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Topic: RepeatMark.test (0.5) (Read 14398 times) previous topic - next topic

RepeatMark.test (0.5)

I have taken over Mike's code from that thread (

The main selection is the "Repeat Type", which can be
  • Single - for a one-bar "simile sign" (centered in the bar) and/or a counting label
  • Double - for a two-bar "simile sign" right over the bar line and/or also a counting label
  • Double with 2 - for a two-bar "simile sign" with a 2 above it (a counting label is possible, but confusing in this case)

The label can have one of two formats - either selected manually or automatically:
  • "Plain" shows the repetition label unadorned;
  • "Parentheses" shows it between (..);
  • "Default" is "Plain" for the two "Double" types and "Parentheses" for type "Single".

The label controls whether it and the sign are visible:
  • 0 - no label, sign is visible
  • > 0 - both label and sign are visible
  • < 0 - label shown (without the minus), but sign is invisible

Additionally, there are some more format options for the label.

For reference, those who have access to E.Gould's "Behind Bars" can look up the rules on pp. 233 and 578.

For convenience, there is a user tool with two "actions" Double and Single to quickly create repeat marks for multiple bars. The three following animated GIFs show three examples of working with the user tool; on the right side, you can see the keys I pressed (I do not use the mouse with NWC).

The GIFs might be a little confusing first, but if you watch them for a few rounds (they loop endlessly) and look at the pressed keys and maybe try them out in NWC, you'll find out how that works - and how quick it works.

There are three very useful initial label values for the user tool (which are all shown in the demos above):
  • 2 - this is useful when one wants customary marks that start with label 2; the selection is from the first repetition onwards.
  • -1 - this is useful when creating "B.B." style marks, i.e., where the initial segment gets label 1; the selection must include that initial segment.
  • 0 - if one does not want any labels (e.g. if the repeat count is only 2 or 3); the selection is from the first repetition onwards.
Other values might also be useful (see e.g. value -5 in one of the examples). There is no user-tool support for non-contiguous labels (e.g., only every second or fourth label); if you need that, just set the labels of some objects to zero afterwards.

Many thanks, of course, go to Mike for his previous version of this tool!; and to David for a long and ongoing list of comments - I believe that the current tool can do everything he wants, and rather quickly - but also everything to fulfil the "B.B." requirements.


Re: RepeatMark.test (0.4)

Reply #1
In a thread in a German forum, there was a longer discussion about these symbols (they are called "Faulenzer" in German, meaning about "lazy guys"). Even if you cannot read German, the photos from various newer and older music dictionaries are interesting ... (and no, I do not plan to support all these various symbols).

Also, Unicode contains these symbols at codepoints 1D10D...1D10F.


Re: RepeatMark.test (0.4)

Reply #2
I like the single bar repeat label best with the brackets, thank you for making that the default.

In the charts I encounter, the double bar repeat sign usually includes the numeral 2 reight over it, just above the clef- see the attached image. There doesn't seem to be a consistent rule - Finale has it (see ( but other online sources don't ( see
  • Since there might not be a rule, maybe you can provide two versions of the double measure repeat sign, one with and one without the number 2?
  • If the user chooses to use the number 2 as part of the repeat sign, the numerical label may confuse things and may be covered up by it.

If I understand it correctly, all the tool does is insert a nicely placed single or double measure repeat sign, with or without a label.  It doesn't reset the visibility of the pasted bars, nor does the label increment if the user wants to use labels.  The tool is useful,for sure, but am I missing something?

A comping slash (  / ) choice with this tool would be a nice enhancement - the slash is consistent with the single and double measure repeats and it is encountered often enough to automate it too, rather than create it with text, in the right font and font style, centred and placed "at next note." You find the comp symbol in old jazz charts for instrumets like banjo and rhythm guitar.  It's easy enough to write these slashes with text, placed at the next note, so it's not essential to add it, but if you can, it would be a nice touch.

(your RepeatMarkExample3FromBehindBars.nwctxt illustrates the tremolo rather than repeat marks.)

Re: RepeatMark.test (0.4)

Reply #3
Version 0.5 has a third style "Double with 2", according to David's and my observations that this is a typical notation.
In the user tool, this style is automatically used if (a) action "Double" is selected and (b) Label is set to 0.

(In principle, one could have the 2 and, additionally, a counting label ... this would definitely be strange, but it can be selected - the label will have to move mightly upwards ... ).

If I understand it correctly, all the tool does is insert a nicely placed single or double measure repeat sign, with or without a label.  It doesn't reset the visibility of the pasted bars, nor does the label increment if the user wants to use labels.  The tool is useful,for sure, but am I missing something?

It does all of that - see the three animated GIFs: notes become invisible, and the labels over the bars are (e.g.) 2, 3, 4 after a single <enter> hit. Or don't I understand your remark?
// Edit: What it does not do is that it takes over a previous label + 1 if one starts it anew. But I do not see that as an important usecase - usually, you would always select all bars together and add the signs in a single user tool execution; if you want to "continue counting", you can just type in the next number label (as in the line break example, i.e., the first animated GIF).

A comping slash (  / ) choice with this tool would be a nice enhancement ...
Yes - this is the logical next step. However, the logic is quite distinct, as this is not a "per bar(s)" thing, but "per beat" or something like that. Also, I have never seen numbers with this. Me thinks that this would be another plugin ...

(your RepeatMarkExample3FromBehindBars.nwctxt illustrates the tremolo rather than repeat marks.)
I (and B.B.) also subsume any repeat counters above any repeated thing, even without the marks, under this, mostly because placement of such a label is "already there". However, I see that the name RepeatMark is really misleading here - "RepeatIndicator"? seems too convoluted ... "SimileHint"? ... any other ideas?


Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #4
I must be doing something wrong.

Applying the user tool to three measures,I get this message (STDERR):
C:\Users\Steve\Downloads\RepeatMark.test.nwcuser.lua:62: attempt to concatenate upvalue 'userObjTypeName' (a nil value).

Here's the STDIN:


Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #5
I'm pretty sure this is a plug-in, not a user tool. If you are not familiar with installing plugins, please check this thread for more information.

Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #6
Mike -

Thank you!

Wish I had time to be a super user. But thanks to folks like you and the original RepeatMarks author, I don't have to be.

- Steve

Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #7
I'm getting caught up on this plug-in and am happy with the results. I have a question: is there a quick way to undo the action once you have already run it? This is in case you decided to change your score.

Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #8
I am having trouble with the simile marks. When I extract the percussion part from the entire score, they seem to pile up on top of each other, instead of being nicely spread out. I am confused why this is happening, since they look fine with all the other parts are present.

Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #9
I just saw your question. Hm ... could you share (part of) your score? (and yes, NWC formatting of symbols via user objects has it's problems ...). How do you extract the parts?



Re: RepeatMark.test (0.5)

Reply #10
Mike answered me on a different thread, and it was because I had not used any insert spacers alongside the mark. Once I did so, the problem was solved. Thanks for finally finding the question and responding with offers of help, though.  :D