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Topic: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 16 (Read 277655 times) previous topic - next topic

NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 16

NoteWorthy Software is pleased to announce the availability of a new beta test edition of NoteWorthy Composer. An installer for Version 2.1 Beta 16 is attached to this topic. This installs the latest NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta test edition into your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You must be a licensed user of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to install this test edition. The files installed in this test edition are covered by your existing NoteWorthy Composer 2 license. Your existing copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 will not be altered by installing this test edition. You can, and should, run this test edition side by side with your current copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. You can start testing the new features in this release by running the program icon titled "NWC Test Edition" that can be found on your computer's desktop.

What's New
  • New "Viewer Mode" for in place editing of the printed view of the work
  • Color highlighting for noteheads with a new quick access tool palette
  • New backup mechanism for handling .bak files during save
  • New multiple document selector in the status bar
  • A file changed indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector
  • An origin indicator in the editor window's title bar and Window menu selector for unsaved editor windows from imported or backup sources
  • The undo facility now recognizes when the editor matches the originally opened version of your work
  • New "Fake" items in user tool clip text provide reliable play context for smaller clipped sections
  • A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats
  • New "Show/Hide Rest" option for RestChord objects
  • New line drawing techniques to help work around buggy print drivers
  • Tools->Windows Volume Control support in Windows 7 and Vista
  • MIDI import safeguards when encountering null tempos
  • Audit bar line handling of double dots at bar boundary
  • Leger lines now always print in matching color to the staff
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines
  • Improved default folder for "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" file locations when not set by the user
  • Improved tempo variance handling for adjacent grace notes
  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords

Upon successfully installing this beta test edition, you will see an additional desktop icon titled "NWC Test Edition." You can use this icon to start up the new program. Any files that you save in this new version are backward compatible with the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 program, but you will not see any additional features that you enable from the test edition if you go back to using the original NoteWorthy Composer 2 release.

If you customize your toolbars in the beta release, any tools that you add that are specific to NWC 2.1 will be shown as unknown in the original NWC 2.0. Make sure that you do not try to customize again in NWC 2.0 or you will lose your NWC 2.1 customizations.

Support issues relating to the use of this beta should be posted in the Back Stage area (you must have upgraded your membership in order to to view and post in this area).

This beta has been replaced by NWC 2.1 Beta 17.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 1

Reply #1
Having a problem with toolbars...

With NWC2.0 I use the "Xtra" toolbar with custom entries.  All is OK until I try to add the new "Item Color" tools to a toolbar (any toolbar, including a new Custom one).  I can add only "Item Color 1", OR I can add "Default Item Color" plus "Item Color 1".  When I go to add another "Item Color" I get a GDI failure.  If I say NO to continuing NWC2.1 exits and when I restart I've lost my "Xtra" toolbar altogether, but I have a new "Color" toolbar.  If I say Yes to continuing then the "Xtra" toolbar disappears and when I exit and restart NWC2 I cannot reactivate the Xtra toolbar - I get the GDI error again.

The "Xtra" toolbar also disappears completely from the available toolbars.

In all cases the "nwc2toolbars.dat" file becomes zero length.  I restore from backup and try again - the same thing occurs.  'tis repeatable and consistent.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 1

Reply #2
Thanks for the report. I have reproduced the error. We will get a Beta 2 release out as soon as possible with a fix.

Note: The "Xtra" toolbar actually was removed from the factory default prior to the NWC2 2.0 release. Creating your own custom toolbars, like Xtra, is still supported though.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 2

Reply #3
Beta 2 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • a fix for customizing the toolbar with color palette tools
  • a "Beta" designation on the program name in its main window title bar
  • cycling through item colors with the "\" is disabled when the color tools are disabled

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 2

Reply #4
Thanks Eric,
got it, works good.

Now, an observation.  When testing I tried setting the colour from the toolbar, inserting an object, then moving to the next colour and a new object.  Works fine except when inserting an object that uses a dialogue box, like a key signature or text object etc., the colour selection is not passed to the dialogue.

Should we be expecting it to or is this by design?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 2

Reply #5
The colour should pass into the insert dialogue. This will be fixed in the next beta.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 2

Reply #6
I added a color icon. I clicked on it and it went down. If I click on it again, shouldn't it go up?
It seems that once I select a color, I have no way to get back to the default color.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 2

Reply #7
You have to select the "Default" color like any other. If you manually added  the color toolbar buttons, the default button is currently in a different place than the others. It is currently called "Default Item Color."

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 2

Reply #8
You have to select the "Default" color like any other. If you manually added  the color toolbar buttons, the default button is currently in a different place than the others. It is currently called "Default Item Color."
Found it. If not already on the current toolbar, it is currently at the top of 'Available Tools:'
If not already on the current toolbar, it is currently after 'Item Color 7' in 'Available Tools:'

Edit: As of Beta 7, a 'Color' toolbar has been added with all the color options.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 3

Reply #9
Beta 3 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • item color now passes into Insert dialogs, and these dialogs set the current color
  • the "default" item color button now has a consistent name with the other color buttons
  • fake items in user tool clip text now appear with the |Fake designation at the start of their clip text

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 4

Reply #10
Beta 4 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • User tools are now allowed to complete, even if they take a long time...this allows them to do GUI prompts to the user if they wish
  • Improved context information passed into user tools via the "|Fake" designation...clips starting in the middle of a bar will have all preceding elements passed to the script in the fake context objects
  • Fix for RestChord clip text that includes a single note with color
  • User tools can return fake objects that have the "|Fake" option included anywhere in the line of clip text

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 4

Reply #11
Beta 4 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:
  • ...clips starting in the middle of a bar will have all preceding elements passed to the script in the fake context objects
Thank you. It seemed as though pitch information was the focus of this upgrade, so I didn't mention this. Whole new classes of User Tools are now possible. I have long needed a tool to split/join/reorganize duration objects according to the TimeSig. I some future upgrade, it may help to add a text field to the TimeSig object so that a beat pattern can be specified.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #12
Beta 5 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • Fixes for user tool clip text context when starting in the first bar of a staff

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #13
This topic has been moved to our Public Address area. Beta 5 is now publicly available.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #14
I still have a problem.
When I export NWC2 file (including percussion clef) to NWC 1.75, the percussion clef becomes the treble clef.
Percussion clef must be bass clef in NWC1.75.
NWC User since 2008

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #15
When I export NWC2 file (including percussion clef) to NWC 1.75, the percussion clef becomes the treble clef.
Percussion clef must be bass clef in NWC1.75.
Confirmed for both NWC2 Ver 2.0 and NWC2 Ver 2.1 Beta 5.
Quote from: test clip
IOW, <this> has not been fixed. Perhaps it never will be as NWC 1.75 is obsolete.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #16
Quote: "A command line program, nwc-conv.exe, is now included for converting *.nwc files to and from various other formats"
(I do not know yet how to do the "official" quote).

This is something I've been looking forward to.

1.  Help a dunce like me and provide a step-by-step example how this program is to be used.

2. Please list the various formats which it can handle.

3. Can it convert in both directions in all of the formats? If not please specify.

Thank you,

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #17
Couldn't find the fake items until I actually ran a user tool. Copy/paste into notepad doesn't include them!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #18
Hi Haymo,

If you run nwc-conv -h   it will then give you a help screen which says what it can go to and from.

Essentially, it will convert from nwc or nwctxt and will convert into nwc, nwctxt, or type 1 or 2 midi.
If addition it will provide the info that nwcinfo.exe used to provide.
There are a couple of examples on the help screen.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #19
I'm a long time user (since version 1.55) but like Haymo, I'm a bit at a loss as to how and when to invoke nwc-conv.exe.  I have read the help screen as Richard suggested but apparently I'm too dense to make heads or tails of what front end command means and what to do to make it work.  Is it to be set up as a user tool?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #20
Is it to be set up as a user tool?
No. It is generally useless in a User Tool because it cannot be configured to use the current song.

It can be used in a shortcut (lnk), batch file (bat), command file (cmd), a script (php, VBScript, JScript, etc.), a HyperText application (hta) or a compiled application (exe).

AFAIK, nwc-conv.exe is designed to replace:
Some of the links will not work unless you are a NWC2 User or above.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #21
Haymo and Michael

I think it's fair to say that you can be using NWC for years and never need to use nwc-conv (or one of it predecessors that Rick detailed).

You should also be aware that if you want an nwctxt file from a NoteWorthy file or you want a midi file from a NoteWorthy file (and so on), you don't have to use nwc-conv. You can get all of these things from NWC2 itself.

So for example, from NWC2 you can export to nwctxt, midi type 0 and midi type 1, you can find out the information given to you in an info file.  You can also load an nwctxt file into NoteWorthy and save it as an nwc2 file.

NWC-CONV, however, is particularly useful for doing these sorts of activities without loading each individual NoteWorthy file into NoteWorthy. You may never, ever want or need to use it.  In my case, I use this type of program when dealing with my local version of the Scriptorium.  I use a type of DOS batch file to process Scriptorium files and extract times. At a guess, Rick may use it to supply information directly to some of his programs and scripts without loading each file into NoteWorthy.

All I'm really saying is that just because it has been provided, doesn't mean that every user will want/need to use it.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5 - Inserting Text

Reply #22
Not sure if this is the right place to post, or whether it should be posted to the newsgroup - if so, which newsgroup?
I've just started using 2.1 beta 5 on W7 (build 7600). Inserting a text expression, either by the keyboard shortcut, or by selecting from the menu, now only shows the first tab - the placement and visibility tabs are not available until some text is inserted, the dialogue box closed, and then properties are selected.
This seems a regression to me - extra steps are required.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5 - Inserting Text

Reply #23
Inserting a text expression, either by the keyboard shortcut, or by selecting from the menu, now only shows the first tab - the placement and visibility tabs are not available until some text is inserted, the dialogue box closed, and then properties are selected.
Looks like you have Tools->Options...->Editor->'Smart Properties Insert:' enabled. Try unchecking the box.

This option controls how placement and visibility properties are set for new items inserted into the staff.
When enabled: The Visibility properties for new items are automatically configured with default settings.
The Expression Placement properties are set by finding a similar item elsewhere in the staff, and then using it as a basis for positioning the new item. If a similar item is not found, the program decides on the placement properties based on reasonable defaults.
If the properties need to be changed, the new item can be selected after it is entered, and all properties can be adjusted as necessary.

When disabled: All available properties for new items must be set manually. The properties are initially set to whatever was used the last time this kind of item was added.
I keep this disabled. Try it both ways to see what you like better.

Perhaps some of your Editor Options got changed during the upgrade. The 'Smart Properties Insert:'  option has been part of NWC since at least April 2000
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #24
Hi Haymo,

If you run nwc-conv -h   it will then give you a help screen which says what it can go to and from.

Essentially, it will convert from nwc or nwctxt and will convert into nwc, nwctxt, or type 1 or 2 midi.
If addition it will provide the info that nwcinfo.exe used to provide.
There are a couple of examples on the help screen.

Thanks Rich,
but I'm no closer to knowing what to do with nwc-conv.exe
Sorry, but I'm totally dense.
How do I "run nwc-conv -h "?

I've been hoping for a program which can convert to and from XML, Sibelius, Finale, etc.  Formats.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5 - Inserting Text

Reply #25
Looks like you have Tools->Options...->Editor->'Smart Properties Insert:' enabled. Try unchecking the box.
I keep this disabled. Try it both ways to see what you like better.

Perhaps some of your Editor Options got changed during the upgrade. The 'Smart Properties Insert:'  option has been part of NWC since at least April 2000

Thanks, that was the answer - I hadn't checked to see if any of those options had changed. May have been in the install, or may have been an inadvertent click just prior to upgrading!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #26
Thanks Rich,
but I'm no closer to knowing what to do with nwc-conv.exe
Sorry, but I'm totally dense.
How do I "run nwc-conv -h "?

I've been hoping for a program which can convert to and from XML, Sibelius, Finale, etc.  Formats.

Apparently nwc-conv didn't get registered on my system - I had to navigate to the NoteWorthy folder (using the command prompt) and run it from there. Your system may be like mine in that respect. But as others have said it is just a new way of doing what has been available. Probably only really of interest to those who use scripts. It would have been nice if it would do what you hoped!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #27
I've been hoping for a program which can convert to and from XML, Sibelius, Finale, etc.  Formats.


There's nothing that does that. The closest is music xml. You would need to use something like Nicolas Hatier's program to read in mxml from other music programs - and I believe that there are some programs that have been written that will convert nwc to mxml (do a search on the forum for xml).

I think that with the ongoing development of nwctxt, it won't be long before someone produces a duplex nwctxt<>xml convertor.
When that happens, your hopes will be reality.

As to how to run nwc-conv  - It is installed into the NWC2 program directory.  Since this is a command line program, you need to run a command box and then navigate to the nwc2 folder to use it.

So ....

Start      Run       Command   will get you what looks like a DOS box.
Then navigate to the NWC2 program folder and run nwc-conv -h   from there.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #28
Thanks Rich.
That is the sort of info I needed.

I regularly use Sharpeye2 and Nicholas Hatier's MXML2NWCC.exe, to convert XML (from scanned *.tif) to *.nwc


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #29
Interesting minor point - but not new to this beta. I have a Microsoft Natural Laser 7000 mouse, and the horizontal scroll (wheel tilt) does not work if NoteWorthy Composer is run "as an administrator" (from a lower level account, including the 'built in'  Administrator account). OS is W7 build 7600. The wheel tilt scrolling works OK when using a full Administrator account (not the 'built in'  Administrator account).


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #30
but not new to this beta. I have a Microsoft Natural Laser 7000 mouse, and the horizontal scroll (wheel tilt) does not work
I suggest General Discussion. If you put "Scroll Wheel" in your New topic's title and get a useful answer, it will greatly increase the chance that someone with a similar problem will find it.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 5

Reply #31
Perhaps some of your Editor Options got changed during the upgrade.

The beta does not alter your editor options in any way.

Apparently nwc-conv didn't get registered on my system - I had to navigate to the NoteWorthy folder (using the command prompt) and run it from there.

Neither the beta installer nor the generally available installer alters your system's default path. If you want the NWC2 program files to be in your path, you have to do this manually.

If a script writer wants to utilize the NWC-CONV.EXE tool, the script should use the "InstallLocation" registry setting to find NWC2:

Code: [Select · Download]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NoteWorthy Composer 2\InstallLocation

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 6

Reply #32
Beta 6 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • Improved triplet bracket positioning for starting or ending rest
  • Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords
  • RestChords should be wide enough to cover an included chord that uses multiple note slots
  • Leger lines are only as wide as needed for the target note slot
  • Leger lines are drawn consistently for staves with custom number of lines

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 6

Reply #33
Beta 6 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

    [li]Improved notehead alignment for split stem chords

Beta 6 aligns the up stem and down stem of a chord (where the notes are a half-tone apart) differently to previous versions. I've attached a .nwctxt file with some chords to show what I am seeing - but if this is imported into NWC 2 the stem are aligned. I haven't found a way to alter this behavior.

My OS is W7 build 7600


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 6

Reply #34
Hi mod -

The behavior change you reference was a correction to NWC's improper note head placement before. See the discussion here.



Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 7

Reply #35
A new test release for a new year. Beta 7 is now available from the top of this topic. It exclusively deals with note/rest positioning in split stem chords and RestChords.

If you create a split stem chord that contains a common, shared, identical note where the stems meet, then you can now set the "Use stem for articulations" option to enable that notehead to be shared between the two stems.

Also, the beta release number is now shown in the program's title bar when running.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 7

Reply #36
The positioning seems to be much better in this beta. The use of the "Use stem for articulations" works well and corrects some issues. With split stem chords, if there are articulations, the "Use stem for articulations" is not really needed since articulations on the notehead are of no good visible use. Articulations can still be moved to the upper stem or the lower stem by ctrl and arrow up or down. However, the positioning of some articulations may need to be looked at.

I also note that since the last beta, the option for "No leger lines" now gives hidden leger lines rather than no leger lines.
Since we now have the viewer mode, this doesn't concern me. It would have done otherwise. I guess that it is a good thing to standardise hidden objects.

The issue raised by Bill Ashworth here is still an issue for me and the same actions I reported with the muted headless grace whole note still cure the issue.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 7

Reply #37
needs a tweak.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 8

Reply #40
Beta 8 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • For clip text, the note color is now included in the Pos: option for single |Note notes using the !# form, even though the color assignment is also shown using the Color: option...during input into NWC 2.1, the Color: option is ignored when importing a line of |Note clip text that contains a !# color in the Pos: text (The !# overrides the Color: option)
  • Improved positioning for articulations on split stem chords
  • The default song file and autosave folder location is now the user's primary document area, unless manually assigned to a different location from Tools, Options
  • On Windows 95, 98, and ME, notation symbols are drawn using conventional ANSI drawing functions, thus removing the dependency on IE updates from old versions of Windows....this can also be controlled from the registry, as shown in the attached file

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 8

Reply #41
  • For clip text, the note color is now included in the Pos: option for single |Note notes using the !# form, even though the color assignment is also shown using the Color: option...during input into NWC 2.1, the Color: option is ignored when importing a line of |Note clip text that contains a !# color in the Pos: text (The !# overrides the Color: option)
  • Improved positioning for articulations on split stem chords

Agreed on these two - no issues.
Don't want to test No 3 since I do not want to uninstall. But this is excellent and the way it should be.
Can't test No 4.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 8

Reply #42
The installer hides the effects of #3 when you install and use NWC2 from the same user account. This change is most useful for user accounts that did not originally install NWC 2. An easy way to test the new behavior is by modifying the "Song Files" and "Auto Save/Recovery" locations in Tools, Options, Folders. Click Modify, then delete the contents of the Folder box and press OK. This forces the default behavior, which is changed in this release.

The change in #4 applies to everyone, but should effect almost none. This change basically revises a change originally made in NWC2 to facilitate running under Wine in Linux. The new default behavior differs between the Win 95 and Win 2000 variants, but the registry option allows overriding the default behavior on any system. The option enables NWC 2.1 to run better on very old systems. Since Microsoft is making it harder and harder to get the old updates for these systems, changes were needed in order to allow NWC2 to run effectively on factory original installs of the Windows 98 strain.

Beta 9: New backup engine for .bak files

Reply #43
Beta 9 is now available from the top of this topic. It includes:

  • A new "Backup Files" folder location, which can be used as a container for all .bak files created by NWC 2.1 when saving to an existing file. This eliminates the problem of having *.bak files in your primary document/work folders. If you specify a backup folder on a secondary or network drive, you also get a level of additional file protection, since older versions of your files will be preserved on a separate drive.

  • A new option is provided that allows multiple .bak files to be maintained for each file that you edit. You can preserve up to the last 99 versions of any file while you work on it. All backup files are now preserved in the form of <filename>.<n>.nwc.bak. The most recent backup version will always be retained as <filename>.1.nwc.bak when multiple backup versions are configured. When you have reached the maximum backup file count for a filename, an existing backup file instance will be replaced chronologically, starting with the oldest, when a new save is performed.

  • A new File, Open Backups command allows you to quickly open an old version of a file that is preserved as a *.nwc.bak file.

Re: Beta 9: New backup engine for .bak files

Reply #44
Beta 9 is now available from the top of this topic.
Help->About... says that it is Beta 9, but the window title is: NoteWorthy Composer 2 (Beta 8)

  • A new File, Open Backups command allows you to quickly open an old version of a file that is preserved as a *.nwc.bak file.
Using WinXP(sp3), I tried: File->Open Backups.... I got an ACCESS_VIOLTION at 0001:00000e4e

Edit: removed attachment. Both problems are fixed in Beta 11
Registered user since 1996

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 9

Reply #45
I was confused at first between autosave and backup files - but that was my fault - I dived in rather than reading properly.

File created OK on save. File opened from backup folder OK even when original file already open.

One comment about new process - Tried to set up new folder from within NoteWorthy. I expected a dialog box saying ... does not exist, do you want to create it.  But this doesn't happen and a folder has to be created outside of NoteWorthy.

The wrong title is on the header. (Still says beta 8)

Couple of other points noticed today - but not necessarily from this beta .

1.  Special endings clash with bar numbers (in the editor when in viewer mode) and also with articulations (both in editor and in print)
2.  Chase playing notes function only highlights notegheads for beamed notes but noteheads and stems for unbeamed notes (not important but thought I'd mention it)

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 9

Reply #46
G'day Eric,
I like this new feature.

But, when I first started trying it I hadn't set the number of backup files so the name was:
which is fine, but then I activated the multiple backup option and got the specified name format:
which is also fine, but the original filename seems to stay forever without being updated. 

Wouldn't it be better to either have the naming format consistent regardless of how many backups are retained OR detect the single name format and rename it as .2 when the first save is done with multiple backups selected?

Oh yeah, I spotted the beta name thingy that Rick reported - thought I'd somehow got an error in the install for a while... and I concur with Rich about the directory dialogue and setting up directories.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 9

Reply #47
Not too sure about the methodology for the order of the back up files.

It would seem that the latest is always number 1 but the next latest is whatever the highest number is.

So I have 6 backup files.

The latest is No 1, next is number 6, then 5,4,3,2. I think this may be a bit confusing.
Surely date/time order should match numerical order?  Whereas we have latest and then earliest next to each other.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 9

Reply #48
I'm not sure why it says beta 8. Didn't catch that. I'll look into that and the ACCESS_VIOLTION.

The backup numbers are used chronologically as backup files are created, but the most recent backup is always at position 1.

Once all of the numbers are used, the oldest backup file is replaced on the next save by the 2nd most recent file.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2.1 Beta 9

Reply #49
G'day Rich,
I think I can guess why it's done this way.  Say you were keeping 99 backups and each time you saved they ALL had to be renamed to keep consistency...  Could take a while...

However, I agree, there needs to be a logical predictabilty with the numbering.  I just did some more saves with my test file, and the backups started to update in the middle of the stack so to speak.

I have 10 backups set up - in my initial testing I just did a bunch of saves fairly quickly over a period of 2 minutes.  There were 4 that all had the same minute - numbers 7, 8, 9 an 10.  Numbers 1 through 6 were later minutes.

So, did a save, #1 got the latest version and #7 was replaced by the old #1, save again and #8 got replaced by the newer #1 etc. up to #10, then #2 got the change, followed by #3 and #4.

Seems to be a circular buffer based on timestamp, but one could get a bit lost.

Perhaps the open backup option should either automatically put the dialogue into "Details" view ot sort on date - most recent at the top.  Or maybe both..?

I note Eric posted while I was writing this - G'day mate!
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.