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Messages - FrankSit

General Discussion / to move the < to the upper side of staff
Sorry my previous topic inadvertently removed, I do not even know how to reply the posting referred to it.

The attached is the sample the < sign and dynamic in the upper side of staff, I want to make it look like the attached.
General Discussion / the fast way to key in
Hello, I am working now to key in a song sheet for our choir by providing the chord for each voice and can be listened on my YouTube channel for each voice.
My question is : on the basis of SATB, what is the fast way to key into the staff for each voice. and my 2nd question is if we already keyed the object such as dynamic variance, flow direction in the Soprano staff, should we key them also in the Alto staff, the same is true for Tenor and Bass staff,  should we key them in each staff?, because later I will layer it Soprano with Alto, and Tenor with Bass.

Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: unwanted addition
Hello Frank,

I will jump in here to explain the two whole notes you are seeing. You are correct that one note is for the soprano and one is for the alto. When two parts sing the same note and the duration is shorter, the stems are set to opposite directions so the singers can tell there are two layered notes. But since there are no stems on whole notes, they are shown offset.

To show this with layered staves, you would need to set the Extra Note Spacing of one of the whole notes to 1.3.

Thank you Mike, you explained it  clearly to me.

General Discussion / Re: unwanted addition

Did you check the Persistent Tools option I mentioned?

Thank you Lawrie, I know now. yes I did
Please bear with me, I do not know if this should be on the new topic, but maybe I just ask you about the attached. the time signature is 4/4, but why do they put 2 full notes. Does it mean one for sop and one for alto?, but if it layered should look like one full note. My 2nd question what object is no 18 in box. Sorry my English, coz in Indonesia we seldom speak English.
Anyway, are we at the same time zones?, I live in Highland, CA.

Thank you for your help,
General Discussion / unwanted addition
Hello, I entered the eighth Note, but it automatically added the sign less than "<" below the staff under the note. What was I doing wrong.

Thank you

General Discussion / position of inserted text and dynamic variance
Hello.. anyone can help me, why the position of my mf is below while in the song sheet it is in the upper of the staff (see attached) and how can we write Coda then 2nd time (to m.85)

The word Choir in the attached is just insert text of any dynamic variance or any command language in the software. More over should we type it in the upper out of the staff area? or in the staff area.

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: 3 Notes in a layered staff
Thank you Lawrie, I really appreciate your response, I will make correction and replace my video YouTube with the correct one as per your comments.

Thank you,

General Discussion / Change from mol to Chrois

I do not even know the terminology/name in English, but in Indonesia the one like be, we call it mol and the one like number sign is chrois.

How can we change it, like in the attached, I tried to make it, but there is an additional sign to naturalize the previous key signature while in the attached, it just show, the sharp sign.

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: 3 Notes in a layered staff
Thank you Lawrie for such a very comprehensive explanation, hopefully I can learn step by step, because actually I just self study all this stuff. I am not young anymore, I am 67 immigrated from Indonesia at the age of 60,  but I need to always learn and learn, and I learn also making database and website from YouTube, and I have done 1, maybe you can visit:

Again thanks to all of you, please bear with me I will still be asking what I do not know in Noteworthy, because I tried to help people to learn singing by listening to my YouTube channel to hear each voice.

General Discussion / Re: 3 Notes in a layered staff
Hi Lawrie, I tried to key in 2 notes in the same column position on alto staff, but I couldn't. I already use insert chord member, but still not successful. Could you please educate me?

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: 3 Notes in a layered staff
Hi  Lawrie, the context here is for vocal, because there are staffs for piano down below the vocal staffs. I would try to key in more than 1 note in a staff.

Thank you

General Discussion / 3 Notes in a layered staff
Hello, I am working on keying the song book. In the attached I see there are 3 notes in a layered staffs. Usually only 2, one for soprano (1st voice) and one for Alto(2nd voice).

I can I key in it, which one is for soprano and which one is for alto.

Thank you for any help.

General Discussion / extra line on lyrics
Hello, anyone can help how can I make extra line on lyric, like in the attached, after the word God and alone, there is line?

Sorry I do not know why my jpg is so large and can not be attached. but the words look like this " God___", "alone________", to make the extra line. I try to to type it on lyrics, but the line is not shown.

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: is it slur or tie
But in your case, I would ask whether you might instead enter the two parts as chords on a single staff. Then you don't need to use layers, and the flags will automatically be combined.

Mike, no, I entered it in different staff because my ultimate purpose is to let the members be able to learn each voice, so I will play it in YouTube for each voice, and they can hear it. But for printing so that it looks like the songbook, I need to layer it, As you can see in my YouTube channel, I posting my video for each voice, and the member can see each staff being played and listen to it.
Thank you for explaining the way to make the flags line up.


General Discussion / Re: is it slur or tie
Thanks to all of you. your explanation will help me a lot. As you can see in my YouTube  channel, although my skill is not enough, but I tried my best, but as you can see in the attached video in my YouTube channel , there are a lot of notes, the eight look like the sixteenth after layering. Anyone can explain how can we just it, or should we just do trial and error. We adjusted then we layer, we see if the flags still not yet looked combined we unlayered than we adjust again?

Again Thanks very much to all of you, I will still have many questions.

General Discussion / is it slur or tie
Hello, I am keying manually from the score song sheet in order for us to learn/practice our church quartet. How do I differentiate between the slur or tie, because both look the same like curve.

Thank you
General Discussion / Re: How can I attach image file
Thank you  fathafluff, You are awesome, it works like what I expected.
 I do not know yet the rule in this forum, if I wanted to ask another one, can I post it here?, or I should post in the new topic

Thank you
General Discussion / How can I attach image file
Anyone can help me how can we attach image file?, because I do not know how to combine the flags of the note, so that look like the one in my song sheet.

Thank you


Sorry I can not attach the file, it took me to the https://, when I clicked image icon on the icon bar ribbon
General Discussion / Measures number
Hello, how can I change the measure number should start from the full note per measure. Let say a song " No One Cared so much is 3/4 time signature, and the first measure is only 1 note, the 2nd measure is 4 notes, in the song sheet measure no. 1 start in the 2nd measure. but in the Noteworthy no. 1 is above the 1st measure staff. How can we make it like the one in the song sheet.

Thank you

General Discussion / Unrecognized clef
Hello... anyone can help me what kind of Clef is the one on Wayne Hooper's song book, the first staff looks like I big H. I wanted to attach the attachment which is picture to show the clef but I could not. Anyone can help me how can I attach jpg. to this email?.

Thank you
