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Topic: adding a rest underneath a note (Read 32232 times) previous topic - next topic

adding a rest underneath a note

I have a piece of march music which I'm putting into piano notation.  There are several places where the upper voice is holding a half note while some triplet march chords are played - both on the treble clef.  In the first set of triplets, the first note is silent as the half note above it sounds.....then the remaining 5 triplet chords play.  How can I get a rest under that half note simultaneously so it adds up to a triplet?  Until I do....the right hand triplets are not lined up with those that appear in the left hand....

Here's the old music - 1863 - and that's an old-fashioned quarter rest...looks like a backwards 8th rest...

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #1
Greetings -

What you want to do is to enter the rest first.  Here's what I would do (and I'm not in front of my machine that has NWC on it, so this is from memory).

Click on the stem-down button.  Enter the 8th rest.  Then, click on the stem-up button and chord the half note with the 8th rest (the rest must be first - NWC lets you chord a note with a rest, but does not let you chord a rest with a note).  Then press the stem-down button and enter the other two chords of the triplet.  Highlight those two chords plus the 8th rest and click the triplet button.  Keep the stems down and enter the remaining three triplet chords, highlight them and click the triplet button.

For the next triplet, enter the first chord (with the stem-up notes with, well, stems up and the stem-down notes with the stems down).  Then make sure the stem-down button is selected and enter the two 8th rests.  Click on the stem-up button and come back to the first of the two rests and chord the notes with them, then do the same for the 2nd rest.  Highlight the three notes and tripletize them.

Hope this helps.  It takes a lot longer to describe the process than it takes to actually do it.

- John

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #2
This is pretty simple. Insert the rest first, then add the 1/2 note as if it were a chord. (hold down Ctrl while entering the 1/2 note)Make sure that the stem directions are opposite. Down for the rest and up for the 1/2 note.

Top staff:


Bottom staff:


The 1/8 rests underneath the 1/8th notes will have to be added as text if you want them. They are really not necessary in my opinion, but if you do want them, use boxmarks font  or Lawries Dings font available from the scriptorium.

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #3
Ah! John is right. Good to know. NWC would not allow a note and rest of the same duration to exist in chord form previously. Now it does. Wonder how long that's been around.

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #4
Thank you all so much....I will try all these suggestions....I had gotten to the point of trying to "trick" the music by making the half note an 8th....then attempting to tie it through.....but of course it wanted to tie the chords below too....glad to know there's a way.....  ;-)

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #5
You have to layer the top staff if you want all the rests and beaming.  If you can find a font with the French style quarter rest, thet can be entered as text, ands the NWC quarter rest can be hidden.

Carl Bangs

Top staff 1


Top staff 2


Bottom staff

Carl Bangs
Fenwick Parva Press
Registered user since 1995

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #6
Hi, FitzClan -

You can chord a rest and a note of the same duration as long as the stems are in opposite directions (although you can see it, rests do have the stem direction attribute).  If you just enter a rest and then chord it with a note of the same duration (without first clicking on the stem-up or stem-down button), NWC will automatically assign them opposite attributes.  If you click on stem-up (or stem-down) and try to enter both as the same direction, it won't let you.

Hope that helps,

- John

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #8
Yikes! I guess I ought to pay more attention. I always thought that quirk annoying whenever it came up. Why they can't be beamed is now the new quirk. At least we can work around it if it bothers us too much.

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #9
You can chord a rest and a note of the same duration as long as the stems are in opposite directions

Only in version 2, I think?

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #10
Hi, David -

Yep, just checked it.  I have v1.75 on my computer still, but pretty much exclusively use v2 now.  I responded to a "new" message and forgot to see which topic it fell under.  Sorry about that folks, if you're still using v1.75.

Of course, if you want the feature, it's easy to get on the v2 beta bandwagon and get that and a bunch of other new features.  In my opinion, the $15 cost to get the latest 1.75 CD in order to participate in the beta has more than paid for itself (for me, anyway) with the ability to use Andrew Purdam's user tool to transpose textual chord letters on the staff.  Since that includes a free download of the shipping version once released, I view it as simply pre-paying for the v2 software, but getting the benefit of using it today.  This is definitely the most stable "beta" of any music software I have seen.


Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #11
For NWC 1.75b:

Create a RestChord consisting of a halfnote rest and a whole note.
Select it. Press the plus key. Press the minus key as many times as you need to get the correct duration.

If it must be dotted, start by creating a RestChord consisting of a dotted halfnote rest and a dotted whole note.
Registered user since 1996

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #12
Rick, how on earth did you come upon that? I had no idea that existed like so many other things you have pointed out.

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #13
It is well known that if you "hit the wall" with the plus or minus keys on a dual duration object that NWC (1 and 2) will continue until both durs are of max/min duration.  I just fired up NWC 1.75b and checked to see what this meant for RestChords.  I vaguely remember this being noted before, but it was easier to verify than to find.
Registered user since 1996

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #14
Hi all,

I'd like to add a little to this issue. Here's what i want to do:
<Image Link>
and this is what, many thanks to you guys, i have so far:
<Image Link>

(the first picture is made with Finale, with which you can use up to 4 voices on a staff, two used here, obviously)

My question is of course: how do i "beam" (?) the first and second note in the bottom voice?

Any help much appreciated!


Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #15
Just use layered staffs.  Put the stem-up notes on one, and the stem-down notes on the other.  If you don't know how, it's easy.  Just go to the top staff, press F2 and find the toggle of Layer with Next Staff.  Then go to the View dropdown menu, and toggle Allow Layering.

You can adjust the stem length of any note to angle the beams if you want to change that.

Re: adding a rest underneath a note

Reply #16
Works great! thanks David!