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Topic: Select All Staves - How To? (Read 4100 times) previous topic - next topic

Select All Staves - How To?


I got hold of NWC many many years ago to help my children with their school music projects. I thought it was really good and still do, particularly for little tweaks to a score

I upgraded to 2.0 about 15 years ago

It's very heartwarming that such a useful little program is still around, and with a forum too!

I'm now planning to improve my very poor reading skills by using NWC with MIDI files but I want to transpose many of these files to simpler keys 

I know how to transpose a single staff - but can't work out how to select all of them

Any help REALLY gratefully received

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #1
Sorry to disappoint you but what you ask is not possible.
You have to manually transpose all the staves (except channel 10!) one at a time.

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #2
Surely there must be a user tool out there that can transpose multiple staves at once (skipping any staves that use channel 10).

And I apologize for calling you Shirley.

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #4
Wow! So quick! Thank you

Have just got locked out of the forum - so I'm having to rewrite this ...

I was going to use Musescore 4 but found the editing a nightmare and it appears that you have to delete a staff to silence it which makes a playalong thing very difficult if you want to reinstate a part. You then have to have multiple versions

What I can do is take a MIDI or KAR file, put it in Musescore, transpose it and then open it up in NWC

I am trying to improve my reading on bass so I move the bass staff to the top of the page. It scrolls along nicely and I can make any alterations to the bass part relatively easily and mute other parts as I like

Final question - does NWC 2.75 offer much over 2.0 if this is all I'm doing?      

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #5
I also meant to say that with the KAR files, I export them as MIDI files from Musescore

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #6
Dear Roycee,

You can just drag a .KAR file in NWC. Not needed to do the detour via Musescore.
Or open it with FILE OPEN (song files). .KAR files are not in the option list but it works flawlessly  ;)


Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #8
I had a memory of importing KAR files but when I looked a few days ago I couldn't see the option - I understand now. Thank you

Re Other Programs
I can do what I want now using Musescore and NWC so I'm fine thank you. All of this is for my general education and amusement, I'm never going to be reading seriously. When I learn a new bass part at present, I put the track into Amazing Slow Downer, raise it by an octave, and adjust the EQ so all I hear is the bass line. I also use sites like Moises or Lalal Ai to produce isolated bass patterns as well - these are good for the notes but not for the feel
I'm soon going to be trying out various PDF to MIDI pieces of software so it looks I'm going to be busy!

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #9
Dear Roycee,

For learning, you could try (

It is possible to load an existing NWC file and you can play them with one specific voice outstanding. (several options possible).
It's not as good as NWC, but tweaking the voices/volumes/... so that your voice is clear without overwhelming the other voices is somewhat tricky in NWC. In you can play with settings without messing up the NWC file.
Our choir members are using this intensively to learn their voices.
In my normal NWC files I focus on clear prints and good global sound. For, I change my files so that every voice has lyrics, repeated sections are spread out ( cannot handle repeats), etc. but the adaptation for can be done in 15-30 minutes.
And most of all, the website generates the sound so that playback is not limited to Windows users.


Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #10

Thank you - will have a look at Coria

(EDIT - I don't have to delete a staff in Musescore to silence it)

It's great to have a forum like this because otherwise (as with Transpose All) you're looking for something that doesn't exist. Thanks to all

So the procedure now looks like this

Either I scan my sheet music to PDF and use a PDF to MIDI program, or I get hold of a MIDI file
I then import it into NWC if it's in the key I want or import into Musescore first and Transpose it into a simpler key. (For example, one bassline I would really like to master is in F# Major, 6 sharps and it gave me trigger thumb for a period because it involves loads of stretching - one click and it's in F or G!)
I can then play in NWC where it's nice and large on my 24" monitor, or view like a page of sheet music with sound in Musescore

One final question (for now at least) - I'm assuming that there is no way in NWC of deleting every other staff and then viewing it as a vertical piece of sheet music with sound (I know I can print it out but then there's no sound). All I have managed to do is view it scrolling sideways, not vertically. Which is fine, it's just not like the traditional method

No need to reply unless I'm wrong though


Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #11
Do you really want to delete them?
==> then simply press Ctrl-D and PageDown alternately ... see here ("Next" in the video means "Page Down"):

Or do you want to hide them? i.e., they are still in the score, and can also be heard (unless you mute them):
==> then go to Page Setup (Alt-F G) --> tab contents --> under "Visible Parts", select what you want to see.

Viewing the piece in a "paged view" (i.e. it looks as if you are turning paper pages) is not possible in NWC. One can combine tools like a PDF a viewer, a specialized MIDI listener and some more in a complicated way to do this; but it is hard work.
I present all my scores on youtube with NWC viewer, recorded with OBS (and Reaper an the background as sound engine) - this seems to be helpful for many in our choir. Here is an example:



Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #12
Either I scan my sheet music to PDF and use a PDF to MIDI program
Don't forget the possibility of xml (or, more precisely, music xml).
Using NWCCONVERTOR you can then import it in NWC keeping a lot more information than with MIDI.

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #13

Thank you - I didn't know that. I also use OBS and Reaper so I will look into that


I didn't know that either - thank you

The software I'm planning to try first does output to music xml as well so I will try that and only use midi if there are significant problems

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #14
Sorry to be late to the party.  I don't check the forum often.

Roycee :
I then import it into NWC if it's in the key I want or import into Musescore first and Transpose it into a simpler key. (For example, one bassline I would really like to master is in F# Major, 6 sharps and it gave me trigger thumb for a period because it involves loads of stretching - one click and it's in F or G!)
I can then play in NWC where it's nice and large on my 24" monitor, or view like a page of sheet music with sound in Musescore

Transposing in NWC is extremely easy.  Select the staff, then Alt-T T.  It's only a couple of key strokes.  Make sure the staff has a key signature; if the staff is in C major you may not have remembered to insert a C major key signature.  It won't show on print, but it must be there to give the program something to change to your new key signature.

To view a page of music, use Print Preview Alt F V.  You won't get playback in Print Preview, but you can see what the staff would look like when printed.

Re: Select All Staves - How To?

Reply #15
Thank you