking  in the empty edit box allows you to change properties.
2. If the program cannot convert and xml file to nwctxt then it gives the reasons in the warnings window but it doesn't say anything else. A message that at the end of the warnings saying not converted, please exit program would be useful. Also the ability to copy the warnings window would be useful for making corrections so that another attempt can be made after trying to make corrections.

I like the loggings window,

Cheers - great job.

1. Pencil icon: download the icon from attachment and store it in the folder where nwcconvertor is placed.
2. Warnings are not a reason why the conversion can't complete. I tested with the file you did send me, there seems to be a bug in the processing of octave-shift tags. I think I know how to correct it. if I succeed, I'll send you the resulting output file.

I note the following for a future version 2.0.01:
- correct processing for octave-shift
- buttons beneath loggings and warnings frame 'Copy to clipboard'
- including the pencil_icon in the zip file.
The program tried to put a message in the logging frame that the new parameters were added in the configuration file.
 But the logging frame wasn't  yet created at that moment.
I modified the program, so that this message is no longer created.

You can now download the new version 2.0
Version 2.0 is now available on

- New user interface
- Seperate menu choices for selecting Nwc or MusiXml file.
- Folders for selecting and saving are saved in the configuration file in 4 different parameters, for each combination select/save and nwc -> musicxml/musicxml -> nwc.
- Removing choise 'Convert'. The conversion will start when clicking 'OK' on the setup window.
- Neglecting incorrect durations in MusicXml file.
The error in NWCCONVERTOR occurred in the processing in which invisible rests are added to a measure to obtain the correct measure length. In this case no correct duration could be found.

As mentioned in one of the previous posts, I am working on version 2.0. However, I still want to test it more thoroughly before publishing them.

But I have now made a small adjustment to neglect incorrect durations during the fore-mentioned processing, the result of which can be found in the attachment.
Hopefully this can help you for now.
A wish: Could NWCCONVERTOR replace rests and notes of lengths in the MusicXML which it does not understand with a "nearby length"? Examples:

Isn't it possible to correct the Musescore file, so it matches the scanned score and then export it as a mxl file and use that one as input for NWCCONVERTOR?
One issue with the GUI: after completing a conversion and saving the file, the "Select a file to convert" button is disabled. In order to convert another file, I need to exit the converter and start it again for the button to re-enable. Dealing with multiple files to convert, it does slow things down. (Using version

Another GUI recommendation, but minor: have an option to set a default output path, so that the save puts it there rather than defaulting to the input path. As well, currently, after changing the save path, the save destination becomes the default for the input path. Keeping them separate improves workflow.

(The conversions themselves seem really quite good so far!)

I have been working on version 2.0 for some time now. The reason for that is the GUI software I was using (PySimpleGUI).
That software has changed its policy. Now it's necessary to get a paid license in order to distribute applications that use this GUI software.
This means I can't do any updates any more without switching to a different GUI software, since I don't want to get the paid license. And that's the case for all my user tools of the last years.

After some experimenting, I chose the PYSide6 GUI, but I had to do some learning with trial and error to master it.
And then I decided that NWCONVERSION would be the first user tool to be converted to that GUI.

It's now finished for about 80%.

So, about your comments:
 - Disabling the select button was a deliberate choice I made. Closing and restarting the tool is the safest way to to start over with a clean slate.
 - In this new version, in accordance to your suggestion, when selecting or saving a file the chosen folders will be saved in the configuration file in 4 different parameters, for each combination select/save and nwc -> musicxml/musicxml -> nwc.

Object Plugins / Re: MarkupPage.rg
"Page" list
 1 - 'All' (default)
 2 - 'Odd'
 3 - 'Odd (except 1)'
 4 - 'Even'

I thought there was missing a choice for 'First'. But, after experimenting a bit, I found out it can be obtained by setting the Class
to 'Standard'  (The "Page" list values work only with Class = 'StaffSig').
For Rick that must have been obvious offcourse.