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Topic: Compound Auto-beam (Read 8579 times) previous topic - next topic

Compound Auto-beam

Hi friends,

Compound auto-beam has stopped beaming since the last update (or the one right before that, not sure). No error message is returned, it apparently runs, yet it does nothing :(

Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #1
Welcome back, it's been a long time!

Please supply a sample of the problem - and which version of NWC  you now are using,
so the clever people can try to help you
and I can learn what Compound Auto-Beam is.)

Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #2
Compound auto-beam has stopped beaming since the last update ... No error message is returned, it apparently runs, yet it does nothing
Seems to work for me. Using:
7/8=3,2,2 2/4=2
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
Does what I expect. You must include the time sig in your selection. The Tool does not seem to get it from the "Fake" items.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #3
Hi Ertugrul,

Long time no hear. Hope all is well with you.

Just to say that it still works OK for me too.

I was going to point you to the instructions in the Scripto, but I see that you helped Andrew with an improvement and so it would seem that you must know how it works .

Perhaps the only thing worth reminding you, apart from Rick's comments, is that it won't re-beam anything that's already beamed.
So if you have previously manually  beamed some notes, you may have problems.

(Haymo, it's a user tool written by Andrew Purdam in PHP that allows you to beam where there are complex time signatures such as 7/8 or 13/8 and so on).


Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #4
Thank you, all.
Rick's sample works beautifully -
This is a welcome tutorial for me.

Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #6
Thanks guys. Tried Rick's example and it worked. I was trying to use it on a selection (which I remember used to work) and it didn't work. Apparently I have to use it on the entire staff.

PS: Always updating to the latest NWC ;)

Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #7
You are welcome.

Apparently I have to use it on the entire staff.
No, you can use it on a selection. It won't do anything until it sees a matching TimeSig. If necessary, insert a TimeSig at the beginning of your selection and remove it after running the tool. This is not new behavior.
Registered user since 1996


Re: Compound Auto-beam

Reply #8
That must be it Rick, thank you very much :) I gave a longish break to typesetting stuff for printout and evidently that detail slipped my mind.

It's good to be somewhat active again, though I had been silently lurking all the time ^^