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Topic: Set Upper Boundary too small and text goes off the screen (Read 2602 times) previous topic - next topic

Set Upper Boundary too small and text goes off the screen

I placed instructional text above the top staff using Insert Text.  It's Staff Position is at 18.

If I set the Upper Boundary of the upper staff to 5 (the minimum - to squeeze as much as possible on the page) the text goes off the computer screen and is apparently inaccessible to editing thereafter,  once you save and close the file so Undo is no longer available.  This seems to be a simple glitch that could easily be corrected in the programming.

Re: Set Upper Boundary too small and text goes off the screen

Reply #1
Well, duh, I guess you can always temporarily reset the Upper Boundary to access the text.  But it's inconvenient.

Re: Set Upper Boundary too small and text goes off the screen

Reply #2
Changing Extra Margin Spacing "Above" in the Editor Options Dialog Tab sometimes helps. Or one can always use the Find Command...
Registered user since 1996

Re: Set Upper Boundary too small and text goes off the screen

Reply #3
Was just looking at the examples of the Find command.  I assume the asterisk (*) means as few or many characters to be ignored when fitting the pattern.  In the example |Dur:*8th, the asterisk is unnecessary because there will be nothing to ignore.

When using the command to find something similar to what is in the score, it can be copied to the clipboard and may look like this:

Code: [Select · Download]
If looking only for stacatto notes, it can be changed to this:
Code: [Select · Download]
That would look for any duration and attributes following Staccato would all be ignored.
Since 1998

Re: Set Upper Boundary too small and text goes off the screen

Reply #4
Supplementing Rick's reply, a text item is an easy search with Find

Control-F calls it up, choose the last option in the By Category window. 

Text Expression will highlight the first text entry after the cursor; press F3 to move from one text entry to the next until you find the one you want. 

Find highlights (selects) the text item, so all you need to do is use control-shift-enter to move it down to the height you want.

You can also edit the entry to your heart's delight with Control-E or Alt-E.