... however, there is a problem with MIDI export: Delays of Breath marks, Fermatas and Caesuras are ignored.
In the attachment, there is an example MIDIWithoutDelays.nwc. The length of a quarter is 192 ticks, hence a sixteenth has 192/4 = 48 ticks. The lengths of the notes and the pauses in between therefore should be:
1st quarter = 192
1st pause = 0
2nd quarter = 192
2nd pause = 48 (because of the Breath mark with Delay 1)
3rd quarter = 192
3rd pause = 0
4th quarter = 192 + 2 x 48 = 288 (because of the Fermata with Delay 2)
Actually, the MIDI ticks (second column) are as follows:
1, 0, Note_on_c, 0, 60, 110
1, 192, Note_on_c, 0, 60, 0 // 1st quarter = 192
1, 192, Note_on_c, 0, 64, 110 // 1st pause = 192 - 192 = 0
1, 384, Note_on_c, 0, 64, 0 // 2nd quarter = 384 - 192 = 192
1, 384, Note_on_c, 0, 67, 110 // 2nd pause = 384 - 384 = 0 !
1, 576, Note_on_c, 0, 67, 0 // 3rd quarter = 576 - 384 = 192
1, 576, Note_on_c, 0, 72, 110 // 3rd pause = 576 - 576 = 0
1, 768, Note_on_c, 0, 72, 0 // 4th quarter = 768 - 576 = 192 !
The only method I know how to get such delays correctly into the MIDI file, is to change the tempo, which is not always easy.