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Topic: How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting) (Read 3379 times) previous topic - next topic

How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting)

Nothing to do with NWC, but this link will interest many NWC users.  It's an animated manuscript playing a single musical sequence played front to back and then back to front.

Re: How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting)

Reply #1
Very cool!  Thanks David.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting)

Reply #2
Many thanks!  Just posted the link to the video on Facebook.
Since 1998

Re: How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting)

Reply #3
Wonderful! I've copied Warren's example.

Re: How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting)

Reply #4
Thank you David! It's really fantastic. It's a further proof of the genious Bach. I'm spreading this link among all my contacts. It's a further proof of the genious Bach.

Re: How a Bach canon works (nothing to do with NWC, but musically interesting)

Reply #5
You can check it out yourself; it is available on Scriptorium.  Create a new staff, copy one of the existing staves to it, force accidentals, run the retrograde tool, then audit enharmonic spelling.  Compare the result with the existing staff--does anything look familiar?
Since 1998