This issue has been corrected.
See reply 6 below for details, or just download the updated *Dings-V1d.ttf files in this zip file:
EDIT - This update is probably no longer needed - I will leave it up, but if you have downloaded any of the affected suites (SwingDings, MusikDingsSans and MusikDingsSerif) since the 3rd of September 2006, then you already have these updates as they are incorporated in the ZIP files you downloaded.
Install by first removing the affected font files from your fonts directory (normally c:\Windows\Fonts) and then copying these new files in their place.
The affected fonts are:
- SwingDings
- MusikDingsSans
- MusikDingsSerif
Be careful not to remove any other SwingDings, MusikDingsSans or MusikDingsSerif fonts as only the 3 mentioned above are affected.
I highly recommend that you do NOT extract from the zip file directly into the fonts directory - I have seen this cause problems - unzip to another location and then copy the files to their final destination.
G'day all,
it has been brought to my attention that there are some inconsistencies in MusikDingsSerif, MusikdingsSans and SwingDings.
The problem is courtesy accidentals. In MusikdingsSans and MusikDingsSerif the courtesy natural, sharp and double sharp are all 1 position lower than the insertion point, the flat and double flat are 2 positions lower.
Interestingly, SwingDings which both MusikDings files were modelled off are all only 1 position lower.
Hence, my dilemma...
If I modify all 3 suites to have them at the insertion point (which I'm happy to do - I don't know how I missed it in the first place ) how will it affect other users. No problem if there has been little use of courtesies so far but if there are works already completed it may be a problem for some people.
The MusikDings pair have not had the interest of SwingDings so modifying the flat and the double flat to make everything 1 position lower to match the rest is no big deal (IMHO).
I might add that I intend to do at least this as the 3 suites are supposed to be completely interchangeable. For this reason I'm reluctant to get them actually at the insertion point if it will affect users of SwingDings.
Comments anyone?
Sorry for the errors folks.