General Discussion / Re: Memory lost :-)
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I have fear in my heart that this forum will cease to exist or that I won’t be able to use NWC in future. I’ve probably got close to 1000 scores. I’ve stopped counting.
This is for you, hmmueller.
Would you be so kind to check it?
... For example, a 4/4 score that temporarily changes to 3/8 time.
score:save()I copied it to "fakePrintConfiguration" and tried it. It did work (i.e. save); the only thing is, I always got that popup that showed me STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR. But OKing that, it worked (when saving the score, the NWCTXT file actually changed as expected). Only if you Cancel that popup (e.g. with Esc), nothing happens. (I have a 2.75a.2)
... the second finger (2) is on the E string on the G position and the fourth finger (4) touches lightly the string on the C position so as to create the harmonic.
If I didn't miscalculate, the latter generates a G two octaves higher... but I'm asking for confimation!
Isn't it possible to correct the Musescore file, so it matches the scanned score and then export it as a mxl file and use that one as input for NWCCONVERTOR?
!NoteWorthyComposerClip(2.751,Single)These two should not be tied.
Or you may move the time signature before the RangePitchMarkers?
Are there any significant bugs in the released version that haven't been fixed? I am aware of one minor user-object-related bug that was fixed in 2.8 beta 1, but I also recall that the beta introduced a different change of behavior that broke several user tools.
Let me know if the above makes sense.
local fini = idx:sppOffset() + nwcplay.calcDurLength(idx:durationBase(t.Which == 'bottom' and 1 or idx:noteCount())) - 1At least, it seems to play both the attached scores correctly ...
Should I delete this thread?
item.Opts.Opts and item.Opts.Opts.Lyric == 'Always'Does this work over all (newer) versions of NWC, i.e., do they all have this doubled Opts? (I seem to remember that with .Text, it is sometimes necessary to check both .Text and .Text.Text). Is there a more idiomatic way to write the access to the Lyric field?