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Topic: Question about using Andrew Purdam's adp_TransposeChords.php (Read 16168 times) previous topic - next topic

Question about using Andrew Purdam's adp_TransposeChords.php

(First of all, I have to admit that I do not know anything about text chords,)

In the attached "Autumn Leaves.nwc",
I've transposed both the music and the text chords
2 semitones up, from G minor to A minor.

(Note: for playback I've left the two staves to sound the same.)

It seems to me as if nearly all the transposed chords are 2 semi tones up,
except at M11 and M29, it looks to me as if the chords have been transposed only by ONE semitone up, F7 to F#7 and Fm7 to F#m7, respectively.

1. Are the transpositions correct? and if yes, please explain.
2. Or is it a bug in the user tool?  If Yes, please ping Andrew Purdam for help.
3. Please point me to where I can learn about chords.


Re: Question about using Andrew Purdam's adp_TransposeChords.php

Reply #1
G'day Haymo,
umm, it seems to be working correctly for me...

What command line parameters did you use?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Question about using Andrew Purdam's adp_TransposeChords.php

Reply #2
Lawrie, thanks for reply.

The parameters I used were: 2 Gm font=User4
i.e. including the optional (source) key signature.
(Did I perhaps misunderstand, that I should've given the target keysignature?)

When I tried it now with "2 font=User4", I got the result which I would have expected.

By the way "+2" was rejected as a parameter.

Re: Question about using Andrew Purdam's adp_TransposeChords.php

Reply #3
G'day Haymo,
The parameters I used were: 2 Gm font=User4
i.e. including the optional (source) key signature.
(Did I perhaps misunderstand, that I should've given the target keysignature?)
Yup, that'll do it.  (tested and confirmed) The key sig. required is the destination, not the source.

By the way "+2" was rejected as a parameter.
Correct, this tool came before Global_Mod and Andrew did a couple of things slightly diferently.  E.G. the "+" is invalid and the "font" parameter is lower case "f" here and uppercase "F" in Global_Mod.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Question about using Andrew Purdam's adp_TransposeChords.php

Reply #4
Thanks Lawrie.
Somehow my quite detailed answer got wiped due many interruptions.
I try again:

In using the user tool  "adp_TransposeChords.php" as it stands on 2011-05-27:
Take the parameters in sequence:

1. For up transposition, just use numbers 1 to 11 (+2, etc., gets rejected)
    For down transposition use -1 to -11.

2. IF you do want to enter the OPTIONAL Keysignature,
    it must be the Keysignature to which you are transposing,
    i.e the TARGET (not the source).

3. For the font parameter use "f" and a SINGLE "=", in the comparison, as in
   "font=User4" as  was needed in the attached "Autumn Leaves_Corrected.nwc"

Just a reminder for those who use adp_GlobalMod.php, there other conventions  (similar to C ?) are used.
Here always use "F" for "Font".

For comparison "==", and, where required, for action "="
as in  "Text,Font==User2 Visibility=Default Text,Font==User2 Pos=7"