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Messages - Mike Shawaluk

General Discussion / Re: Beaming
I should mention that beam groups is one of the new features added in the latest version (2.75a). You can see a history of program changes and additions here.
General Discussion / Re: Duration parts in NwcTxt
I am probably stating something that everyone already knows, but it helps me understand NWC's behavior, as well as the editor "quirk" that Lawrie commented on.

A single (that is, non-split-stem) note can have three stem directions: up, down or automatic. However, once you beam notes, it forces their stem directions to be either up or down. Actually, in the user interface, the "stem up" and "stem down" buttons are only enabled when the first note of the beamed set is selected.  Attempting to change the stem direction of the first note in a beamed set will unbeam the notes.

A pair of split-stem notes can also have stem direction, but it is always either up or down; there is no "automatic" choice available. Depending on the duration, the note spacing can be different for up vs. down stem direction, as seen in this example:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Of course, when you beam split-stem notes, only the upper or lower notes will be beamed, depending on the stem direction, and any specified stem length will apply to both notes in the set. (Which is why Rick G. and others have generally avoided split-stem notes in favor of layering.)

Regarding the editor "quirk" that Lawrie mentioned, NWC appears to influence the automatic stem direction when you are entering split-stem chords, so that the following note will inherit the stem direction of the prior note. There also seems to be some different behavior when the durations of the upper and lower split-stem notes are different, but it is hard to describe.

I hope this has added some extra confusion to the discussion.
A separate reply about the download. A number of people (including myself) have observed/complained that when they download the file, it gets the filename "download" rather than the intended name. The URL in the download link is:

However, I think that if you change the URL to:

Then the file will be saved with the original name (although Windows might warn you that it's not a frequently downloaded file, and make you choose "Keep anyway")

I'm confused here by the time notation. Is Flurmy saying 23 minutes and 12 seconds, or 23 hours and 12 minutes? And are the rest of you saying 8 minutes or 8 seconds?

I generally would use : notation, but I realize that can be ambiguous also, unless you specify all 3 numbers.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
I was about to post the same observation that you made, re: changing o:Get('Text','Text') to o:Get('Text'). Something must have changed in the user tools API that caused a change in behavior of the Get() function.  This question would be best answered by @NoteWorthy Online , if he sees these messages.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Rather than replace the ChordPlay.nw file, I would suggest changing the name of the new file to something like ChordPlay.lp.nwcuser.lua.  This was the reason that the ID field was included in the plugin filename, so that people could create different flavors of objects. But to do this properly, you would need to request the "lp" ID (or a different one if you don't want to use your initials).
General Discussion / Re: Lyrics to ChordPlay
I did a comparison of the official ChordPlay.nw alongside Flurmy's version (which I have named ChordPlay.fl, although it appears that Flurmy never requested a plugin ID). Besides the added chord types, there are a few other enhancements/differences in the two versions, which he noted in the version header:
-- Version 1.7
-- Flurmy 2021/08/20:
--   extended the allowed chord list
--   allowed the use of the solfeggio style note/chord
--   corrected a bug that crashed the plugin if MusikChordSerif is not available
--   corrected a bug in doFontChange for the font size
I don't know whether the "bug fixes" were ever sent to @NoteWorthy Online to be incorporated into the .nw version.
General Discussion / Re: Figured Bass
I have never seen this notation before (although I live a relatively sheltered life, musically), and I agree it would be a perfect application of a user object.  I did a few searches and found a number of examples, including the Wikipedia page (here).  There seem to be several styles, so one of the first questions a potential object coder might ask is, which style(s) are needed?

And I think that playback should be left off the table (for now), unless there is something obvious I'm missing that tells how it should work.
General Discussion / Re: Favourite/preferred Soundfont(s)
One thing that hasn't been mentioned recently is that the "play to" feature of the Viewer is only available if you are running the 2.8 beta version. (I'm pretty sure that is true, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
General Discussion / Re: Multiple systems on same page
I'm attaching a copy of your file with system gaps inserted at the end of the final 3 exercises. Are the multi-measure rests part of the exercise, or did you add those to "pad out" the system so the notes wouldn't be so far apart? If they were added for padding, then you can remove them and increase the gap width accordingly.
General Discussion / Re: Multiple systems on same page
This is not too difficult to do with the current version of NWC.  You would start each system with a key and time signature, and end the system with a gap and a system break.  The gap is only necessary if the piece in question doesn't have enough measures to reach the right margin.  You can set the upper and lower margin of the staff to give you the vertical spacing you need between pieces.

If the above does not make sense, I can create an example for you.
Object Plugins / Re: (2.2)
@Flurmy has graciously made changes to that add a new parameter, to delay the start of pitch bend playback. As noted previously, the pitchbend playback code was previously added by @NoteWorthy Online , and I don't completely understand all of the code involved, so I will trust that he's done it right. If there are issues uncovered by other users, we'll have to tackle them the best we can :)

Many thanks to him for this addition!
General Discussion / Re: 2022 starts
I'm still ticked off that 2020 was such a terrible year. You have this great number like 2020, with all kinds of possibilities, and now it's ruined forever.

I too hope that 2022 is a better year than this past one has been.
Object Plugins / Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)
The small vertical bars cannot be moved to a different place - they are always at the top or bottom staff line (which makes them only usable for 5-line staffs, I guess).
Although it's unlikely that people will use these objects with number of staff lines other than 5, you can make the following code changes to make them independent of staff line count:
Code: (lua) [Select · Download]
    local sl = nwcdraw.getStaffProp('Lines')
    nwcdraw.moveTo(-0.7, math.floor((sl+1)/2)*2-3-nwc.drawpos:staffPos())
--Lower Dash
    nwcdraw.moveTo(-0.7, -1-math.floor(sl/2)*2-nwc.drawpos:staffPos())
Object Plugins / Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)
There are two signs that you are growing old. One of them is loss of memory, and I can't recall what the other one is.

I really don't remember that specific posting, although I do remember using Arial Unicode MS for certain characters that Times New Roman doesn't have.

Side note: I found the Unicode check mark character by googling "unicode check mark", so I wasn't aware that Charmap or NWC didn't show it.
Object Plugins / Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.1)
For the "English" version of the V, which looks like a "tick mark", I have used the "square root" symbol - this is not correct (see attached example from a Rutter score), but I'm right now too lazy to rebuild this with some sort of lines or beziers or whatever.
That sounds very much like a gauntlet being thrown. Let me take a look at that (I used beziers in my Arpeggio and Brace objects)
Edit: Might not have to resort to beziers after all. There is a Unicode check mark symbol that appears to be present in Times New Roman.  I'm attaching a snippet with the symbol inserted as text. Unicode character U+2713
Object Plugins / Re: PrintConfiguration (0.1)
Well, let's say that there is an error in one of the staves that needs to be corrected, and that staff is present in several of the different configurations. The composer would need to make the change to each of the saved score copies. Whereas with @hmmueller's approach, only a single score would need to be updated.

I haven't yet experimented with the new objects, but I think I see how they might be very useful.
Version 1.1.1 is now available in


    * More permissive treatment for 'line' value in the 'clef' element
    * Omitting linebreaks in 'Text' objects.
    * Bug fix in slur processing

I'm seeing the correct slur handling for the sample file I sent you, but I'm getting the same mangled |Text and |Tempo objects as before (line break inserted before |Pos)
Edit: My bad, I just realized that the sample file I sent you already had the line breaks stripped out  :-[  Let me forward a copy of the original XML that hasn't been fixed.
Hello Opagust,

I have tried out your converter on a score that I created in MuseScore some time ago for our choir, namely Randall Thompson's "Alleluia". For the most part it created a very faithful rendition, comparing side by side with the page view in MuseScore. There were a few anomalies:
  • I was informed that there were 3 unknown user objects in the score. Going to Manage Objects... I saw the unlikely names of Pos:11.612, Pos:16.046 and Pos:5.522.  Opening the nwctxt file in a text editor, I searched for these strings and found the following elements:
    Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

    Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
    |Tempo|Tempo:50|Text:Meno mosso

    Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

    It looks like your converter inserted a stray newline for those three elements.  I decided to look at the MusicXML file to see whether there were newlines after those elements, and indeed there were. I deleted the trailing newlines and reimported the score, and there were no extraneous user objects. Perhaps your converter could strip any trailing newlines from text elements to prevent this from occurring.
  • There were a few instances of incorrectly applied slurs, where the slur did not extend far enough. The slur looks correct in MuseScore, and I did not try to decode what was in the MusicXML file to see if that was causing the problem. If you wish, I can forward the .mxl file to you (along with the MuseScore score, if that helps).
Thanks again for creating this very useful tool.
General Discussion / Re: Windows 11
I would agree with the general consensus that there isn't anything in Windows 11 that would compel me to upgrade to it, plus the fact that there are a lot of Windows 10 systems that are stated to be incompatible for one reason or another. Our household has 4 other Windows 10 systems (my old Dell PC, wife's laptop and two Surface Pro tablets), all of which are not eligible for the upgrade for one reason or another.  I bought a new desktop system recently mainly because my previous system was fairly old (8 years) and I wanted a speed boost for some of my tasks. Music-wise, it was fine for NWC and most other tasks. The new computer came with Windows 11 preinstalled, and I didn't think it was worth trying to roll it back to Windows 10. There are a handful of enhancements that I find semi-useful, such as an easier way to snap task windows to different regions of my screen, but I could live without them.

There are a few new Windows 11 features that aren't 100% available yet that I'm interested in checking out once they get rolled out to the general public, including the Linux subsystem and the ability to run Android apps.
General Discussion / Re: Graphics....
OK, here's an example. The top snippet is NWC; the bottom snippet is Sibelius. Staff metrics are roughly the same. The good news here is that looking closely at the Sibelius example shows pretty clearly that its smoother appearance is the result of anti-aliasing raster graphics instead of using vector graphics, so it should be doable in NWC without a lot of recoding. Sibelius uses a better-looking font (that's easily fixable, of course). The bottom line, here, is that the NWC snippet looks amateurish compared to the Sibelius snippet. That can make a huge difference when sending music to calls for scores.
The snippets you posted are screen captures from the applications, and don't represent the score output that is printed. I agree that the NWC snippet looks a bit jagged, but that is only what you see while editing the score. Once you print the score to a PDF file, the lines won't be jagged at all. Sibelius is rendering the output in its editor differently, and that does make for a nicer appearance, but again, it's only something that is seen while editing the score.
General Discussion / Re: Graphics....
The largest concern I have about NWC's graphics is the apparent absence of any anti-aliasing at all, which shows up in the slurs, but even more so in the hairpins and beams. This is a common raster-graphics problem, but the "big three" have solved it, possibly by going to vector graphics - which would require a large-scale rewrite of the code, so I hope there's a better way.
I don't think this statement is correct. From what I can see, all of NWC's drawing objects are either TrueType fonts or line/curve objects, each of which are vector-based. If you print a score to a PDF file using an appropriate driver, you can zoom in to a ridiculous factor and see that there is no "chunkiness" that would be present if the objects were raster-based. Ultimately, when you print the score, it will need to be rasterized by the laser or ink jet printer at whatever DPI that device supports.

I don't recall what graphical subsystem is used by NWC, but I'm quite certain it handles the various elements as vectors. Perhaps someone who is more familiar with those subsystems can weigh in here.  I don't debate the various enhancements that would be nice to have (some of which I discussed above), but I don't want to see NWC's graphic subsystem unfairly discounted.

You posted a reply while I was composing this message, I'll respond to that separately.
General Discussion / Re: Graphics....
It's funny that you say that. I have dabbled with MuseScore on a few occasions, whose lyrics are entered the way you describe, and I have found it extremely frustrating to enter the lyrics that way. If I forget to type a hyphen between two syllables while I am entering the lyrics, I have to delete what I've typed and then re-enter the text with the missing hyphen. Same thing if I miss a word or type in an extra word by mistake.

I guess it's all a matter of personal preference, but I'm happy with the current form of lyric entry. I'd just like lyrics to allow some additional formatting, such as bold or italics.
General Discussion / Re: Graphics....
Here are my 2 cents (perhaps 3 cents due to inflation; maybe it needs to be a full nickel).

I agree with @hmmueller's comments on note spacing. Currently, NWC gives two options in Page Setup for note spacing: "Increase spacing for longer notes" can be on or off. It is my understanding that there are specific rules on how much space is before/after each note/rest duration and bar line, and this checkbox toggles between two different sets of rules. (If @Rick G. were still with us, he would quote those values for us now.) By using spacers (hopefully fewer than the millions suggested previously) those spacing distances can be individually overridden, but as anyone who has ever done this can attest, it's extremely tedious, plus it clutters the score appearance in Edit mode.  I think spacers are fine for individual measure tuning, but I'd prefer a better way to control the general staff appearance. One option would be to replace the current "two choice" system with a slider with perhaps 10 choices. Another option would be to have a "Custom..." submenu, that lets the individual spacing values for each duration be entered. Also, there should be an option to change the spacing in the score, in much the same way that instruments can be change by inserting an instrument object in a staff.

Another option that needs upgrading are song lyrics. Better control over line spacing, font properties like italics, and an easier way to change these values in the middle of the score, using a boundary object or something similar.

Text object placement has improved in recent versions, namely the ability to more finely control the vertical placement. However, horizontal place hasn't changed much. There are the various alignment choices that we've always had (Best Fit, Best Fit Forward, As Staff Signature, At Next Note/Bar) combine with Left/Right/Center justification, but I often find myself inserting spacers to "nudge" a dynamic into the position I want, because the available combinations of justification and alignment/placement don't give me what I want. I understand the need to maintain backward compatibility, but perhaps we need a new option that would make it easier to position text and other objects. Maybe some sort of "position with offset" option, with a +/- numeric value that lets me put the object right where I want it.

When I compare the appearance of NWC score to other programs, once thing that I tend to notice is the appearance of slurs. Native NWC note slurs are quadratic Bezier curves, which generally look fine for 2 or 3 notes when the note distance is not too great, but they start looking a bit odd when the slur distance is greater. The user object API includes the ability to draw cubic Bezier curves, which I use in the SlurCubic object. It's possible to get a much nicer looking slur with this type of curve, and I'd like it if NWC used these natively. Of course it's possible to hide a particular slur using a marker object, and then draw a SlurCubic in its place, but that gets tedious quickly.

This final suggestion is more of a convenience item than a "graphical improvement" issue, but I think there should be an easier way to align notes and slurs/ties on multiple layered staves. It has been previous suggested that a staff setting could be added which allows the slur/tie direction on layered staves to change when they are layered. Maybe there could also be a way for a layered staff to "see" the notes on the previous staff, and adjust their appearance based on them. This would be similar to how multiple note chords automatically adjust the stem length, or adjacent note heads will shift so they don't overlap.

I would welcome feedback or questions on the above.


(Edit: I corrected a few typos)
General Discussion / Re: Percussion Staff Bar Lines
Another idea. (wait for it...) A Staffsig user object that searches for all subsequent bar lines and redraws them at a specified height. Perhaps it would require them to have visibility set to None, to prevent alignment glitches,

Or better yet, a staff property setting in the next version of NWC that lets you specify the barline height for a percussion staff with a single staff line.
Thanks for the response. First, I will let you know that I got the tool to run, and I will be testing it on several MusicXML files shortly.  Next, I'll let you know what I discovered about the error.

When I examined the registry path you gave, it was empty on my system (that is, it contained only (Default) with (value not set).  I ran NWC and went to Tools > Options... > Folders and there was an entry for Object Plugins, which listed ":programdata:\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\UserPlugins". Just for fun, I highlighted this entry and clicked Modify... and then clicked OK without changing anything. I then reran RegEdit32 and lo and behold, there was now a string named UserPlugins in that key, with the expected value.  So it appears that NWC will create the string once you modify a folder value from its default. (I should mention that I recently had to reinstall Windows 10, and hence NWC, so my system was in a "clean slate" mode.)  I would suggest that if you don't find a UserPlugins string in the registry, that you could assume the default user plugin location that NWC uses.

Thanks again for the quick turnaround.

I'm getting this error when I try to run it.

(It took me a while to find the program. It would be nice if it gave the option of creating a shortcut on my desktop :) )
User Tools / Re: USERTOOL: show_all_note_names.lua
Here is a suggestion that might make some sense: rather than exclude hidden staves, would it be possible to exclude muted staves instead? I say this because I sometimes have accompaniment staves in my choral scores that I intentionally hide, but that I would want to include in an audio analysis. Likewise, I could see a visible but muted staff that I might want to exclude.

Maybe the other people in the thread can comment: does it make more sense or less sense to exclude muted staves rather than hidden ones? Perhaps both?
General Discussion / Re: Turn the stems horizontally
This should do what you want, and is only two layered staves.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|WithNextStaff:Layer|Color:Default
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:10|BoundaryBottom:10|Lines:5|Color:Default

Edit: I was originally confused by @lawrroc's message, and now I have reread it, and understand that he wanted the parts to be on their own staves, not as a chord, which I have done. @hmmueller's solution is probably more appropriate after all.
Object Plugins / Re: ChordPlay.nw
Since it appears there are more than one country that use this style of chord, perhaps a better name would be "solfeggio chords".  And then perhaps another sub-option for Si vs. Ti as the 7th note?
Object Plugins / Re: Markup.rg
A few minor comments/suggestions.

... the Markup object somehow remembers the last size of the text ...
I would remove the word "somehow". I understand that you are reverse engineering the code and it might not be obvious how it remembers the previous size, but I'd just say that it does.  It's possible that the "remembering" might be part of the plugin API.

/wwhiteout: If whiteout is the number 1, text is written in white (I wouldn't know a good use for this, actually). Setting it to 0 activates standard drawing.
(Emphasis mine)  I have used the whiteout feature in at least one of my plugins, to put a white number on a black dot in a guitar chord chart.  However, I believe that Rick has used the command as its actual namesake, to "white out" some actual notation so it can be redrawn "properly". This take careful positioning.  Anyway, you might include one or more of these examples in your manual.
Object Plugins / Re: (1.6)
Hello Mike,
Did you ever found a way to fix that?
It's hard to believe that I wrote that message 5 years ago...  The short answer is "not yet".  One of the tricky parts about a spanned slur is that there needs to be a way to specify the slur endpoints at each end of the span. Given that the slur objects are visual only, it seems easier to just notate them as two slurs.

As part of my research, I recall that there may have been something along the lines of "perhaps there will be a mechanism in NWC (next version) to make this easier". But we know where that topic leads.

Sorry I don't have better news.
Object Plugins / Re: Markup.rg
Oh, no, I didn't mean that at all. I actually considered documenting it in the past, but did not want to impinge on someone else's territory. However, I think Rick wouldn't mind us doing that now.  However, unless you discovered a nasty bug in the process, I wouldn't make any enhancements to the object; I would document it as is, making the best guess as to functionality and intent.
Object Plugins / Re: Markup.rg
I had a brief private conversation with Rick back when he wrote this object. He created it at a time when there were still relatively few objects out there, which you can see by his examples, which include an arpeggio, 8va mark, and more detailed tempo, all of which now have dedicated objects. At the time, he told me that he never expected anyone else to use the object, but he provided examples so those who were interested could see what it did and how it could be used. I opened his sample score and viewed the command string, and it only took me a few minutes to work out the basic syntax. But then I am a programmer, and reverse engineering things is what I sometimes do to solve problems.

I am paraphrasing him here, but he considered it a sort of toolbox to be able to solve one-off issues in a score, to be able to create something that NWC could not do natively. It's also worth noting that Markup.rg is a display/print only tool - it has no ability to play back. Thus, any of the examples that include extra notes or playback modification like arpeggios or 8va would have to have a hidden staff that does the playback.
Object Plugins / Re: (version 2.0)
Since I was called out (as author of in the initial post, I thought I should respond, so people know that I'm still supporting these objects.

I'm grateful for @hmmueller 's XText object, and that it's able to create the notation for this. I suspect that @Rick G. 's Markup.rg object could also be used to create this, but it seems that only Rick knew how to use his object, and he's rather busy at the moment teaching the angels to notate their scores properly.

From the comments that have been written, this notation sounds like a bit of a fringe case, and since XText works for it, I don't think it makes sense for me to further complicate by adding tied notes.
General Discussion / Re: Staff scaling
This will be a fairly short reply, since I am currently on a short vacation and my motel internet is less than robust.

@hmmueller has got it pretty much spot on, in my opinion. I appreciate the faith that some people have in my understanding of the internals of NWC but except for programming of custom objects, I don't know much more about the NWC code than most of the rest of you here. The one thing I can suggest is that if a custom object can render something in a certain scaling or way, then I would think that NWC itself should be capable of that. Version 2.75 included a number of important native improvements, like being able to position things at 0.01 staff unit precision, as well as the percentage scale factor that @hmmueller mentions. But I have no idea whether this whole idea is currently on the NWC roadmap. Or if, in fact, a road trip is currently planned. There is not currently an active beta in progress (other than the beta version posted several years ago). We will all have to wait until the author of NWC has more to say on the subject.
General Discussion / Re: Percussion
The RepeatMark object has no width of its own, and it needs to have something in the measure to reserve space. When you hide the notes (which makes sense, so only the RepeatMark object shows), the measure collapses to zero width.

One way to correct this would be to add spacers to the measures with the hidden notes.
General Discussion / Re: About NWC and W10
The only issue I have today, that I did not have under earlier Windows versions, is the inability to use MIDI In. But to be honest, I can't remember when this stopped working for me. I'm pretty sure it worked under Windows XP, but I can't remember whether I tried MIDI In when I was on Vista, 7 or 8.

And to be fair, I'm not 100% positive that my MIDI In issues are rooted in NWC. It's not currently a major concern for me, but I thought I'd mention it.
General Discussion / Re: Selectors
The linked thread has a lot of useful information about the selectors - including a message I apparently wrote 7 years ago and forgot about. Most of what I learned about selectors, I discovered by "customizing" existing ones and reverse engineering how they worked.

I wonder whether someone has already put together a "how to" that collects this information in one place and gives a few examples. A number of new selectors were created for 2.75 that include some of the plugins I created. In fact, I recall making some small changes to several of the plugins to allow them to display better within a selector. For example, if you put an in a staff with no chord after it, it used to display nothing. Now it displays a "default" arpeggio.

Currently, selectors can only be used to insert NWC notation at the current location. I always thought it would be great if there were a way to create a selector that would run a user tool. Specifically, the user tool code that is present within a particular plugin. Alas, that feature has not yet made its way into NWC.
General Discussion / Re: A "0" errant artifact appears in this piece when printed or print previewed.
Can you share the actual NWC score with us? I'm sure one of us can find the reason for the artifact if we had the actual score to look at.

I have a possible explanation for the extra character: is it possible that there is an "0" text later in your score, that is far above the staff lines? If the measure it is in is in the following system, the text could be printed beneath the staff lines of the previous system. Does my explanation make sense?
General Discussion / Re: any tricks for tied note decrecendo or crescendo?
Well, in theory, there are applications where you might want to have a percussion crescendo/decrescendo. For example, a drum roll that you want to get gradually louder or softer.  However, those are basically tremolos, like Lawrie's vibraphone example above, and are outside of the "tied note crescendo" original question.
General Discussion / Re: Hiding objects on a staff
I'm not very skilled with the use of Beam.hmm, but perhaps it could be made to do the beams, by setting the stem lengths to 0 for all notes?

For some time I have been considering a user object-based solution to n-tuplets. The approach that made the most sense to me would be to create a series of grace notes that correspond to the desired ntuplets, followed by a rest whose value is the total for the ntuplet. Then you mute the grace notes and make them and the rest invisible, and you put the object in front of them. The object would draw the notes, stems and beams, and could potentially play them also.  Does this idea/approach make any sense?

(I held off on doing this in hopes that the next version of NWC would have support for ntuplets. And also because I rarely, if ever, use >3 tuplets.)
General Discussion / Re: Warren Porter's Spacer tool
If it's not clear what @Flurmy has done, he has added a decorated bar line with Force System Break at the end of each staff. This has the effect of spreading out the measures of the final system, without requiring the use of spacers. Since there is no notation after the system break, a new system is not generated or printed.

In practice, you only need to add a system break barline to the topmost staff, but adding one to each staff will look nicer in the editor. This workaround is documented in the official Noteworthy Composer FAQ, which you can find here
General Discussion / Re: Warren Porter's Spacer tool
Most of the time, I find that I only need to add spacers to a single staff in order to get things properly spaced, although there are times when an extra spacer or two is needed on one or more of the other staves. There is probably some rule which would describe how or when this is needed, but I've never quite figured it out.
General Discussion / Re: Custom Templates in NWC 1.75
Hi Mike
Strictly speaking, it's not NWC2's exporting to MIDI that is the problem.  NWC2 doesn't like a string of Instrument changes with no notes between them.  This thread explains:
Thanks for the reminder. I should have remembered this, since I did participate on that other thread.

I will let Lawry and Flurmy continue helping you with the custom template thing in NWC 1.75. Perhaps in the background, we'll figure out a way to correct the NWC 2.75 MIDI export behavior so it handles program changes more consistently.