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Attachments - Flurmy

Filename   Downloads Message Posted
'A' 200.nwc 295 "A" 200
30-60-90.nwc 767 Re: Pitch Bending 702 Re: Loss of website
adp_GlobalMod.pdf 802 Re: Relative speed changes?
Benedetta sia la madre.nwc 806 Re: PageTxtMaestro.nw
Boh.jpg 266 What does it mean?
Bug.nwc 750 Got it, at last!
Can_you_understand.nwc 782 Can you understand?
Children's game (Ugolki).nwc 736 Broken bars 623 Re: ChordPlay.nw
Clip.png 1,032 Re: A problem with the slurs
Clipboard01.jpg 1,238 Re: About Object Plugins
Clipboard01.jpg 578 Re: Is there a way to convert fermatas into tempo markers before export?
Clipboard01.jpg 422 Re: (2.0e)
Clipboard01.jpg 812 Re: Is the NWC Viewer/Player available as a webpage
Clipboard01.png 488 What is this?
Clipboard01.png 439 So, what?
Clipboard01.png 453 Key signature
Clipboard02.png 438 So, what?
Drum key.png 228 Re: Percusion
Drunken sailor.nwc 103 Lyric positioning after a new boundary
Epices.png 1,178 Object for general note range instructions?
Epices05.png 1,165 Re: Object for general note range instructions?
fl_Arpeggiate.php 933 Arpeggiate
fl_ChangeTempo.php 887 Change tempo
fl_PercussionSplit.lua 710 Re: Percussion splitter
fl_SwingTriplets.lua 146 Swing triplets
fl_TransposeChordPlay.lua 188 ChordPlay Transposer 609 Re: Spacing out endings
Formatting 521 Re: Print the score horizontally
Formatting 287 Re: lyrics of verses in a block after the score /
Ghost.nwctxt 392 Ghost note 381 Re: Ghost note
Gliss.png 1,070 Re: Arpeggiate down
Granados - Danza española n° 5.nwc 849 Ignored tempo change
IMG.jpg 530 Re: Season's greetings, merry Christmas, all the best!
Jingon.nwc 700 Re: It's that time of the year...
LasVacas.png 1,711 Re: Number notation tool
Les lacs du Connemara (2).nwc 313 Re: utilisation de segno et coda
Libertango.png 1,477 Re: Uneven ladder...
MIDIcontroller.fl.nwcuser.lua 433 MIDIcontroller
Modify 710 Re: Relative speed changes?
ms_Appoggiatura.php 820 Appoggiature
ms_ArpeggiateChord.php 821 Re: A better Arpeggiate Chord
ms_CopyHiddenAccidentals.php.txt 1,127 Re: CopyHiddenAccidentals
ms_Harmonics.php 870 Harmonics
ms_Mordent.php 964 Mordent
ms_TransposeChords.php 709 TransposeChords enhanced
ms_Trill.php 813 Re: Trilli