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Topic: Dynamic Placement (Read 10546 times) previous topic - next topic

Dynamic Placement

This tool will allow you to move all or selected dynamics up or down by the amount you specify or place these dynamics at a specific position above, on, or below the staff.  Installation instructions are in comments.  An argument of +3 or -4 would move dynamics up or down while =-7 would put all dynamics below the staff.

This could be adapted to move other objects such as pedal commands.  Please note the first eight lines of this code:
Code: [Select · Download]
/* Dynamic Placement by Warren Porter "dynplace.js"
   After downloading this file, when setting it up in NWC User Tools create this command line:

   wscript "'Browse can insert the path for you' \dynplace.js" <PROMPT:Enter equal OR +- dd:=*sdd> <PROMPT:Justify Right?:=|N|Y> <PROMPT:Hairpins?:=|Move|Ignore>

   A parm of =10 would put ALL dynamic markings above the staff while =-7 would put them just below the staff.
   Parms of +3 or -2 would raise or lower all dynamic markings by the specified number of positions.
rc=0, errMsg="";
function calculate(clip) {
  var i, OutText = "", relPos=0, absPos=0, goSwitch, dynPrefix, dynPos, dynSuffix;
  var lines = new Array(), result = new Array();
  if (WScript.Arguments.length != 3) {
    errMsg="NO Prompt read. This needs a prompt \"=[-]d[d]\" to place dynamics at a specific position or \"[+-]n[n]\" to move them up or down";
return lines; }
  errMsg=WScript.Arguments.Item(0) + "\r\n";
  result = WScript.Arguments.Item(0).match(/=(-?\d*)/);
  if (result)
    absPos=result[1];  //Absolute position specified
  else {
    result = WScript.Arguments.Item(0).match(/([-+]\d*)\D?/);
if (result)
  relPos = Number(result[1]);  // Relative position
else {  // Neither match worked, abort
      errMsg+="Invalid prompt. This needs a prompt \"=[-]d[d]\" to place dynamics at a specific position or \"[+-]n[n]\" to move them up or down";
  return lines; } }
  var jRight = (WScript.Arguments.Item(1) == "Y")? true : false;
  var hairPins = (WScript.Arguments.Item(2) == "Ignore")? true : false;
  lines = clip.split("\r\n");
  for (i=0; i < lines.length; i++) { // Main processing loop
    result=lines[i].match(/(\|Dynamic\|Style.*Pos:)(-?\d*)(.*)/) // Looking for Dynamic, it's position, and the rest of the line
if (result) {  //Found dynamic
  goSwitch = true;  //Setting up look ahead loop
  if (hairPins) {
    for (var ii=i+1; ii < lines.length; ii++) {
  if (lines[ii].slice(0,5) == "|Text") continue;  //Ignore text lines
      if (lines[ii].slice(0,8) == "|Dynamic")  break;   //Found another dynamic or dynamic variance, get out of loop.
  if (/Crescendo|Diminuendo/.test(lines[ii])) { //Found hairpins before another dynamic, don't mess with it.
    goSwitch = false; break; } } // End lookahead loop
  }  // End if hairPins
  if (goSwitch) {
    dynPrefix = result[1];
    dynPos = Number(result[2]);
dynSuffix = result[3];
if (jRight) {
  if (dynSuffix == "")
    dynSuffix = "|Wide:N|Justify:Right";
  else {
   if (!/Justify:Right/.test(dynSuffix))
     if (/Justify:/.test(dynSuffix)) {
           dynSuffix = dynSuffix.replace("Justify:Left","Justify:Right");
           dynSuffix = dynSuffix.replace("Justify:Center","Justify:Right"); }
               dynSuffix = "|Justify:Right" + dynSuffix; } }
  dynSuffix = result[3];
    if (relPos != 0)
      {dynPos += relPos;}
      {dynPos = absPos;}
    lines[i] = dynPrefix + dynPos + dynSuffix; }
}  // End dynamic loop
  }  //End main processing loop
  return lines;
var myLines=calculate(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll()).join("\r\n");
if (rc == 0)
Since 1998

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #1
Hi Warren,

I tried to install this user tool :
- I stored it in my scripts folder
- I renamed it in dynplace.js
- In NWC, I opened User Tools / New
- I created a command line "'C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\dynplace.js" <PROMPT:Enter equal OR +- dd:=*sdd>

Then I executed it on a selection of a staff (with a parameter of '-10') and got this error message:
"Command process failed"

Can you tell me what I did wrong?
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #2
Warren, can your tool be adapted to
  • change the orientation of all dynamics to right justified to avoid collisions with notes below the staff (most of my charts have those)
  • avoid automatically changing the height of those which have a hairpin dependent on them?

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #3
Can you tell me what I did wrong?

Rick send me a personal message and solved my problem.

It works with Wscript in front of it:

Wscript "C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts\dynplace.js"  <PROMPT:Enter equal OR +- dd:=*sdd>

Keep up the good work, Warren!
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #4
The comments (between the /*    and the */ near the top of the program) show how the command line should look. I don't know where you will create the js file, but browse will create a path and name for it.  It still needs the wscript in front and the prompt (at the end of the line) to make it fly.

Am away from my regular computer now.  Will look at enhancements and a new mmr (including undo) when I get back.

Jan 24, 2013 10:00 am
Since 1998

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #5
can your tool be adapted to
  • change the orientation of all dynamics to right justified to avoid collisions with notes below the staff (most of my charts have those)
  • avoid automatically changing the height of those which have a hairpin dependent on them?
Adding a right justification looks easy enough.  My reason for putting together this script was to find a way to constantly place the hairpins at the same location although I think it is doable--if it finds another dynamic before it finds a hairpin, move the first dynamic.  If a hairpin is found would I ignore it or tell you about it (syserr [which wouldn't do anything], a popup window, or insert some kind of flag in the score like an *?

Rick, thanks for covering the installation instructions while I was away.
Since 1998

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #6
Adding a right justification looks easy enough.
The justification would have to be a variable for the user to choose. 
If a hairpin is found would I ignore it or tell you about it (syserr [which wouldn't do anything], a popup window, or insert some kind of flag in the score
I think the best bet is to have the routine ignore the dynamic change that controls the position of the hairpin

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #8
I replaced the code in the first message. May add prompts for justification and lookahead in a few days.  This version right justifies dynamics and won't move one when a hairpin follows.

BTW, is there a way to put a real = in the prompt?  I didn't find a way to escape it.
Since 1998

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #9
is there a way to put a real = in the prompt?  I didn't find a way to escape it.
Nope. From the NWC 2.51 Beta Help file under 'Introduction to User Tool Development':
Quote from: nwc2test.chm, January 16, 2013
A prompt instruction always starts with the < sign, followed by the word PROMPT in upper case, and completed by a colon. The prompt issued to the user is then specified. It should only contain alpha-numeric text, questions mark, or colon.
A lot of characters excluded by the list seem to work, but not '=' and '>'.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #10
I've changed the code in the first message to make right justification and to ignore dynamics which control hairpins options.  To install or update this tool:
  • Create or recreate dynplace.js on your computer.
  • Open NWC and create a new user tool (or update this one).
  • If this is a new tool: 1) Browse for the above file. 2) Put "wscript " at the beginning of the line.
  • Select Clip Text and check Prompts for User Input.
  • At the end of the command line, insert or replace the following prompt (after one space):
Code: [Select · Download]
 <PROMPT:Enter equal OR +- dd:=*sdd> <PROMPT:Justify Right?:=|N|Y> <PROMPT:Hairpins?:=|Move|Ignore>
Since 1998

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #11
Hi Warren,
I tested your latest version.

Justification is never changed, no matter what I choose for prompt 2
If I specify 'hairpins = 'Move', the dynamic before a hairpin is not changed.
If I specify 'hairpins' = 'Ignore', then all dynamics are treated, and also the placement of the hairpin is changed (which I expected to happen when I specify 'Move' in the 3th prompt).
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #12
I tested your latest version.

Sorry you are having problems with it.  Please attach part of the staff of the score you are having trouble with as nwctxt and I'll see what I can do.
Since 1998

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #13
Sorry you are having problems with it.  Please attach part of the staff of the score you are having trouble with as nwctxt and I'll see what I can do.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #14
Justification is never changed, no matter what I choose for prompt 2

I did some more testing, and I found that justification works fine, unless when the original justification is 'centered'.
Always look on the bright side of life!


Re: Dynamic Placement

Reply #15
I've replaced the script in the initial message.  Logic for reading the Hairpins? prompt has been corrected.  If Ignore is selected and a new Dynamic or Dynamic Variance (like Rick's hidden Rinforzando) is found, the previous dynamic will be moved.  I've also corrected a problem with right justification.

If you find an "undocumented feature", please let me know and include part of the score that produced the problem.
Since 1998