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Topic: Convert file in NWC to Midi format (Read 3948 times) previous topic - next topic

Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Is it possible to convert a NWC format file to MIDI format so that it can be played on a device without NWC?  I know there is an app to play NWC files but that will not work in my situation.

Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #1
Of course: File -> Export will store it as MIDI file of type 0.


Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format - Delays not exported

Reply #2
... however, there is a problem with MIDI export: Delays of Breath marks, Fermatas and Caesuras are ignored.

In the attachment, there is an example MIDIWithoutDelays.nwc. The length of a quarter is 192 ticks, hence a sixteenth has 192/4 = 48 ticks. The lengths of the notes and the pauses in between therefore should be:
Code: [Select · Download]
1st quarter = 192
1st pause   =   0
2nd quarter = 192
2nd pause   =  48 (because of the Breath mark with Delay 1)
3rd quarter = 192
3rd pause   =   0
4th quarter = 192 + 2 x 48 = 288 (because of the Fermata with Delay 2)
Actually, the MIDI ticks (second column) are as follows:
Code: [Select · Download]
1, 0, Note_on_c, 0, 60, 110
1, 192, Note_on_c, 0, 60, 0     // 1st quarter             = 192
1, 192, Note_on_c, 0, 64, 110   // 1st pause = 192 - 192   =   0
1, 384, Note_on_c, 0, 64, 0     // 2nd quarter = 384 - 192 = 192
1, 384, Note_on_c, 0, 67, 110   // 2nd pause = 384 - 384   =   0 !
1, 576, Note_on_c, 0, 67, 0     // 3rd quarter = 576 - 384 = 192
1, 576, Note_on_c, 0, 72, 110   // 3rd pause = 576 - 576   =   0
1, 768, Note_on_c, 0, 72, 0     // 4th quarter = 768 - 576 = 192 !
The only method I know how to get such delays correctly into the MIDI file, is to change the tempo, which is not always easy.


Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #3
Of course: File -> Export will store it as MIDI file of type 0.
Why type 0? It's such an old format: all tracks mixed in one.
The vast majority of MIDI files is type 1: multitrack.
N.B. I NEVER met a MIDI type 2 file in many years.

Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #4
File -> Export will store it as MIDI file of type 0.
Why type 0?
NWC2 will export to Midi type 1. 

You could always open Audacity or a similar programme (I still use Creative WaveStudio online) and set it to record, then play the NWC file.  The sound should be recorded to your hard drive and you can then save it in a format that can be played back in a sound app.

If you want to use the file in another notation programme, you can convert it to MusicXML using


Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #5
hmmueller FlurmyNWC2 will export to Midi type 1. 
How?? If I export a multi-staff score, I always get files that look like this (this is from a 10-staff score of J.Rutter's Candlelight Carol, where I added a flute voice, among others):
Code: [Select · Download]
0, 0, Header, 0, 1, 192
1, 0, Start_track
1, 61632, End_track
0, 0, End_of_file
with no other track markers in between. The three "data words" are 0, 1, 192, which indicate the type, number of tracks,  and tim division. In MIDIs exported from NWC, I have never seen anything else than "Header, 0, 1, ..." here, i.e., a type 0 file.

And I am very happy that NWC exports type 0 files. For my purposes - crank organ controlling and  other "technical things" -, having all events already ordered by time in the MIDI file is very helpful. Wth a type 1 file, I'd have to collect all events and sort them with some helper program. MuseScore, for example, only exports type 1 files - a pain in the ass for such usages. I have never had any use for a multi-track file; simple separation of staves by channel is fine for me and my DAWs.


Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #6
Alt-File-Export pops out a Save As menu that offers you choices between Type 1 Midi File, Type 0 Midi File and Noteworthy Composer 1.75 File - see image attached.   I don't use midi so I can't discuss the merits of either midi type.

Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #7
I must have been absolutely blind  8) and dumb  :o  ... I have read this "Midi 0" thousands of times, and never ever concluded there would be a "Midi 1" entry there. So: THANK YOU.


Re: Convert file in NWC to Midi format

Reply #8
Welcome to my generation.  :D