Two questions: - when I insert I see no properties. How can I get them back? - how could I increase the weight of slurs and glissando, i.e. make them thicker?
I tried several times glissando doesn't work - there is no properties to chaoose from to correctly position it. Only slurs worked and printed correctly with a slight movement that I was able to correct. But when I printed the chart into a pdf file all slurs were gone! And I need them back as pdfs my target format. What did I do wrong?
Mike, I'm using the latest version 2.75a and I have the object. If you know how to use it in different layers, I'd appreciate your help but when I tried it was limited to the single layer. I will try to dig deeper and try to find the answer Thanks
Mike, some time back you tried to help me with I have a barbershop chart that has 4 layers and I need to mark the melody transfer from Lead to Bass and then back to Lead - from the 3rd A in Leads to 4th F in Bass in m.5 and then back same measure from penultimate E to F in Lead. When I use glissando (I have it) it only connects within the same part. How can I use on two parts/layers? PS: I see glissando in Manage Objects but not in User Tool. How can I move it there?
I'm working against Finale to make a 4-part barbershop arrangement. I need to show that melody for a couple of measures goes from lead part to bass. There is a way to do in in Finale by using dashed lines. How can I do it in NWC?
Lawrie, yes, YES what we, barbershoppers affectionately call "railroad ties" is indeed Caesura! And I found it. The question now is how to get it closer to the note where break is required?
I wonder how if at all possible enter "railroad ties", like this?<Image Link> I'm not sure the image is attached - it's two parallel lines on the 5th line of the staff meaning stop and wait for direction to resume
I sing barbershop and notate in four part harmony, like this - see attached. I wonder if there is a way to identify the chords. I was told that Finale does it. Can NoteWorthy do the same?
Guys, thanks for the quick answer. Though glissando is glissando, you even write gliss on the line and melody transfer is and looks different. I see that can change the line to dash, remove the text but it does NOT go from top staff to the bottom. How can I do that?
I'm doing notations for barbershop 4-part harmony scores where occasionally the melody drops from lead to other parts which in Finale is shown by a dashed line from one staff to another, like in the attached file. I wonder if NWC creative minds came up with something similar.
Since I'm using NWC on Virtual Machine run by Parallels I cannot even convert files into pdf files, so the only way left for me currently is to produce mp3 files and listen while looking into the printed music
Any word on any possibly future app based on NW Viewer to play NWC files on iPad or iPhone? At the moment I convert them to mp3 files but would like to listen and follow the lyrics on the screen. And another related question - will Apple version ever materialize?