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Topic: MetroNomeStaff (Read 9648 times) previous topic - next topic


This tool creates a new staff 'Metronome' with metronome ticks.

It's inserted above the active staff, has zero Staff Lines, Channel 10, (hidden) Percussion Clef and 'Woodblock' as Staff Instrument.
The other properties are inherited from the active staff.
The notes have 'x' noteheads and zero stemlength.

You can download the tool from the attached file or my website:
Don't forget to change the extension to '.js'.

To Install in NoteWorthy:
- Open a NoteWorthy File
- Choose ‘Tools’, ‘User Tool…’ or enter Alt-F8
- Click ‘New…’
-  Enter the name of the tool and choose a group or enter the name of a new group

   Command Line: "Wscript YourScriptsFolder\MetronomeStaff.js <PROMPT:Action=|Create_MetronomeStaff|Help>"
   Input Type: File Text
   Under 'Options: Check 'Returns File text'
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: MetroNomeStaff

Reply #1
Since 1998

Re: MetroNomeStaff

Reply #3
Hello Opagust,

Thank you so much for the tool, I downloaded it just now. Unfortunately when I ran the metronome I got an error message:-

Hope you can help with ideas for a resolution.


Re: MetroNomeStaff

Reply #4
Thank you so much for the tool, I downloaded it just now. Unfortunately when I ran the metronome I got an error message:-

Hello FRbass,

I have a few questions:

-Didn't you get a specific error message?
-Did you install correctly ?
-Do you get the same result when you run the tool on another file?

Always look on the bright side of life!


Re: MetroNomeStaff

Reply #5
Hello Opagust,

The specific error message is "Command process failed"

As far as I know I installed properly. Is there a special place I should store the  MetronomeStaff.js file? Right now it is still in my download folder.

I did try it on other files and get the same message.


Re: MetroNomeStaff

Reply #7
The specific error message is "Command process failed"
Please check that your command line starts with WScript + space

Is there a special place I should store the  MetronomeStaff.js file? Right now it is still in my download folder.
You can store the file where you want, as long as you specify the right path in your command line.
So  your command line should look like "WScript C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Downloads\MetronomeStaff.js <PROMPT:Action:=|Make_Rehearsal_File|Undo|Help|TestMake> <PROMPT:Foreground Volume:=*120]> <PROMPT:Background Volume:=*80>."

I hope this was helpful.
Always look on the bright side of life!