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Messages - Opagust

General Discussion / Creating a .bat file to convert all files of a folder to NWCTXT.
I'd like to convert all my NWC files to NWCTXT.

For 1 file, I know I can do this with a command like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\nwc-conv  "nwc_folder\song.nwc" NWCTXT > "nwctxt_folder\song.nwctxt".

So what I need is a .bat file where I can specify the input and output folder and create a loop to convert every file with .nwc extension from the input folder to a .nwctxt file in the output folder.

But my knowledge of the syntax of .bat files is hidden far away in my memory.

So any help would be appreciated.
User Tools / Multitool PYNWC
In NWC you'll have to install PYNWC as 1 tool, but when invoking it, it's like a second layer: the PYNWC environment, where you have access to a number of tools that I developed using the Python programming language. The reason is that Python has several possibilities that are missing in the Lua language, of which on of the most important is the use of a flexible graphical user interface.

Within this environment you can:
 - see information about the score
 - see help information about the PYNWC environment
 - select a tool
 - see help information about the selected tool
 - see and change parameters for the selected tool
 - run the selected tool
 - see the results after running a tool (before saving)
 - save the changes to the score (if any) in the input file
 - depending on the tool:
   - save the changed score as another NWC file
   - save a generated report into a txt file
   - save a generated worksheet into a xlsx file

You can download the Windows installation file and a link to the full documentation (including installation instructions) in:
In order to download the installation file, you'll now have to be logged in.
You may use an account I created:
- username: 'NWC User'
- password: 'Usertools'
Or you can create your own account, so you can be informed of future updates.
General Discussion / Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer
Thanks Rich!

Very cool and comprehensive.
I knew about soundfonts but never got into it. But this pdf was very very useful.
I'm  now exploring the 'Top 15 free Choir Soundfonts'.

And it set me to read further about nwcitrees, and I even managed to create one (for the 'all voices.sf'), and it works.

So again: many thanks!
User Tools / Re: File Organization
In the statistics of my website I noticed that there ware recently some downloads of another tool: NWCTOOLS ENVIRONMENT.
This is a tool which is still in development. The version on my website is a test version from two months ago.
I hope I will be able to publish the final version 1.0 in the near future.
But in the mean time: if you downloaded the tesst version an tried it out: all feedback is welcome!
General Discussion / Re: Arpeggio settings in NWC2.75a
And I just did my own "undo" tests, confirming what you said. It even supports multiple undo levels (which after thinking about it, it only makes sense that this should work fine).

If you have to change to input type 'File Text' in your 'Test Toggle' tool,  instead of 'Clip Text', the undo won't do anymore.
User Tools / Re: File Organization
28/07/2020: version 1.1 added: see

- correction of a bug when reading 'localrepeatclose' bar from the inputfile.

- Added possibility to change the default location of the 'print object' via arguments in the command line of the User Tool Description window.
* Arguments (with the dashes, without the quotes, case sensitive): '-XLoc', '-YLoc', '-X', '-Y', each followed by the desired value.
* Leave a space between the argument names and the values, use no commas.
*Valid values:
   -XLoc: Left, Center, Right (default = Left)
   -YLoc: Top, Bottom (default = Top)
   -X and -Y: horizontal and vertical offset (default = 0)
* Example: With the arguments "-XLoc Left -Yloc Bottom -Y 10", the date modified will be printed at the bottom left of the page, with a vertical offset of 10.
User Tools / Re: File Organization
I’m getting an error message when I try to use that function. It asks me if I want to save the change. I say yes. And then it takes me to the screen with my score and I can’t do anything else from there except cancel. I cannot do a print preview. What am I doing wrong?
It's not sure that you did something wrong, maybe the program did (wich implies it was me that did something wrong ::) )
Have you tried it on another file with the same result?
You mention you get an error message, what does it exactly say?
Maybe you can include the file, then I can try it myself to search what causes the problem.
User Tools / Re: File Organization
Can you explain how to use the "create user objects to print date modified" option?
If you check this action, and  save the changes, a user object 'PageTxtMaestro.nw' (if not already present) and  'PageTxt.nw' with 'Page Style' = 'Modified' will be inserted in your score.
This will print the date modified in the bottom left corner of each page. If you want it to be printed at another position, you can change the PageTxt object.
I suggest you just try it and do a 'Print Review'.
General Discussion / Re: Deciding About BAK files
I've recently started having that message pop up when saving that the program is unable to save a BAK file, and do I want to save anyway (which I do). It's possible that I have changed something I shouldn't during a computer housecleaning episode.
I've had the same message and after investigating the properties of the BAK file I discovered it was read-only. When testing my tool 'File Organization' I had locked and unlocked the original nwc file. I presume that the BAK file was last created when the original file was locked.
User Tools / Re: File Organization
Thanks for developing this tool. I’m going to try it out later today.
I noticed you've been quite busy these days, but I wonder: have you already found time to try this tool?
I'm curious if it satisfies your needs.
Let me know if it can be improved.
User Tools / File Organization
The purpose of this tool is to provide a sort of 'version management'.
A possible scenario:
- When you think a draft version of your score is ready to be 'promoted' or secured,
you can register the date last modified in the File Info comments section, create a
read-only copy in a dedicated folder, with one or more suffixes added to the file
name to see at a glance the date last modified, the creation date of the copy and/or
a 'version text'.
- Then you can safely continue working with the original draft version.
- If you want to work again with the secured version, you could unlock it, or leave
it locked and create a new, writable copy in your 'working' folder. 

The tool window:
- The date modified, shown at the top of the window, is extracted from the Windows
file system.
- The 'File Info Comments' frame shows the comment section of the 'File Info' from
the input file. 
- The actions that you select in the 'Actions' frame are not accomplished until you
click one of the buttons 'Save changes' or 'Save copy'.

If you save a copy of the input file, you can add one or more suffixes:
- #m, followed by the date modified
- #c, followed by the creation date of the copy
- #v, followed by a self chosen text
(Remark: Any suffixes of the input file are not retained in the name of the copy.)
Via a popup window you can choose the folder for the copy. (Remark: If the folder
doesn't exist, you'll be ask if it should be created.)

Since the script is written in the Python programming language, it can't be run directly in the NWC Tools environment, so I have build an executable file from it (file_organization.exe) and a Windows installation file.
I can't attach it here, bt you can find the zipped installation file in my website:
In order to download the installation file, you'll now have to be logged in.
You may use an account I created:
- username: 'NWC User'
- password: 'Usertools'
Or you can create your own account, so you can be informed of future updates.
After you have downloaded that file, you can unpack and run it. It will install the tool as a Windows application. It will suggest a folder, but you can change that. Copy that folder name.
The next step is the installation in NWC:
- Open the User Tools window (via Tools/User Tool...)
- Click 'New...' and fill in the dialog box:
  - Choose e group and a name
  - In the command line, paste the folder name where the tool is installed, followed by '/file_organization.exe' (without the quotes)
   - Choose 'File Text' as Input Type
   - In the Options section: leave 'Compress Input' unchecked and chek the other ones.
- Click 'OK'
General Discussion / Re: File and Project Organization
I only see 2 concerns:
1) you would need to install a python interpreter - not really a big deal I wouldn't think.
2) it needs to be run manually each time you go to edit the file whereas an object would just happen.
1) I plan to create a windows installer for it. So after running that, the result will be an executable file.
2) It doesn't run automatically like a user object, but it can do things a user object can't do. That's the reality we have to deal with. But you won't have to run it each time you edit the file, just when you think you have a 'tentative final version'. ::)
General Discussion / Re: File and Project Organization
I have an idea for a tool I could write in the Python language, with which you could do some or all of the the following things:

- Add the 'date modified' to the File info comments.
- Insert a User Object 'PageTxt.nw'(+ PageTxtMaestro.nw, if not yet present) in the first not-hidden staff, that will print the' date modified' at the bottom left of each page.
- Save a read-only copy of the file with the date modified (or a 'blocking date'?) added as suffix to the file name.

A second (or the same tool) could take the read-only file as input, and save a new, writable version with an extra suffix to indicate the 'unblocking date'.
Tips & Tricks / Re: User Object suggestion: filesystem metadata with option to be a watermark.
I have an idea for a tool I could write in the Python language, with which you could do some or all of the the following things:

- Add the 'date modified' to the File info comments.
- Insert a User Object 'PageTxt.nw'(+ PageTxtMaestro.nw, if not yet present) in the first not-hidden staff, that will print the' date modified' at the bottom left of each page.
- Save a read-only copy of the file with the date modified (or a 'blocking date'?) added as suffix to the file name.

A second (or the same tool) could take the read-only file as input, and save a new, writable version with an extra suffix to indicate the 'unblocking date'.
User Tools / Re: AddRestMeasures
OK, Rick, I follow. One can always unhide a staff, if needed.
New version in original post
User Tools / Re: Timeout problem with Python tool
Thanks, Rick!

Checking 'Prompts for User Input' solved my problem.
Why didn't I thought about that?
But of course, you're always there to help the ignorents!

User Tools / Timeout problem with Python tool
I'm experimenting with a user tool written in Python, since I like Python more then Lua. In this tool I use the module PySimpleGui to create a popup  window to accept some user input (see attachment 'Knipsel1'). The problem is: there seems to a timeout after about 10 seconds. If nothing is entered within that time, the tool aborts (see attachment 'Knipsel2').
I use the module PySimpleGui in other Python scripts and never had that problem. So I think the timeout is generated by the user tool environment of NWC.
Is there anyone who has an idea how to solve this?
User Tools / Re: AddRestMeasures
Maybe just a single question whether to include hidden staves. Is there a way for a user tool to have a parameter passed in on the command line, so that the tool won't prompt for it when it is run? That would allow people to customize it so it doesn't ask questions that they will always answer the same.
I think that's possible. I'll look into it.
Any suggestion for the command line parameter, something like 'hidden=no'?
User Tools / Re: AddRestMeasures
Does it affect ALL inactive staves, or only the visible ones?

I ask because I use templates that often have many more staves than I might use for any particular work and filling staves I'm not going to use would be something of a nuisance I reckon.

Yes, it affects all inactive staves. May seem a nuisance, but who cares? Do you?
I could add a dialog to indicate the staves (not) to be affected, but that would make the tool less handy.
User Tools / AddRestMeasures
The reason I wrote this tool is this topic.
This tool add 'rest measures' to every visible staff that has less measures then the active staff. Each 'rest measure' contains a copy of the corresponding measure in the active staff, replacing notes, chords and restchords with rests of the same duration.
Edit 03/05/2020: hidden staves remain unchanged
Installation: download the attached script, start NWC, open any file and drag anddrop the downloaded script onto the NWC window.
User Tools / ColoringBeamsSlursTriplets.og
Quote from @fathafluff in topic Note Color Question

When I select the notes and change the color, the note heads, stems and accents change to the new color, but the beams, slurs and leger lines do not.

Thanks to the replies of @Rick G. and @hmmueller, we know there are workarounds: markers for slurs and triplets, user object beam.hmm for the beams (with the appropriate color set).

With this tool, the necessary markers and beam objects are cretaed. It contains an algorithm to determine the position and final stemlength of the beam object and the position af the triplet marker, but maybe you need to change them for an optimal result.

Installation: After downloading this tool, start NWC, open any file and drag and drop the tool onto the NWC window and confirm.

Use: Select a group of notes ( only the first note needs to be colored), and press ALt-F8 to run the tool.
User Tools / Re: ExportImportMeasures.og
Thanks Horst, for these useful remarks.

Just one small clarification: the size restriction is not on the clipboard, but on the input box of the user tool environment, during import. After some trial and error, I found that the maximum size was something above 5000 characters. Since the output size during export doesn't have that restriction, my tool now checks for that limit in the export phase (after a suggestion of you, Horst).
User Tools / Re: ExportImportMeasures.og
Version 2.0 is now available (see original post).
It has been thorougly test by Horst H., thanks!

Apart from fixing some bugs, following modifications are added:
* Extending incomplete staves, not only before, but also after the import.
* Warning at the export stage for possible exceeding the maximum length for import.
* The medley title in the commnents section should be in the last line. This is now added in the help text.
User Tools / Re: ExportImportMeasures.og
Hmm.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong but on a simple 2 staff, one lyric song I get the following error message when trying to import the results to a new file:

C:\ProgramData\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins\ExportImportMeasures.lua:121: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)

I took a quick look and I think this error occurs when the comments section in the SongInfo panel is empty. I wait for the next comments of Horst to include that change. In the mean time, maybe you can just enter something in the comments section (a space would be enough). If you retry whithout the error occurring, then my suspect was right.
User Tools / ExportImportMeasures.og
Version 2.0 is now added.
Apart from fixing some bugs, following modifications are added:
* Extending incomplete staves, not only before, but also after the import.
* Warning at the export stage for possible exceeding the maximum length for import.
* The medley title in the commnents section should be in the last line. This is now added in the help text.

* With this tool you can copy all or selected measures (of all staves), including the lyrics, and pasting them in another file. A possible use is to reassemble a medley from its separate songs.

* In order to do this, you have to run the tool from a source file to 'export' a selection or all measures.
You'll be shown an output window, which you have to copy into your clipboard.

* Then you have to rerun the tool from your 'destination file' to import (append or insert after a specified measure) the exported items . An input window will be presented where you have to paste the content of your clipboard.

* The input screen for the import seems to be limited. The tool will check if the input contains the trailer line and ends with an error message if not. In that case, use smaller selections for exporting.

* In the selection box for last measure to export, a default value of 1024 is prefilled. Leave that unchanged if you want to specify the last measure of your file.

* Linking the import staves to the corresponding staves in the destination file is done by comparing the staff labels.
If no matching is found, you'll be presented two options: specify the staff to link with, or add a new staff.
If you have specified a linking staff, you'll be asked wich label has to be withheld.

* A text marker with the song title will be added in the first imported measure of the first staff. 

*It's recommended that, before importing, you add the medley title as a line in the comments section of the Song Info window. This line should start with "MedleyTitle:", without a space.
You can start with a copy of the first song as destination file. At the fist import (of the second song), the song title of the first song will be added as a text marker in the first measure, and the medley title from the comments will be used as new song title.

* The following properties of a staff will be compared with those in its corresponding imported staff: visibility, muted, layered, ending bar, volume, stereopan, channel, play back device, instrument, default dynamic velocities and trasposition.
Difference will be reported and you have the choice to proceed or cancel. If you proceed, the propertied of the destination file will be withheld.
* Before appending or inserting the imported staves, incomplete staves in the destination file will be extended with measures containins rests, up to the insertion measure.

* If a stave contains few lyric lines than the corresponding imported staff, the number of lyric lines of the destination file will be augmented and the lower boundary increased accordingly.
* Incomplete lyric lines in the destination files will be filled with underscores, separated with blanks.