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Topic: How do I print out tremolos? (Read 7979 times) previous topic - next topic

How do I print out tremolos?

Its quite some time since I last used Boxmarks to print out tremolos in shorthand form and I've completely forgotten how to do it. Could someone please explain the procedure from beginning to end, starting with the downloading of Boxmarks and setting them up inside Noteworthy.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #1

You can get Boxmarks and its update, Boxmark2 at  There's also Lawrie Pardy's Pardy Pack, which has the same symbols, stylized a bit.

You should be able to unzip the fonts or copy them into your fonts folder (it's been so long since I've done it, I don't really remember exactly what the steps are - this topic should help: )

Once the fonts are in your system, open your NWC file and go to Page Setup/Fonts.  There's a dialogue box; move to User1 or whichever one you wish to use, click Modify and you'll see a menu of the fonts available to use. Don't forget to set the font size too.

Your tremolo sign will just be a single text character. 

Close your Page Setup box and go to just to the left of the note you want to have the tremolo on.  Press X for text, choose the font you modified, and use the character map to find the tremolo sign.  Before closing the text dialogue, click the Placement tab, set justification to Center and set Alignment to At Next Note/Bar.

(The user fonts have to be set for each song file.)

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #2
You will also need to mute the displayed staff and play a hidden staff that will have your repeated 32nd or 64th notes.
Since 1998

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #3
Many thanks for those tips David & Warren. Yes I had remembered about the hidden and muted staves but I couldn't remember all the technical bits.


Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #4
Sorry I'm so thick these days, but I am approaching my 84th birthday and I've still no idea how to add extra fonts to Noteworthy. Could someone please virtually hold my had while I attempt to grab hold of the Boxmarks font or any other one that will produce the necessary bars across the note tail to represent a tremolo.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #5
Start here: in Scriptorium helpful files.  Once installed you can modify a "User n" font to be Boxmark2 and change the size if necessary (probably will be).  To insert, press x for text, choose the display font and character map to pick out what you need.

Since 1998

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #7
John, what version of NWC are you using? There may be slightly different instructions if you are using an earlier version (the current version is 2.51) Also, did you download it, or did you order it on a CD? This makes a difference, because if you ordered it on a CD, you may already have the Pardypack, which includes extra fonts, some of which have the tremolo character. It will be easier to hold your hand through the process if we know these things.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #8
Many thanks Warren, Richard and William. I'll do what you say and try my luck. I had been experimenting with multiple dashes and equals signs from my keyboard but I could not find away of moving them laterally so that they all stacked up one above the other.
 On advice from this forum, I downloaded version 2.51a a few days ago and now I can't find the usual notes in the notes tool bar. All there seems to be is a red note symbol which gives alternative fancy note heads that I don't need and a black note symbol which produces a sub menu of different sized notes. I like to be able to click on a particular sized note before inserting it at the appropriate place on the stave, as I have been doing for the last 18 or so years.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #9
Many thanks Warren, Richard and William. I'll do what you say and try my luck. I had been experimenting with multiple dashes and equals signs from my keyboard but I could not find away of moving them laterally so that they all stacked up one above the other.
 On advice from this forum, I downloaded version 2.51a a few days ago and now I can't find the usual notes in the notes tool bar. All there seems to be is a red note symbol which gives alternative fancy note heads that I don't need and a black note symbol which produces a sub menu of different sized notes. I like to be able to click on a particular sized note before inserting it at the appropriate place on the stave, as I have been doing for the last 18 or so years.

Hi John,

As part of the newer version, there are new "selector" buttons which allow for more compact toolbars, and the default toolbars are now using these in place of the previous individual duration buttons. However, the previous note buttons (one per duration) are still available, and can be added back to the toolbar. You only need to do this once, and they will be present when you rerun the program. Here is how to add them:

1. Go to View > Toolbars..., and on the window that opens, click the Customize... button. This will open the Customize Toolbars window.
2. We'll assume you want to add the buttons to the bottom of the Notes toolbar. So, first choose the "Notes" toolbar at the top, and scroll the "Active tools" slider to the bottom and click on the "Insert Chord Member" row.
3. Scroll the "Available tools" slider down until you see "Note1: Whole", "Note2: Half" and so forth up to "Note7: 64th". Highlight each of the Note* rows and click the "-->" button, which will move each to the "Active tools" section.
4. When you are finished, click the "Close" button. You should now have the old note duration buttons back.

There are more details on the Customize Toolbars function in the program's help file, but hopefully this will get things back on track for you.


Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #10
Downloading 2.51, while an excellent way to get the program, doesn't give you the Pardypack suite of fonts. I highly recommend that you install it. You can find an installer here:

Downloading and running the file setup_PardyFontPack.exe should install the fonts on your computer (I haven't actually tried this; I got my copies back before the installer was created). Lawrie Pardy's fonts have everything Boxmarks does and more, and the fonts work better with NWC than Boxmarks fonts do. Those that duplicate Boxmarks characters use the same character code, so scores you've used Boxmarks on will work with the Pardypack fonts.

Once you have the Pardypack fonts installed, the procedure for using them is:

(1) Click Page Setup (the open book in the button bar: also available on the File menu).
(2) Click on the Fonts tab at the top of the Page Setup dialog box.
(3) Click one of the User fonts (if you have no other user fonts in use for the file you're working with, "User 1" should be available and will be the easiest to find). The name of the font ("User #") should highlight.
(4) Click the Modify button at the bottom of the dialog box.
(5) Choose the MusikDings font from the font list that comes up (it's likely to show up in the list as a boxed capital M, several illegible characters, a boxed capital D, some more illegible characters, a boxed capital S, and still more illegible characters).
(6) Click OK.

To use the font:

(1) Press the X key on your keyboard to bring up the text dialog box. (I think you already know how to do this.)
(2) Click anywhere in the "Display Font" box and choose whichever user font you placed the MusikDings font in from the drop-down list that results.
(3) Click the Char Map button. Choose the character you want from the table that pops up. Click OK.

That should do the job. Remember that you can move text objects up and down by highlighting them (or highlighting their anchor, if Preserve Width is unchecked on the "Placement" tab) and pressing<Ctrl><up arrow> or <Ctrl><down arrow>. For tremelos you should probably use the "at next note/bar" justification choice on the Placement tab. You can also adjust the horizontal position by adding spaces before the character in the text dialog box - or after the character, if you've used right justification.

Hope all this helps -


Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #11
Many thanks for your latest helpful  messages Mike and William. Thanks to your tip Mike, about toolbars, I now have my old friends the semibreve through to the hemidemisemiquaver once again at my disposal! I think I'll wait until tomorrow night before tackling the Pardypack William. One other thing I have forgotten though is how to hide staves.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #12
Many thanks for your latest helpful  messages Mike and William. Thanks to your tip Mike, about toolbars, I now have my old friends the semibreve through to the hemidemisemiquaver once again at my disposal! I think I'll wait until tomorrow night before tackling the Pardypack William. One other thing I have forgotten though is how to hide staves.
On the page setup - the first "page" has the names of the staff.  Normally they all have "x" in the box next to the staff name. To hide the staff, click on the box to remove the "x", and you have hidden the staff.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #13
Many thanks Susanna for that reminder. I had a feeling it worked something like that.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #14
Thanks once again Bill, for all those detailed instructions and also many thanks, Laurie for compiling your Pardy Pack. However, I'm still having great difficulty in adjusting the horizontal position of the 3 sloping lines so that they always go straight across the middle of the note tail. Maybe Noteworthy 3 will be able to implement tremolos and trills directly from their shorthand forms like the more expensive notation programs do; but I doubt if that will happen in my lifetime!

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #15
 However, I'm still having great difficulty in adjusting the horizontal position of the 3 sloping lines so that they always go straight across the middle of the note tail.
For tremolos,I usually set the placement to Centre'd at next note/bar.  Sometimes it is useful to pad the text edxpression with a space or 2, either before or after the required character, though I haven't felt it necessary to do with tremolos.  
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #16
For tremolos you should probably use the "at next note/bar" justification choice on the Placement tab. You can also adjust the horizontal position by adding spaces before the character in the text dialog box - or after the character, if you've used right justification. [emphasis added]

Just a little reminder....<smile>


Re: How do I print out tremolos?

Reply #17
Many thanks, Lawrie & Bill, for those extra tips. I must try harder in future!