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Topic: Rehearsal.og (Read 8867 times) previous topic - next topic


Five years ago I wrote the usertool 'MakeRehearsalFile, which had several upates until 2 years ago.
One of these updates made it possible to add arguments to the command line to set the value or default for one or more parameters.

Since it's now possible (for NWC version 2.75a Beta 2 or later) to integrate a user tool into a user object, I decided to write a whole new version. Apart from foreground and background voices, it also supports 'center voices', 'velocity instruments' and volume instruments'.

With this plugin you can transform a (vocal) score into a rehearsal score, by specifying different channel volume, stereopan and dynamic volumes and velocities for each staff, according to its 'Staff Type'. You can also specify a different color for a 'Foreground voice'.

To do that you have to create one rehearsal object subtype 'Parameters' (anywhere in the score), and a subtype 'Staff Type' in each staff you want to change.
Hint: create rehearsal objects in your template file.

Staff Types are: 'Backgroud voice', 'Center voice', 'Foreground voice', 'Velocity instrument' and 'Volume Instrument'.

Parameters are: Foreground color, Channel Volume and Stereopan for each staff type and dynamic velocities for each dynamic (ppp ... fff). They all have predefined default settings, which you can change or leave unchanged.

After creation of your objects, they can be processed by the integrated 'Rehearsal.og' user tool in the .Plugins group (which you can invoke via 'Tools/User Tool...' or ALT-F8).

Velocities and Volumes of the dynamics are calculated as follows (for more information: see document 'Dynamics.pdf' in
- for a voice staff or volume instrument staff:
  ° The Velocity of each dynamic is set equal to the highest Staff Velocity ('fff').
  ° The Volume is set using Tina Billet's formula :
      Volume  = Velocity * Staff Volume) / highest Staff Velocity.
- for a velocity staff: the custom velocity and volume settings are set to nil, which means that they get the dynamic velocity and channel volume from the parameters (which are stored in the staff properties).

7dec2020: Update to version 1.1:
New in version 1.1:
  - test on NWC version: it has to be > 2.75
  - correction of a bug: dynamic velocities from the parameters were not copied into the staff instruments.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #1

I am not getting the result that I expected. So I suppose I didn't fully understand how this objects and tool work.

I was thinking that, by moving the foreground/background objects to other staves and running the usertool again, these staves would become outstanding (or not) - but I don't hear any difference.

Can you explain me what is wrong (or missing, or superfluous) in this song "vonkenvanliefde"?
Or should I maybe have to modify something specific in my NWC configuration?

I have copied your file in "C:\ProgramData\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins" and created the usertool as in the attached screenshot.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #2

You don't want to manually create a user tool entry for Opagust's plugin. Once the plugin is installed, it will automatically add a user tool named "Rehearsal.og: Create a rehearsal score" in the .Plugins group in the User Tools window.  That is the one you want to run.

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #3

You don't want to manually create a user tool entry for Opagust's plugin. Once the plugin is installed, it will automatically add a user tool named "Rehearsal.og: Create a rehearsal score" in the .Plugins group in the User Tools window.  That is the one you want to run.
Hello Bart,
Mike beat me.
So look in the .Plugins Group (second line in the left window) of the User Tools window. It should be there. If not, you can try to reinstall it via 'Tools/Manage Objects'

Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #4
Thank you, Mike and Opagust.

I see the tool in the .plugin folder.

When running it, the effect is the same - no changes in sound, color, or whatever I try.
Is that not the purpose of this object?


Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #5
Hello Bart,

I downloaded your file and ran the tool: result as expected, see attachment.
I don't know why it doesn't work for you.
Maybe you should re-install it?
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #6
You should see this information screen when you run the tool and then press the 'OK' button
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #7

This is indeed the screen that I see when I run the tool.
After clicking on OK, I also get the window with the question if the file should be saved.
That all suggests that the tool is working fine.

But I don’t hear or see any difference before or after running the tool, even having or not having objects in the score makes a difference.

I had added the example because I was not sure I added the objects correctly. But if it works for you and others, I must search in my NWC configuration, I suppose.

Should it work also for the latest beta version? Or is this tool intended for stable versions ? My NWC version is 2.75a.2

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #8
You don't hear or see any difference.
  • hear: Do you listen with a headphone, then you should hear the foreground staff on the left, the background staves on the right and witt a lower volume (but that's three against one stave).
  • see: The foreground stave should be in the 'Highlight 2' color (green for me, but that depends of your settings 'Tools/Options/Color'.
    If you add some dynamics, you should see different Volume settings for equal dynamics in Fore- vs Backgrouns staves.

My version is 2.8 Beta 1. I don't know if that could be the reason?

Anyone else out there with a satisfying answer?
Always look on the bright side of life!


Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #9

The original dynamic is :
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

After running the tool, this dynamic remains the same.

In your version this dynamic has been changed into
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Also the modification in the Staffproperties does not go back into the file;

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:24|Lines:5|WithNextStaff:Bracket,ConnectBars,Layer|Color:Default

Again, after running the tool, this StaffProperties remain the same.

And in your version it becomes (what I expected)

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:24|Lines:5|WithNextStaff:Bracket,ConnectBars,Layer|Color:Highlight 2

I suppose for some - still unknown - reason, the tool does not write this modification back into the file on my system?


Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #10
Solution found:

Version 2.8 beta 1 did the trick !!!


Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #11
Update to version 1.1 (see attachment in original post)
New in version 1.1:
   - test on NWC version: it has to be > 2.75
   - correction of a bug: dynamic velocities from the parameters were not copied into the staff instruments.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Rehearsal.og

Reply #12
Update to version 1.1 (see attachment in original post)
New in version 1.1:
  - test on NWC version: it has to be > 2.75
  - correction of a bug: dynamic velocities from the parameters were not copied into the staff instruments.
I introduced another bug, trying to comment the changes :-[ .
So I replaced the file. It was already downloaded 3 times, so please redo.
Always look on the bright side of life!